

That morning was an intense one for Gwen, she got some new permanent jewelry as punishment. As he'd promised, Alex had given her nipple piercings. And instead of some usual jewelry for those piercings, he made something completely different from her other piercings.

He made intricate thin flat golden rings that went over her nipples, covering her areolas while a pin went through the center of those rings that would go through her nub.

Needless to say, Gwen was very embarrassed by those weirdly regal piercings that were both erotic and slutty, though she didn't hate them. She actually kind of liked them.

It was a very intense session as she ended up sleeping through the whole of Saturday and only woke up in the evening since Alex had forced her to wake up for their training. He was going to make sure that she trained on time every single day and he would reward her with crazy intense sex after her training. Those two things were going to become a daily thing no matter what. Alex had the capability to make sure that it happened since he could rejuvenate her to her peak state with ease.

At this time, there was another important event that Alex encountered.

His fifth body had reached its destination. And this was a crazy one.

(A/N: Disclaimer. This world's going to get a bit dark and bloody. Viewer discretion is advised. Don't complain later.)

Alex could see from the inside of the shuttle the state of the world that he was about to arrive into.

He had one word for it. Desolate.

Even from space, it was visible as a world that had gone through something extremely destructive. Alex presumed it to have been World War 3 that completely ruined that world. He could notice a few basic green patches in a few areas, but that was it. Most of it seemed like a barren wasteland.

'This one might be interesting…' Alex thought as he entered the atmosphere and fell to the ground.

'Going by previous logic, I should fall in New York where Spider-Man would run into me…' Alex felt like this world was going to be the most brutal one yet.


The shuttle landed in the middle of an irradiated wasteland. Alex was glad that the symbiote species was extremely resilient since the huge amount of radioactive air would've probably killed him as soon as he came out of the shuttle.

He came out and took his human form.

"Well, this place got nuked, huh?" He thought as he saw miles and miles of barren wasteland. It made sense since New York was a central hub for most of the economy of not only the country but also the world. With Wall Street and everything, it was the optimal place to target alongside Washington.

"I don't think I'm going to find anyone around me if I go by normal routes…" He thought out loud as he used a new ability that he'd developed with magic. He used mana to fuel it since he was still unable to utilize Chaos Magic.

With a thought from him, a large amount of mana that he'd stored was released outward with the intention to look for some signs of life. It wasn't really accurate yet since the magic wave was going to completely ignore everything on the way and only react to someone living. That is, it could only be used to look for a singular kind of entity. With the amount of mana that it requires, it's not really an ability that Alex wanted to use regularly. At least not before making it more efficient. He decided to call the ability Mana Sense.

Soon, his Mana Sense reacted ever so slightly. The faint presence meant that the life signs weren't exactly the strongest.

'90 miles? Fuck…' Alex thought as he realized that the nearest signs of life were 90 miles away. And there wasn't a lot. It was a small group of what seemed to be 7-8 refugees.

'Maybe they're already suffering from radiation poisoning.' Alex thought as he ran at full speed toward that spot. With his speed, it was only going to take him around 15 minutes to reach his destination.

As he reached the spot, all he saw was a hatch that presumably led to an underground bunker. All around was still the same wasteland that Alex had crossed.

He didn't waste any time and turned back into the Symbiote's original body, oozing through the hatch.

There he was met with the scene of 7 people in a horrifying state. They were all gnawing on the body of presumably the eighth member of the group. And Alex was sure that they'd eaten more humans since this bunker was large enough to house at least a hundred people.

'Disgusting…' He thought, but weirdly enough he didn't feel anything at seeing this scene. He assumed that it had to do with a symbiote's mentality. It was far different from a human. Though that didn't change the fact that he thought it was disgusting and he didn't waste any time before devouring those people. 'I guess I'm what people would call a hypocrite…' Alex chuckled inwardly.

He knew that they were probably affected by radiation poisoning but it wouldn't affect him. He was pretty much immune to this kind of radiation. He could also cure people of their radiation poisoning if he wanted. It was an innate ability of his race.

Alex spent some time devouring the memories of the 7 people that he'd just devoured. Unsurprisingly, they hadn't given him any EP, it was presumably in the hundredths or even the thousandths, and the counter didn't show any decimals.

'The closest settlement is supposed to be 400 miles from here… They didn't have anything to travel with so they were stuck here and forced to resort to this, too scared to leave the bunker…' Alex digested the memories that they had.

There wasn't much useful stuff that he found except for the fact that this was definitely a Marvel earth. They had memories of the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and even the X-Men. This was probably a divergent earth from the comics. Though they didn't have any information about the superheroes' current state.

'Since Spider-Man didn't come here, I'm going to assume that he's dead in this world…' Alex completely believed in causality after going to 4 different versions of earth and encountering the same scenario. Since he didn't run into Spider-Man, that meant that Spider-Man was dead in this version of earth.

'Earth-Z.' He decided to name this earth since it was starting to get complicated. He'd also decided on monikers for the other versions of earth. He just hoped that this wasn't actually the Marvel Zombies earth. That shit was terrifying.

The one with Ghost-Spider aka Spider Gwen was Earth-65 since that was the term for it in the comics, The Amazing Spider-Man earth was going to be called Research Earth, the MCU was going to be called MCU since it's convenient, and the last earth that he was on, the farm as he called it was going to be considered as Farm Earth.

He didn't waste any more time staying in this shitty bunker and made his way to the nearest human settlement. He made sure to camouflage himself since it would serve as a slight cover. Albeit not the best cover since he would be visible to infrared cameras and any other kind of monitoring device that doesn't rely on direct sight.

"I really need to find some way to upgrade my camouflage ability… I don't want to use the EP to upgrade it…" He spoke out his thoughts as he ran to his destination while thinking about the price of the level-up for his ability.

‹Camouflage›:: Allows the user to slightly reduce their presence and change the color of their body to match the surrounding background allowing them to turn invisible to the naked eye.

‹Camouflage II›:: Allows the user to reduce their presence and change the color of their body to match the surrounding background allowing them to turn invisible to the naked eye and suppress all sounds that are made by the user. Cost: 150 EP

It would cost him 150 EP to upgrade the ability to just suppress the sounds that he made. Not to mention he didn't have 150 EP, and even if he did he wouldn't use it to upgrade camouflage when he could upgrade more useful abilities like ‹Basic Lightning Manipulation› and ‹Weak Magic Affinity›. Those abilities were his real heavy hitters.

An hour later, Alex was at his destination. He'd taken a break in the middle when he saw another similar bunker, but that one was already empty, the residents probably having left in search of supplies already.

Reaching his destination, what became visible to him was a huge wall. Easily a hundred meters tall. Clearly, it was made to keep everyone outside separate from the ones inside.

'Let's see what the deal with this place is…' Alx thought as he reached the wall. He wasn't going to scale it and instead changed into his real form, becoming a black slime. He could easily go through this kind of wall by completely liquefying the consistency of his body, turning it into an extremely fine liquid that could seep through the molecules of the wall.

It was practically impossible to completely contain a symbiote unless it was done through some sort of energy-based container. The only issue with symbiotes is that this kind of action requires extremely fine control and effort and it's not possible for a normal symbiote to do this since they don't have a complete consciousness and can't do such complicated actions.

As he got to the other side and saw the state of the place, he realized that things might be more complicated than just a post-World War Three scenario for this version of Earth.



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