
Start of the Storm (1)

Everyone was confused of the Warp Storm that Clouded the System, the Extermination Force was Befuddled and Confused what is Happening....

"Let Us Head Back to Monse, our Goals is Accomplished, Contact Sir Boreale of the Blood Ravens and Governor General Stubbs about the Situation! On the Double." Alex Said to his Vox Caster and the Blood Ravens alike as They Tried to Make Contact to their respective Organization... Alex Is worried...

"This shouldn't be happening till next Week?"

"Colonel, Commander Boreale is requesting you..." as a Blood Raven Handed him a Communicator...

"++Colonel Alex What seem to be the Situation over there?++"

"++Sir Boreale, Situation is Unclear, the Orks are Exterminated (A/N: Gorgutz I know), there is No Tainted among our men, the Chaplain and Librarian that you send to assist would vouch our legality, We Need to Convene with our Men ++"

"++Understood... I would Send a Escort...++"

"++No, We need you to Assured the Population Of Monse, That the Emperor Angels are here, we must not let them into despair, We Can't risk of the Taint to fester, If Possible, Assist the Garrisons of the Gate and Irridene as they are the Only Jump points to other planets...++"

"++Understood, I will task the Current Companies that joined you and Assist your Journey to Kaurava I... It seems like there's been a Firefight in Kaurav City... I will Hold Down this Planet, Until Proper Channels are Restored...++"

"++Thanks Sir Boreale... the Emperor Protects.++"

'After all I did... was it meant for naught?' as Alex Close the Communicator...

The Vox Caster Approached him....

"Is it confirmed?"

What Came out from the Guardsmen mouth, Confirmed his fears...

"Sir... The Ecclesiarchy is Attacking Kaurav City, and Command is Having difficulties to repelling the Sisters of Battle Sir, They Claim the Entire System as Heresy and the people that didn't obey are to be put to flames, sir... what are your Orders?"

"Commence a Martial Law in Monse and Have the Arbites do it, and Protect the Gates, these are the Only Way of Transportation in this Throne Forsaken Rift storm... and also the Enemies mode of Transportation If we let our Guard down, we will not let this System Fall to the Misaligned and The Enemies of the Imperium! I will Head Back to Kaurava I to get to General Stubbs and Stop this Madness..."

Kaurav City

Once a Grand Metropolis of Imperium Ideals are met with the Fires of War, At the Start of the Storm, the Sisters of Battle marched out of the Sama District in full war gear, Making the Citizens confused, until they Aimed the Flamers to the Citizens to purge the "Filth", Making the Screams of citizens echoed the streets...

the Kaurav Garrison Went out to meet them have Doubts as they would Dare Fight against the Brides of the Emperor? Making some of them lose Morale...

General Stubbs watched as he saw that the men he trained and the City, he Raised to the Standard of Imperial glory is burned down, as the Sororitas based on the assumption that they were heretics for causing the Warp Storm... Causing the General to Retaliate for Survival...

As the Sister along with the Ecclesiarchy, Wove their way to the Dussala Precinct Imperial Guard Command Center, Some of the Guardsmen lay down their arms, while some where burn in flames for Defying the will of the Ecclesiarchy...

General Stubbs Lit his Cigar among the Guardsmen that is still loyal to him, preparing Sandbags and Gun Emplacements Facing the Entrance, he knew... he would be Sent to the Inquisition, once they Grab and interrogate him for reasons he did not know, whether he would escape with his mind Intact or worse...He stood by with his men and waited for the slaughter

He paused along with the Sororitas who was about to breach the defenses...

As they Sense something was Off in the Distance.... something filled with Rage... and Sadness?

Alex Holding a Burnt Corpse of a Child from a Burning at a Stake... Approaching the Group, accompany him was his Honor Guard, saved the Eldars that hidden themselves, Lest the Paranoia Escalates... the Blood Ravens that accompany him under orders from Force Commander Boreale, watched silently through their Helmets.... Along with the Monse Ork Extermination Battlegroup wanted to see what Alex will do...

"Why?... Why would you do this? This Child... She was innocent..." Cloud Began to Darken... and Rain felled, Splatter among the People, Rain Covered His Tears from the Sadness Drowning out the Sorrow beneath his Officer Cap, with it. removing some of the soot from the Corpse of the Child....

One of the Ecclesiarchy Came out Mocking him.... A Bishop no less

"Innocent? She was a Heretic! A Voice of the Emperor Said to me! This System must be Purged in Holy Flames By his Divine Will, You are a Heretic!" as the Crazed Bishop Stammered his Thoughts, that even the Sisters that was near Him was disgusted of what they done... they clenched their flamers as they awaited the order....

"You Heard the Voice of the Emperor? or was it a Daemon that Disguise your delusion with Piousness?"

"Heresy! You Shall be Put Down Like a Heretic you are!" as the Bishop Aimed a Bolter and Shot Alex, Perhaps to Eliminate a Threat, and not question his decisions....

The shot blasted only to be stopped by a Rosarius, given by his Partner, Gave a Blinding light as it prevented a fatal wound to Alex.... The bishop kept on shooting, hoping to eliminate the Threat... When the Bolter Ran out...

*Click Click*

"You Claimed that you have heard the Emperor Voice... But I have met him and Spoken to him, you are the true defiler of filth..." Alex Eyes Began to Radiate Gold, as if it was like normal to him...

An Avatar of the Emperor Stood Behind him, whose eyes looked at the bishop in cold eyes, along with a Living Saint, Saint Anais Appeared, whose remains was Placed in Holy Shrines of the Sama Precinct, Making Himself as a Conduit to the Emperor... making their Purges a meaningless endeavor...

"You are a False Prophet! I am Endowed with the Powers of the Ecclesiarchy! The True Emperor had spoken.... What are you doing!" as he was baffled with his people, lowered their weapons....

"He is real...This Aura...its undeniable..." wept a Sororitas...

"He is the daemon, We should... *Uggrrkk*"

A Power sword burst from behind made by a young pilgrim... whose eyes were weeping in the rain...

the Bishop Collapsed and Horde of the Faithful Fanatics Ripped his Body to shreds, in haste to please the Vassal of the Emperor... Ripping the Organs and Flesh alike in a flash, damage their nails in a process to seek redemption of their sins.... what is left of the Bishop was his Hat and his blood-stained robes...

Alex turned to the Avatar of the Emperor, Solemn and Majestic... and silent...

"Please Emperor... Please save this child soul in your grace...She has done no wrong in this Forsaken Galaxy, may she live... in a place within your grace...that is all I ask of you..." the Avatar nodded and left leaving motes of light as they surrounded the child corpse disappear with it, leaving one of Alex Eye Golden...

"Now...What will I do with you?" as he turned towards the masses of faith...


Author here: Actual Storm Incoming, Unsure when i will Write tomorrow?

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