
Wayward Son Part 2

“And who the hell are you?” Calian asked.

“Oh, excuse me, where are my manners? I’m Chester. And your name bro?”

“Calian. And I’m not your bro”.

“Calian, what kind of name is that?”

“One that’s not as basic as Chester”.

“I feel ya bro, I feel ya. You’re for sure different than the rest of them out here. But you can’t keep that to yourself”.

Calian continued to drink his McCallan 18, his face down towards the bar top. The bar top had been wiped down so Calian stared down into a reflection of himself. He could see every worry line, strand of hair, and wrinkle on his face. He took his glass of scotch and shoved it down his throat once again.

“What do you want from me?” Calian asked.

“It ain’t about what I want from you dawg. It’s about what you want for yourself”.

“Mental gymnastics will get you nowhere”.

“I got a job”.


“No seriously…I got a job. We need to move some weight of white horse”.

“I don’t have a car”.

“Don’t need it. But what you do have are muscles”.

“What makes you think that I would want to be part of your drug run?”

“Because you’re talking to me son”.

Calian moved his upper body up and looked at Chester. He inspected the guy and as Chester sat, smiled, and drank his beer. Calian looked around and saw a couple playing pool, a group of men playing darks, and some random drunk guy telling a story and using his hands in an assailing way. He looked at the clock and saw the time.

“What’s the move?”

Chester took Calian into a car. It was a black Lexus with a leather interior. Calian sat in the back seat with the driver up front. Chester had stepped outside to take care of some “matters” before starting it up with Calian. It had gotten dark outside; the temperature already had fallen. There was more of a crispness to the air. Calian’s hands were void of all warmth.

“My bad bro”. Chester said, now back in the front seat. “Shit gets annoying. But it’s all part of the game ya feel?’

“Yeah, sure”. Calian said.

“So, we got a spot nearby that’s going to be a sort of half way house. It’s secluded and shit so we shouldn’t have issues with the feds. I’ll be in and out. Sounds good?”

“Sounds good”.

“You ready for this man?”

“How much am I getting paid again?”

“Oh, no worries! We hooking you up homie!”

“Driver? Do you mind?”

The driver started the car and began their journey. Calian stared outside of the window, looking into the darkness that had begun to surround him. It was as though the trees were melted into the ground as they drove up towards the hills. The landscape did however start to look familiar to Calian as if he was experiencing déjà vu.

But alas, it was not déjà vu. It became clear to Calian that he was being taken to the hideout that he had left the tribe just hour earlier. Everything was the same as it was when he left it. He looked back down the hills and the view looked just like it did was he was there.

“Why are we coming here?” Calian asked.

“Why the hell not?” Chester asked back.

“Just a little sketchy don’t you think?”

“Nah bro, I think it’s just quiet as fuck”.

“You sure about that?”

“We good bro. Trust me, we good”.

Calian took a look at Chester and looked down towards the ground. He looked deeper into the hideout and saw that the area he directed his eyes at was empty. Chester got out of the car and led Calian inside of the hideout. Chester went to the corner where he opened what was an unknown compartment and pulled out a lantern.

“Who knew that this shit would come in handy?” Chester asked. “You could end up blind as a bat walking in this spot”.

“Who are we meeting up with?” Calian asked.

“Don’t worry my mans. I got the homie coming through”.

“I get that, but how long is this going to take?”

“You in a hurry or something? Once he gets here shit will be taken care of. In the meantime, relax”.

Calian walked away from Chester and made his way through the hideout. He glanced around and saw no signs of anyone anywhere. He then stumbled upon a part of the hideout that he had never seen before. It was an open space with a bridge that got you from one end to the next. Calian walked over it and saw Chester below.

“Nah, nah we are on track”. Chester said. “Yeah, I got the muscles. I mean bro, if we can get it all together, we should be able to be in Mexico by tomorrow night. Aight son, let’s make this happen baaaby!”

Calian stared at Chester before he walked away. He entered the other side of the bride and just about ran in Halian. Halian looked confused and a bit freaked out. Calian stood there and stared at Halian. All you could hear was the drip of a broken pipe that was still in the hideout as the two stared at each other.

“Calian…what’s going on?” Halian asked.

“I…I don’t know”.

“But who’s that guy?”

“I just met him tonight”.

“What does he want?”

“It doesn’t matter”.

“But why is he here?”

“We have to get out of here. Where’s Wiyot and Takoda?”

“I’m not sure but their nearby”.

“Go find them. I’ll deal with the guy”.

“Are you going to be okay?”

“Just go find Wiyot and Takoda!”

Halian went off as Calian stood there for a moment. He put his gaze down to ground and stared into the concrete below. He then decided to leave and made his way back down, headed to Chester. Chester had gotten off his phone and was looking outside of the hideout in a near dreamlike matter.

"You know how they say to stop and smell the roses?” Chester asked. “I think that they were right”.

What Chester was referring to was the starry night that was happening right out there. The sky was filled with shiny happy flaming balls of gas that burned thousands of miles away in the night sky. Calian took a look out as he looked at the sky and all the stars that had gathered. Off in the distance, he saw another car arrive.

“Who’s that?” Calian asked.

“That would be the other muscle”.

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