
Ch. 8 Part 2

But she couldn't sit back anymore and watch YanZhi continue to endure hardship from the family and also she just didn't know how to help him since he (YZ) was indifferent to everyone, so she thought now was the chance to do something good for him.

" okay... I'll listen to fifth and grant eldest the separation, but you're asked to be filial to your parents even after the separation " father Jun finally agreed

" father needs not worry about it, I'll give you a tael of silver every month as filial piety and I'll visit home on new years and when there's something going on at home like marriage or childbirth... I'll give my younger siblings hundred cents each for their marriage or childbirth" dollar signs appeared on grandma, father Jun, Du Shi and the second son's eyes as they heard YanZhi said he'd give them silver as filial piety... they wanted to ask for more but they knew not to push him since he was willing to give silver to the elders and hundred cents to the children, it was impossible to earn a tael of silver amount even working in town and at the docks so father quickly agreed.

" fourth, go and invite the village head so he'll help as write down the contract for the separation" the fourth ran out when father Jun ordered, Xiao Ling who was holding his breath the whole time finally breath out a sigh of relief when they came to agree in terms. They started to disperse one after the other after everything was finalized...

The fourth son knocked on the village head's house when he got there

" who's it? " a male voice sounded from the court yard as Jun Xiangli heard foot steps approaching before the door was opened from the inside

" brother Xiangli it's you? say, do you need something? " the second son of the village head asked Xiangli when he saw him... there were a total of eight people from the village head's house which is the Lu family which consisted of the village head, Lu Haitao, his wife Chen Yu Tong, his first son Lu Lixin, second son Lu Shuchang, third daughter Lu Xiao Mi, youngest ger Lu Lan Fen, the first son's wife Li Xin Yan and the granddaughter three year old Lu Meng Yao.

" Shuchang is the village head in at the moment? " Xiangli asked politely

" ah you're here for father, yes come in he's inside" Lu Shuchang stepped aside from the door way giving Xiangli a way in. Lu Shuchang led Xiangli into the house to the village head,

" I have seen the village head, aunty Chen" Xiangli cupped his hands and politely greeted the village head and his wife

" Jun Xiangli do you need something from me?" the village head nodded and asked

" village head my father sent me to call for you, eldest brother want to separate from the family so father asked for you help in writing down the terms" Xiangli politely answered which shocked the village head and his family

" YanZhi asked for a separation?" the village head asked making sure he heard right

" yes village head" Xiangli replied which made the village head's wife and daughter-in-law perked their ears up and smiled getting first seat of the upcoming gossip in the village. The village head followed Xiangli to the Jun family house, father Jun cupped his hands and greeted as soon as the village head walked into the court yard

" village head I have called you to see my joke" the village head shook his hands as father Jun embarrassedly said

" ai~ it's no joke, no joke... I just want to ask the eldest whether he is sure about this" asked the village head to YanZhi

" village head I am very sure about this" YanZhi cupped his hands and said politely

" okay let's get on with it " the village head replied and Xiangzhi brought him some papers and a brush and ink stone.

" Village head I want to please write, I Jun YanZhi am separating from the Jun family, I will pay a tael of silver every month as filial piety to my parents starting from next month. I'll pay visit to my parents on new years and when there's something going on in the family like siblings marriage or childbirth, I'll give my siblings hundred cents each when it is for their marriage or childbirth. From today onwards my parents have no rights and can not interfere in my financial situation, they can not interfere in anything my wife and I do from today onwards.... village head that's all from me" YanZhi took the lead and stated which the village head wrote all... father Jun, grandma and Du Shi were very upset to hear YanZhi say that they cannot interfere with him and his finances but they couldn't say anything to refute since they already agreed so they had to swallow in their displeasure.

" Jun family head do you have anything to add?" the village head asked father Jun.....

" erhm, I'll give the eldest two acres of lands which are the ones closer to the mountain, one farm land and one dry land... as for the money in the house there's no money, so I'm going to have to wrong the eldest. Forgive father for not being able to provide you anything other two acres of land" father Jun said in a very displeased tone, YanZhi didn't really care or wasn't expecting anything from them but he was a bit angry to hear father Jun. Out of the thirty acres of land owned by father Jun he was only willing to give him two, there were twenty farm lands and ten dry lands but YanZhi was given one each which made Xiao Ling sneered.... but he couldn't bother with that since from now on they have nothing to do with each other and he could put his plans to work. The village head made three copies of the contracts and he, father Jun and YanZhi stumped their thumbs on the contracts before taking one each for prove.

YanZhi and Xiao Ling walked the village head out after everything was settled,

" I thank the uncle Lu for his help... we'll visit Uncle Lu another day and thank him properly" they cupped their hands in gratitude as YanZhi said to the village head, the village head placed his hand on YanZhi's shoulder

" ah what's the need of thank you when you call me Uncle Lu, as your uncle of course I need to help my nephew when he needs help. YanZhi separating from family isn't a small matter, things might get hard for you in the future so you need to save money and take care of yourselves" YanZhi thanked the village head for his advice, the village head sighed and shook his head before he turned to leave.

" little wife you seem to be excited ah" YanZhi turned his head to Xiao Ling and said in a mocking tone

" of course I'm happy ah, we're finally free from them. So Xiang Gong what should we do now?" Xiao Ling excitedly asked

" there's a house at the foot of the mountain which is owned by brother Dahu, let's rent that for now and plan about building later."

" Hm " Xiao Ling nodded and followed YanZhi as they head to Wu Dahu's house

" Brother Dahu" YanZhi called out when they got to the house

" Brother Yan? come in" they walked into the house after Dahu

" brother Yan, this evening?" Dahu asked as they greeted Dahu along with his wife Zhao Fang and four to five years old son Wu Muhan

" brother Dahu, we separated from the family so we came to ask you to rent your old house at the mountain to us" YanZhi politely said making both Dahu and his wife stunned, Dahu quickly concealed his shock but his wife saved the gossip in mind thinking of sharing it with her friends

" ah that house is dilapidated, brother Yan can just take no need to pay" Dahu said but his wife was enraged to hear that

" Brother Dahu let us pay for it, that house is still standing strong just a few things to repair... we'll give you a tael for a year, how's that?" YanZhi said and stretched out his with the silver tael to Dahu, when his wife noticed he was about to reject it she quickly snatched the money out of YanZhi's hold which made Dahu turned to her in anger... he gave the key to them and YanZhi and Xiao Ling thanked him before walking out.

" did you have to do that? brother Yan is my friend and he has helped me when I was also in need when we separated from the family!" Dahu said to said to her in anger

" how can you refuse silver? you can help him back in other ways.... this time it's my fault" she said not showing a bit of remorse which made Dahu sighed not wanting to argue with her.

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