
Chapter 48: Shopping part 2

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'Sample'

Techniques [sample]

Author notes -sample-

Chapter 48

Shopping part 2

"Then, how can you guarantee that this repellent will work? What if we are facing one of those strong rank 1 beasts?" Asked Siegfried.

"That won't matter. The beast repellent will be effective, no matter the individual skills of the beasts because is a type of mental attack. Only the raw strength coming from its mana level will be able to negate the effects. This is one instance where you can rely on the measuring system." The old man explained.

Siegfried noded in understanding. "Thank you for the explanation, Master Alfred."

"We'll take it. The chances of finding a ranked beast should be zero…but, you can never be too careful. That's what my father always said." Edward decided.

"Wise words, My Lord. Wise words indeed. Then, allow me to continue, I have more things to show you." The alchemist took a small red box and placed it closer to them before opening it. Inside were two small crimson-red pills.

"These are blood-replenishing pills. Injuries can be healed in many ways, but if you lose too much blood, it would be difficult even for high-quality potions to save you. "

"We'll take them too." Said Edward.

The old alchemist nodded and moved to the next item. It was a larger box, brown in color but well-built and finely decorated, it was clear that whatever was inside, was expensive.

The box was opened to reveal six small vials inside that contained some blue liquid.

Siegfried recognized those potions. He has seen them before. The healing potions that were normally used had a red tint to them. But the highest quality of the healing potion was different. Back then, only the elves had the materials to create those potions and they would rarely sell them even in exchange for great amounts of gold and precious stones.

"Healing potions." He finally spoke.

"Exactly!." Smiled the alquemist. "The high-quality ones are made with some rare ingredients that have to be imported from the State of Elixir since they only grow there. Those can be almost as effective as a rank 2 restoration pill."

'Looks like alchemy has evolved a lot during all this time. Back then, even Kings and high nobles would go crazy for those potions. Now is something that can only be compared to a rank 2 pill.' Thought Siegfried.

"Oh, those are good stuff. I have used them a few times. My older brother could get a bit rough during our training sessions.

We'll take them, of course! What else you got?" Said Edward.

"Those three things should be more than enough for your little excursion. But…" Alfred looked pensive for a moment before placing a hand inside one of the pockets of his robe.

He then removed a small package and place it on the table with utmost care.

"Inside this, is a rank 4 pill made by my master. Is a dragon-strength pill and the blood of a real dragon was used to create it. After ingesting it, one would experience a great increase in cultivation base for a short time, to the point that the user could fight someone one realm higher."

"There are dragons still around?" Asked Siegfried with disbelief.

The alchemist shook his head. "I'm afraid that they went extinct even before the founding of the Empire. Or at least that is what we can conclude from the few historical book that has survived the passing of time. However, over the years, we have found many ruins containing extinct materials but preserved well enough to be of use."

"So…" Started Edward. "What you are trying to say is that his pill will be very expensive…how much?."

The old man chuckled. "Let's see…the blood replenishing pills, the healing potions, and the beast repellent will be 460 gold coins."

Siegfried rose an eyebrow. That was no small price, but he knew that those things were going to be expensive.

"That is fine. You can send the bill to my family and your shop will receive the gold, as usual. What I want to know is how much is that last pill you showed us. I noticed that you failed to say its price."

"There is no need to be distrustful, Lord Edward. We have known each other for many years. The dragon strength pill does not belong to the Alquemy Emporium but is a personal possession of mine, so the trade will be a bit different. What I want is a golden token from your family."

Edward's expression changed after hearing the price.

"My family golden token? What are you planning on doing with that?"

"I assure you, My Lord, that I hold no nefarious purposes. I know that a golden token from one of the high-tier noble families could be used to ask almost anything from them, it is akin to owning a great favor that must be repaid. And I also know that Lord Aston gave one of those to each of his sons."

"So, you are aware of what you are asking of me. My father gave me and my brother one golden toke each. Just one, that is all we will ever get. You are asking a lot." Said Edward.

"I am aware. But this pill could save your life one day. That should be worth any price, right?... If it would ease your mind, I will tell you what I intend to ask your father in exchange for the token. Your family has in their vaults, at least one 'heavenly fountain pill'. Like the dragon strengthening pill, the heavenly fountain is a rank 4 pill and their rarity is very similar. But I know for a fact that your father will never sell it since I have already asked for it in the past."

"A heavenly fountain pill…" Edward mumbled. "I see…you want to use it in order to break into the next realm."

The old man gave a sad smile. "That is my wish, yes…I have always wanted to surpass my master, but as long as I am unable to break into the Rank 2 Magus realm, I will never be able to progress my craft any further…that pill may be my only chance to achieve it."

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