
9. The Winner

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Jeremiah: LISA!

Lisa: I'm fine. I'm fine, just needed to relax a little.

George: Yeah. We could just stop for a bit; we don't know when the road will start breaking again so let's not take too long.

Aaron: Lisa, come rest your head on my shoulder.

Lisa: Thank you but I'm ok.

Jeremiah: Since it's been some time since we asked about each other and we should have regained more memories, I think we should all come clean or at least try to.

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Jeremiah: I'll go first. Remember how I said I had two kids? With the stuff I've seen, I am actually having second thoughts about them. For some reason all I can remember about them is that they loved me very much and we seemed like a happy family. Their mother was missing, I am not sure if I killed her or not. I have already started questioning myself. Maybe I'm not such a good person. All this time I have been quietly judging all of you but I am not even sure of my own self anymore.

George: That's all you can remember?

Jeremiah: Yeah, it's almost like there's more but it keeps getting out of my head.

George: Ok. Guess I'm up next. My memories include someone here and you won't guess who it is.

Aaron: Lisa?

Jeremiah: Lisa?

Lisa: Huh?

George: Wait what? How did you know?

Jeremiah: Well it was kinda obvious. I wasn't sure before but after what N said and what you just brought up, Lisa felt like the only possible answer. All of a sudden, you want to get to "know" Lisa? Pfft

George: Guess there's no hiding it now. I think we were in love in our past lives.

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Lisa: No no no. I don't remember you.

George: I might not be too sure but that's just what I think. The tickets I had were one to a movie, The Titanic. I loved that movie. That's all I know.

Lisa: Why didn't you say anything sooner?

George: Felt no need to. I thought if we were really in love, I could get you to fall in love with me again.

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George: What are YOU laughing about?

Aaron: Nothing, it's nothing. BAHAHA

Jeremiah: Yeah bro. It's nothing to feel embarrassed about.

George: I'll kill you bastards. Not now but don't worry. Aaron, have anything you want to say?

Aaron: I guess there's no hiding it now. Since we are all being honest

Aaron begins to tell everyone the real story of what happened in his house and all he told George about himself.

Lisa: You can't be serious. You killed them because you didn't like them enough?

Aaron: It was because we weren't compatible. Didn't you listen to me?

George: Here we go.

Aaron: Lisa, how about you tell us who you are. The only reason I came clean is because none of you here have the right to judge me and to be honest, I don't care what you have to say concerning my decisions. I could have stayed quiet but we are all going to remain here anyways.

Jeremiah: Ok maybe you should stop talking, Aaron.

Lisa: He's right. We might all be as twisted as he is but we just don't know it. I'll tell you what I remember but Aaron, don't expect me... even for a second, to trust you after this.

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Lisa: So about the girl I remembered, I think I had a misconception. I think the girlโ€ฆ was me. Every time I closed my eyes and opened them, she was right in front of me. I can't remember us having any conversations so I probably spent all my time talking to myself in the mirror. That's all I know for now. I can't think of any point in time George fit in my memories. Maybe the girl you were with just looked like me?

George: Nah don't worry. I could just be delusional, pretty old you know.

Lisa: Pfft, you're what? 26?

George: Well I am 25 plus the two years we have spent down here

Lisa: I can't believe you're using the mess we are in as a joke.

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Lisa: Ok guys. Let's move. We can't keep staying in this spot.

George: Wait a minute. You're smiling, aren't you?

Lisa: JERRY! Let's go

Jeremiah: Jerry? No no, wait. Before we go anywhere, I want you to come to terms with Aaron.

Lisa: And why should I?

Jeremiah: We made a pact already. We are not to judge anyone here. The first step to our peace is from here. A case where bad blood is between us will be beneficial to no one. This journey is hard enough already.

Lisa: Did you not hear the things he did to women? Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?

Jeremiah: Look, we are all disgusted by what he said but discord isn't helping anyone. Aaron?

Aaron: Yes?

Jeremiah: Is there anything you want to say?

Aaron: I honestly don't get it. Why should I bother explaining myself if I know I did nothing wrong? I strive for perfection! Well at least, I strived. Lisa, our lives are gone now. If you want to stay mad at me for all eternity because I did something that affected you in no way possible, that's fine by me. Just know that I bear no ill towards you.

Lisa: You did nothing wrong?

Jeremiah: You know what? That's enough. Let's just go.

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George: Maybe just swallow all your smart talk and say sorry next time.

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Aaron: Sorry for what?

George: Don't ask me. I'm not the crazy person.

Aaron: I just won't explain myself anymore. People like you would never understand.

George: Sure.

Jeremiah: So no one has seen anything?

Lisa: If we did, we would have said something.

Jeremiah: This is getting ridiculous. This is by far the longest we have walked.

George: We'll find it eventually. Don't worry.

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George: Where are you going??

Aaron: โ€ฆ

Jeremiah: Slow down.

Aaron: I'll get to the door first!

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Aaron: I see it! I see the door!

Jeremiah: *Huff huff*

Lisa: *Huff huff* There it is

George: Finally, no way I'm letting this guy get in first

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Lisa: Owwwwwwww

Aaron: Watch where you're going!

George: Sorry sorry.

Jeremiah: ...

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George: Why did we run again?

Jeremiah: We were following this chicken. Did you see him run? Heck my grandma could give him a run for his money.

Lisa: *huff huff*

Aaron: I don't even know why I started running to be honest.

Lisa: โ€ฆ

Jeremiah: โ€ฆ

Aaron: ...

Aaron: I'm still getting in first. I may be many things but a liar isn't one of them.

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