
Chapter 14

"Take her back to her room" he ordered serene, who was behind him. His Palms are on the table visibly pissed and looking forwards whilst the women behind him.

"Yes, sir" serene brains quickly reverberated suddenly alarmed at hersurroundings. The chief was pissed and that wasn't good. Whatever happened, she guessed the process wasn't smooth the way it might have anticipated. Deep down she was relieved about it not going smoothly. She couldn't fathom what would have happened if Aurora's cover was blown, 'what would happen after then' she thought, still a bit shaken. She was awakened by her thoughts when she felt something hit hard on the wall.

It was then she noted the shaman wasn't in the room.

'Did something happen?' she couldn't help but wonder.

She quickly turned the wheelchair around. Moving her hands a bit to the side and back, as She moved arurora out of the room.

Leaving the tensed scene behind.

The chief grunted. He was visibly pissed at the outcome of the shaman.

The guards returned minutes later with their head not fully bowed and a look of fear and disappointment written all over their faces.

The chief threw down some files on the table to the floor , breaking even the flower pot beside the huge painting of a woman carrying a child whilst looking up.

He was visibly pissed on the outcome. Just when he was about splashing the ink he used in scribbling on notes, he saw a note. An odd one. He remembered The shaman, hovering over this end of the table. Could he have dropped a message?

He picked it up slowly and read the content in it.

" Dịu đi"

it says.

'What the hell does that even mean' he thought to himself not quite getting the authenticity of the words.

He looked at it again. It was gone.

Just then he felt a sudden feeling overwhelmed him. Like a portion taking effect on a sick person .

He felt a feeling of calmness overwhelmed him. His agitated and tensed muscles started to calm. He exhaled taking in the new sensation. He unknowingly dropped the piece of paper, and it fell to the floor where the scattered flies he had brought down from his desk laid.


"Leave the shaman how's the prisoner?"

The stunned guard was shock to speak for a minute. And when he finally did, he decided to do just as the chief had commanded.

"He's being taken care of."

"Good." The chief nodded

He made to drop the piece of paper on the table when he realize he no longer had it in his hand. "Send for someone to clean up this mess, I'll be at the quarters in a minute." He said with a hand wave as he squat down to find the small sheet of paper.

He searched and searched but he couldn't get hold of it. All of a sudden the papers were too much and he couldn't pin point the one he had already checked. It was when two househelp had entered his office, he decided to let go of searching.

'His back was starting to hurt anyways, beside it was only a piece of paper'

He got up and made his way of the the office. Outside his office were men from his crew. Most were situated at some corners, others were talking, few were smoking. Immediately they saw him all the whispering stopped.

As soon as he stopped walking and was now standing in the middle of them all, A man walked up to the chief. He looked furious, he had dull brown eyes, his grey haired hair had nothing on his well muscular body.

"Heard you brought in a wolf?"The man questioned once he got close. Hus hands were both stashed in his pockets.

"Yes marshall, is there a problem?" The chief questioned the man named marshall.

"Let's hope not. Didn't it occur to you that bringing a wolf in here is endagering-"

The chief grunted as he turned sideways, away from him (marshall). "Best believe I have everyone's well-being in mind, Marshall. I know what I'm doing"

"Do you?" The guy marshall asked as he stepped closer matching the chief's Gaze. "Because it sure seems not to me."

The chief raised his left palm and brings it to Marshall face, and gives it a slow pat. Before pulling him closer in an aggressive manner.

"We've both had lost.."

"I clearly had more than you did"

The chief doesn't retorts to the abrupt way he cut him off, instead he continues.

"Whatever thing I do is for the sake and betterment of this pack, don't you ever forget that."

He mumbles with gritted teeth before pushing him away in the same manner he had pulled him to himself.

"Chief," Marshal called again, gaining everyone's attention once again. "Don't do it here. Don't let them come for us.

The chief pursed his lips as he let what marshall said registered in his head. "For us?" He questioned to no one in particular. "Who knows they might be amongst us. They might be-" he turns to marshal direction and mutters deadly "might be right in front of us this whole time."

Marshall knew he was trying to scare him so he would back off but he had other ideas.

"I know you want to kill him right after interrogation, but you should know. They would sense him. Especially when he is dead. It would be easier to track one of their own when its dead."

"And you know that how?" The chief asked tauntingly.

"We all fucking know that. Most of us must have forgotten because of…greed"

The chief pulled forward aiming to smack life out of an unbothered Marshall, when Marshall raised his hands in surrender.

"All I'm saying," Marshall mumbles with gritted teeth "is you take him out of this bloody place. Somewhere you can kill him and hide in await for the others. So when they come, they won't be attacking our very home and killing more of our love ones. THINK!"

The chief clenched and unclenched his fist.

He lets go of Marshall's shirt before storming out. Before he got to the doorway, he said to the men standing nearby.

"Get a van, we are moving the bloody wolf."

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