
Without A Trace Part 2

“It feels inaccurate”. Sheila said.

“Not the crew’s best work”. Jason said. “Unfortunate to be sure. But this is what we have to work with. Do you think that you two can work with this?”

“We’ll be able to make something happen”. Sheila said.

“Well, experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play. It all comes full circle”.

“What exactly do we plan on doing with the owls?” Greg asked.

“No worries Greg, we are in line with Peta’s expectations. What this is about is being able to study these creatures, understand why they are nearly extinct, and to multiple them”.

“And what if both owls are male?” Sheila asked.

“Both owls are in fact male”.

“Then how could they possibly multiple?”

“Science has come a long way”. Jason said, looking at the data that the chip had provided once more. “They may not be able to mate, but with their DNA, anything is possible”.

“You’re not telling me that cloning is what’s being toyed with?” Greg asked.

“Don’t be silly. This is not some science fiction book. But there are methods that can come close to that result”.

“Why are you being so coy Jason?”

“These things are a work in progress. Science is organized knowledge, I promise”.

“With that being said, when do you want us to start tracking the owls down?” Sheila asked.

“As soon as you two can”.

“I don’t know about Greg, but I can start tomorrow”.

“Make that the two of us”. Greg said.

“Just like old times”. Jason added. “On that note, I have some administrative matters to attend to. I’ll let you, reacquaint yourselves with one another”.

As Jason left Greg looked over to Sheila. Sheila and him made eye contact, but Sheila pulled away from him. She began to look around the control room. She started at the different computers and the four walls that surrounded her. She then went over to one of the computers and began to open up different files. Her gaze however, returned to Greg.

“So”. Greg started. “How has life been treating you?”

“By the sounds of that effort, better than you”. Sheila answered.

“You always did have more luck than me”.

“You can say that”.

“I’ve been able to reflect on a lot of things since we…parted ways. A lot of time to see where I zigged, where I zagged and when I should have zagged and not zigged”.

“Greg, do you mind?”

“Look, I made my mistakes, you made your mistakes…”

“Oh yeah? What mistakes did I make?”

“Nobody is perfect”.

“Yeah, I am well aware that you are not”.

“And since we have that established, can we move past all of this?”

“There is nothing to move past”.

“Then why are we not moving forward?”

“Because there is nothing to more forward to”.

“Yeah, denial was definitely one of your strong suits”.

“You always felt as though you had me pegged. So then tell me Greg, what is it that you have learned?”

“Level with me Sheila. We may have not been a perfect couple…”

“Understatement of the decade”.

“Please, we may not have been perfect together, but we could figure out anything together. And you know that to be true”.

Sheila opened her mouth, but no words left. She looked at Greg as closed out a file and she stood up straight. She then closed her mouth and tried to straighten herself up. Greg all the while stood there, holding space for her. Sheila then looked in Greg’s eyes, no longer needing to pull away. She then began to fuss with her lips as they formed a vowel.

“Yes, we made some great things happen”. Sheila acknowledged. “But that might as well be another lifetime ago”.

“I don’t get it”. Greg said. “Why do we have to be so stuck on the past when the future is right there?”

“Because the past is always knocking on my door”.

“Like a pesky salesperson?”

“The same type won’t leave after the I’ve said no for the fifth time”.

“You know, if the past keeps reaching back, then maybe there is something that is calling out. Something that needs to be addressed”. Greg said, getting closer to Sheila.

“Yeah, definitely maybe”. I thought after the last time we were together that would be it. But here you are, like an annoying roach”.

“Not even a nuclear bomb is gonna get rid of me baby!”

“Don’t be so eager”.

Greg looked at Sheila and could not help but smirk. Sheila smiled before she caught herself. She then put on a stern, if not annoyed expression on her face. Greg did nothing else but stand there as his smile got bigger on his face. Sheila began to loosen up a bit, although the expression on her face remained harden.

“So, hey”. Greg began. “We are going to be spending a lot of time together trying to get this done. I think it might be in the best interest of both of us to hash everything out, don’t you think?”

“What is it that you are proposing?”

“Well, it’s a bit early for that don’t you think?”

“Not cute”.

“Let’s have dinner. Just one dinner. No strings attached. We’ll just go from there”.


“Sounds good?”

“Sounds good”.

“I’ll text you the place and time, but there’s this nice seafood restaurant that I think you’ll like”.

“Just let me know so I have time to emotionally prepare”.

Sheila walked out of the room. Greg was silent as Sheila’s footsteps decreased in volume. He then did fist pumps in the air to no one. He jumped up and began to play the air guitar. He danced around the room and turned to his computer. He looked at the computer screen, saw his face and smiled.

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