
Chapter 24: Classes

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'Sample'

Techniques [sample]

Author notes -sample-

Chapter 24


"Since we are all here now. We can start the class. In this class you will learn the basics of magical theory, in other words, you will learn how magic works. This is very important…can someone tell me why?" Quentin asked.

The pretty blonde girl rose her hand quickly.

"Yes?, Miss Monet. Go ahead." The professor allowed.

"Understanding the inner working can improve the efficiency of one's magic. Creating and using spells is mostly about being able to create a precise mental image and the more you understand about a spell, the more precise and accurate that mental image is going to be." Iria Monet answered.

The old smiled. "Very well, that was a good answer. To help with the forming of a spell, we have two great tools that we need to learn how to use." The professor looked at the girl with silver hair. "Can you name one of them, Miss Astoria?."

The other students started to murmur.

"Astoria? that's not a family name."

"So, the rumors were true…she is a commoner."

"A commoner in the elite class? what has the world come to!"

"Enough! Keep the gossip to yourself during my class. I asked Miss Astoria a question, so I only want to hear her."

"One of the tools that help cast a spell is the magical foci. The common one for Magus Apprentices is the wand, but there are many others." Astoria answered the question in an almost robotic manner.

"Correct!." Quentin gave a few claps. "Can someone name the other one?" He looked around the class for any hands rising up and then spotted one.

"Yes, Mister Artois. Go ahead."

"Chants," Charles answered dryly while giving some looks of disgust to Astoria.

"Brief…but correct." The professor admitted. "Chants are one of the components of a spell, along with wand movements and the mental image. Not all spells will require chants of course. I'm sure many of you have already tried some rank zero spells that didn't require anything like that, but more complex magic will be almost impossible to perform without the help provided by chants. You will get a more in-deep explanation of how they work in future classes."


The class ended after two hours and they had a brief break before the next class.

Edward followed Siegfried as He walked through the academy grounds.

"Our next class is alchemy. Are you excited about it?"

Siegfried rose an eyebrow.

"Why would I be excited about alchemy?"

"Because is the most interesting subject!. Well, it is to me at least. I have been studying it for years. After leaving the academy, I want to join the Alchemist Guild and become a Master Alchemist." Said Edward with excitement.

"An alchemist, uh? Never had that much interest myself. But I do see the utility of the practice." Admitted Siegfried.

"Right? You can accomplish so many things with potions that are impossible with other types of magic" Edward seemed very passionate about it.

As they walked around the campus, Siegfried could feel a lot of stares at him and heard more people murmuring.

He was starting to get annoyed. "Does everyone in the elite class receive soo much attention?"

Edward looked around to confirm what Siegfried was talking about. "Oh…that. Don't pay too much mind to the rumors, they will die down eventually."

"What rumors?" Asked Siegfried.

Edward scratched his head. "I suppose it makes sense that no one dared to speak to your face. After you passed the affinity test with a rank A fire affinity and made it to the elite class, there has been a rumor going on that you actually had a B rank affinity, so you bribed the instructors to get a higher result."

"They think I cheated to get into the elite class?" Now He understood some of the looks He was getting.

"As I said, don't worry about it, You will have plenty of time to prove them wrong." Said Edward nonchalantly.


"Okay, sit down, everyone!" The middle age plump woman with a black robe ordered the students.

"My name is Lydia Adkins, you may refer to me as Professor Adkins and I will be your alchemy instructor for the next four years."

Siegfried looked around the room, there were many wooden tables with small cauldrons on top of them. All around the classroom were cabinets filled with all sorts of ingredients, and at the end of the room was the teacher's desk.

"What kind of potion are we going to make today?!" Asked Edward.

The professor looked at him. "You will not be brewing anything for the first week. You will first learn the theory and safety procedures for-"

'This is going to be a long class…' Thought Siegfried.

After two grueling hours of safety talk and information about some of the alchemy material they will be using in the short future, they were ready for their last class of the day, combat magic.

"Now, this one should be interesting." Said, Siegfried.

"I didn't take you for a combat type of person." Said Edward while giving Siegfried a thoughtful look. Siegfried may have lost a lot of weight over the last month and a half, but at a single glance, no one could claim that He was in good shape. He was what people would call 'chubby'.

Siegfried chuckled, He could not blame Edward for making that assumption.

"Yeah...well. I am interested in most aspects of magic, but I find combat applications the most interesting ones. "

Combat classes took place in the most peculiar of buildings. Unlike the other towers, this one was a lot shorter but it also was the widest, easily three times wider than the rest. Many columns decorated the place, making it look more like an arena than an actual place of teaching.

As soon as Siegfried laid eyes on his new teacher, He was greatly surprised since the man didn't seem like a magic teacher at all.

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