We were quickly running out of time… after I came to I found out how exhausted I actually was. According to Felk, Atlas' Grandfather. He said it was nearly fatal, told me my body wasn't use to that amount of stress, pressure and work. So for the next 3 days I was confined to a bed. I was so tired that I couldn't even move, and if I tried everything would hurt. It wasn't until the fourth day that I was able to begin walking.
"So ya finally up?"
that was the first thing I heard upon opening the door to the room I was in, looking in the direction of Atlas' voice I notice him leaning with his back against the wall right next to me, he had his arms crossed, he seemed relaxed.
"Yeah thankfully, we've wasted far to much time so we should leave as soon as possible."
I was becoming increasingly anxious with the longer we waited, we did only have 2 weeks to retrieve the blue rose and make it back to Voltin.
"Yeah we'll leave, just give us a little longer, Grandpa wanted ta talk to ya."
"Alright sure, where is he?"
Felk wanted to talk to me? He had plenty of chances while I was recovering, why wait for me to feel better and waste more time?… that's very strange.
"He's out of the house right now, went in ta town."
Went in to town, how, it's quite a distance from where we are. The three of us walked for an entire day that caused me to collapse. How can someone as old as him make it into town and then back again?
"He may not lookit, but when it comes ta the wind, always bet on Grandpa." Atlas said with a smug face.
"…" I look at him still slightly confused.
"Seems like ya need some education, ya know Elemental-Type Magic right?"
"Well yeah."
I do know of it, but I'm still in the dark when it comes to how it actually works… like can you just create fire from nothing and other things from nothing, if you can I clearly see some problems that'll cause.
"Basically all ya need ta know is it's incredibly hard ta learn let alone master… and well." Atlas explained looking at me with a face of pride, not of himself however.
"Some believe Grandpa has the Wind Spirit in his possession."
Spirit? What in the hell is that… some kind of creature, I've never heard about it… wait a minute.
-A little over 6 years ago, back in Movia-
It's been quite a while and I'm yet to find another person… I've slowly been making my way through all these books that were left, they've been incredibly helpful. Teaching me how to live and all that.
"Haven't touched this one yet though…" I said as I glanced toward the bestiary still laying on the ground untouched, collecting dust.
I pat the dust off the book and begin reading it. Learning things from sheep all the way to dragons and even mythical beings, said to not even exist out in the wild.
"Huh this looks interesting."
I came across a section in the book that read 'Spirits' I decided to scan through its contents.
~Creature Class: Mythical
Lifespan: Unknown
Habitat: Unknown
Not much is known about these creatures. Whether or not they're real is still unknown, however, there are around 20 reported sightings from all corners of the world. Many people spend their entire life solely focusing on finding one of these beings.
From ancient texts found deep within dense jungles and bush speak of them as part of nature, brought here only to keep the world balance, as to not cause imbalance and destruction, therefore they stay hidden from the eyes of humans.
These texts also explained how they can see into ones soul, upon doing this it's said these creatures are able to see someones true motives, whether or not the individual knows it them-self. Perhaps those with a pure soul have made contact with a spirit and vowed to keep it secret.
For now, spirits are a mystery… but maybe one day, someone will make a discovery, that proves the existence of these creatures.~
Theres also writing at the bottom except it looks like it was rubbed away or scratched out… I couldn't make out what it said.
"Well no reason to think about it, there's other creatures I don't know yet."
-Present Day-
"But aren't spirits a myth?"
Atlas looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah it's true no one knows whether or not they exist, they're mostly just an excuse to justify someones strength."
So that's why Atlas mentioned his grandpa having a spirit, is it only because the vast majority believe he has one… wait hold on, he said 'wind spirit' what's so special about that, are they not the same thing?
"How does that make any sense though?" I asked a bit confused.
"People are idiots, when things don't make sense they use another thing that makes no sense ta make said thing make sense… it's hard ta explain."
Well that was a tongue twister if I've ever heard one… but what Atlas just said basically means everyone makes up rumors for peace of mind I guess, they don't want to believe someone could become strong with tremendous amounts of effort, kind of pathetic if you ask me.
"I see, what do you believe then?" I asked Atlas, I wanted to know if he believed in these spirits.
"Nah I think they're full of shit, grandpa earned that strength through training. I won't believe something until I see it myself."
Everything is still pretty unknown to me so I can't really offer my opinion on it right now, however, from my view I wouldn't be surprised if anythings possible. I did live my life isolated up until this point, once I help Atlas save Fraya I should shift my efforts into finding who I am, maybe find my parents… these visions I'm getting aren't helping either, as well as this eye of mine. I need time, but I'm getting the feeling I won't have much of that.
"Hey ya hungry, you've been bedridden for days, ya can finally eat with us."
"Yeah sounds good… by the way, where's Aari? I haven't seen her since we came here."
Despite being awake for those three days, only Atlas came to check on me, both Felk and Aari never came into the room… that does make me feel a bit sad but I assume they have their reasons.
"Why don't ya ask her…" Atlas said as he stepped through a door which seemed to have led into the kitchen.
Following behind him we make our way toward the table, to my surprise it was quite spacious, I could have sworn it looked a lot smaller from the outside. The room seemed to be half kitchen half lounge. There was a couch and a fire with a bookshelf next to it. The kitchen had everything you would expect.
"We just finished eating so the foods still warm." Atlas said as he placed something in front of me.
It looked plain but it smelt good, from what I could see was it had an egg, some different meats with a salad on the side, quite a lot on the plate were things I haven't seen before… despite that I've been dying to have something other than soup.
"Mmh, oh wow!" I shouted after having the first taste.
The meat an egg was warm but the salad was cold, I never would have thought that eating both at the same time would give such a refreshing taste, so much so that I could feel my body becoming more and more energized.
"Did you make this Atlas?"
There was a brief silence after saying that.
"… nah it was Aari."
As he said that, I noticed he looked a bit unsure… like he didn't know how to feel or something, maybe he feels bad, or perhaps he can't bring himself to thank her?
"Well, guess I should thank her once again—"
As I was about to finish my sentence the door to the room we were in flew open, hitting the wall causing a loud bang… it was like someone just straight kicked it with all their force.
"That was a damn good workout!"
The person who caused the disturbance was Aari, she was carrying what looked to be some sort of sword shaped object, perhaps a training sword of some sort… she also had a towel around her neck, followed with the boyish look of her clothes if she had cut her hair I may have thought it was a different person.
"Seems like you're up." She said noticing me.
"Thanks for making this, it's really good." I replied.
After saying that all she replies with is a subtle shrug with an expression that says 'why wouldn't it be'.
From the silence that followed after that short conversation it seemed that there was still a barrier between Atlas and Aari… I hope the two could get along with each other soon, but I feel like it's not my place since I know Atlas has trouble opening up to people.
"…anyway, you said Felk wanted to speak with me? When will he be back? we don't exactly have the time."
Atlas let out a slight chuckle as he leaned with his back to the wall and arms crossed, he glanced toward the window… I then looked over at Aari, she let out a sigh as she placed her hand to her face shaking of disapproval.
I looked between the two confused when all of our sudden the sound of glass shattering snapped me out of it.
"Wha!" I screamed as I was caught off guard by the noise.
"Ow! My back!"
I heard the sound of glass crunching as I looked to what had flown straight through the window… it was Felk!
"Ahhh! Are you alright!" I jumped out of the chair full of concern.
I helped Felk to his feet and made sure he kept his balance, from him holding the top his head and the visible stumbling I knew he would fall over if I let go.
"Ahahahaha!" Felk began roaring with laughter.
Why is he laughing, he almost died!
"Ah, I'm not there yet am I Atlas!" he shouted with a smile on his face.
Wait hold on… what's going on here, Atlas had now started laughing as well, Aari to had a smile on her face now. Is there something I'm missing here? Did he nearly just die or not.
"I appreciate ya concern Auric but I'm fine, this old man is stronger than ya think!"
Well seeing how he's now moving around with little effort I assume there's nothing to worry about then
"Now then Auric, Follow me."
Felk had suddenly shifted to a more serious tone, his face now gave off a feeling of unease.
Leaving Atlas and Aari in the room Felk had me follow him through many doors and hallways in the house until we suddenly reached another door… however, this time Felk stopped in front of it.
There was a pause, his hand just shy of the door, it looked like he was hesitating… but what for? The silence was broken by the sound of his voice and the twisting of the doorknob.
"I ask you to keep everything we discuss in here a secret, no matter the person."
His voice became serious as he said that, what is it that he needs to tell me for him to say that?
"I understand."
With that the door opened and we both stepped inside… from the looks of it the room seemed to be an office of some sort, a desk in the middle, bookshelves lining the walls and paper scattered everywhere. It was a room belonging to a very busy person.
Felk sat down in the chair behind his desk as he placed a mountain of paper and parchment in front of him.
"Take a seat." Felk signaled to the chair opposite from him.
I did what he said and sat down while he was searching through the items he bought, placing them into two separate piles… 'what could they be about' I thought to myself as my nerves grew the more silence there was.
"So uh… what did you need to tell me?"
As I asked that Felk stopped sorting through the papers and shifted his gaze to me, he stared at me for a few seconds before letting out an exhausted sigh while crossing his arms.
"Honestly, I'm concerned."
"Concerned?" I replied.
He stared daggers at me… am I the problem? Did something happen when he went into the town?
"I don't like the thought of Atlas being seen with you… Aari to."
My heart sank, what was that suppose to mean. Did I do something wrong? And he doesn't want Aari seen with me as well… but we've only just met.
"Wait… why?…" I said through a stutter.
"How ignorant can ya be! You're life was decided the second you were born, you were gifted the Prismatic Eye! An ability so unknown and unpredictable that only one person has managed to escape it's fate!"
I see now… why he wants me gone, if those two are found with me they'll suffer the consequences as well. Maybe it is best for me to go, but how would they get the Blue Rose? They don't know where to go. Wait…
"Fate? One person? What do you mean."
Felk looked at me with a disappointed look
"Before that… tell me where you've been for the last 15 years."
Why does he want to know that?
"Sorry, but I can't tell you."
After saying that he shot up out of his chair, I could see the visible frustration on his face… he pulled a bag out from under the desk.
"Then this discussions over, if ya know what's best for the others you'll leave immediately."
I gave him a nod as he walked out of the room, tossing the bag in front of me, slamming the door behind him… "shit!" I said through gritted teeth. How did they find out about me? I thought I did a pretty good job…
"What am I suppose to do?"
I have no where to go, I could look for my parents but I don't even know where to begin with that. From what Felk told me, seems like I won't be able to casually stroll through a populated place. But we need that Blue Rose.
Out of ideas I began smacking my head with not only my hand but also on the desk in front of me in hopes it gave me something.
"I got it!"
Putting the bag strap around my shoulder I rush back to the room I had been staying in since getting here. Upon making it I prepare myself for the hike; putting the sash belt back on I then tie the cloak around my neck, grabbing my knife I head for the door.
As I was about to place my hand on the handle I stopped… 'perhaps I should let them know what I'm doing?' but I don't want to see them… they probably won't understand.
I noticed there was blank paper in one of the draws along with a ink pen… after writing the note of what I was going to do I placed it on the desk within the room.
"Now I can go."
I don't exactly know where I'm going but I'll figure it out, despite this building being a maze.
I spent around 10 minutes searching each and every door before I finally found the one that led outside. Being as quiet as possible I slowly shut the door behind me before pulling out the map I found in the bag.
"So I just need to head in this direction? Seems simple enough."
I started making my way down the stairs of the what looked to be a small tower… wait what! The house felt gigantic when I was inside of it, but from where I was standing it looked like a small rundown watch tower. How the hell does that work!
No snap out of it this isn't the time! I sped up my pace, making it to the bottom I make my way through the dense bush and trees before reaching a break in the forest.
"Ah a glade."
My house back in Movia was located in an area like this… it feels kind of nostalgic, hopefully I can revisit this at some point.
The sound of crunching leaves and sticks could be heard with every step as I made my way forward. Why is there so many twigs and stuff on the ground, it's like the trees are shedding. I haven't seen this before.
"Ah! You're out here too Auric?" I heard the tired voice of Aari behind me.
I felt a jolt run throughout my body, slowly turning around I see her, where did she even come from… putting that thought aside I noticed she was covered in sweat, practically dripping in it, what in the world was she doing. I then noticed that training sword in her right hand.
"Something wrong?" she asked with a confused expression.
"Oh no! I was just wondering what you were doing."
"Me, I'm training. Isn't it obvious."
Yeah of course she is, that was a dumb question. What am I doing, am I panicking right now.
"Anyway what are you doing out here? we're about to leave you know."
Ahhhh! Why did I have to run into her, how am I suppose to leave now, I can't just lie to a friend… but… if it's better for them then I guess there's no other choice to make."
"I may not look it but I'm great at foraging, I was seeing if there were any fruits or nuts that would be useful before we go."
That really hurt to say, it felt like I just attacked my own heart for no reason.
"Sounds great! I'll head back now so don't take to long kay!"
A smile appeared on her face after saying that… 'I'm such an asshole' especially after I convinced Atlas to bring her. I think he would care more about that then me leaving anyway. I only joined because I wanted to help, I'll just think of it as going ahead.
As I turned back around to head for the trees another voice shouted something in the distance.
"Hey Aari you out here!"
It was Atlas.
"Yeah! Something wrong!" Aari said as she turned to the direction of the voice, no longer facing me.
-10 minutes earlier-
I wonder what grandpa wanted with Auric. Maybe he found something in town? What would I know though, once he feels better we'll start making our way to Clith. Who cares what that old man thinks.
"Hey old man! Do ya know where Auric is?"
After searching the house I finally found him in the kitchen where he was making a cup of tea.
… he didn't answer my question, he didn't even glance at me. He acted like I wasn't even there, I snapped my fingers in an attempt to get his attention which obviously didn't work as he just stood there sipping his tea.
Eh who cares! He must've went back to his room I'll go there instead of wasting my time with him.
Walking through the halls toward the room I could feel that something was off. It reminded me of the day 5 years ago, except this time I wasn't exactly worried… I was more scared, scared that I would lose someone close to me again. We haven't known each other for long but I consider him a friend. First person that treated me like a normal human in years.
"Ya In here Auric?"
Upon opening the door I quickly noticed the silence that filled the room, Auric was nowhere to be found, I quickly noticed that all his belongings were no longer where we had left them.
"What's this?"
I picked up what seemed to be a written note that had been left on the desk, I quickly scanned it's contents trying my hardest to keep my cool.
"That old bastard!"
I slammed my fist onto the desk out of anger causing a slight crack in the wood. Stuffing the note into my pocket I quickly gather our things and headed out the door as quickly as possible, not noticing that my hand was now bleeding.
"Have ya seen Auric!" Atlas shouted from a distance, close enough to make out what he said.
"Yeah he's right!— here…" Aari replied turning back around to where I was once standing.
I had taken the opportunity to quickly leave the area before I was found by Atlas. From the tone of his voice I heard as I left it didn't sound pleasant.
"Sorry about this Atlas." I mumbled to myself as I leaped from branch to branch.
Back in Movia I used to do this all the time when I wanted to get from place to place, however I never had the opportunity to do it once I left. For one we were never around trees, and second I didn't believe it to be a good idea in town.
Those words Felk said to me after that incident on the carriage about the move I pulled, as well as Atlas pointing out how fast I had moved that one time. I realized that I may be more nimble than the average person.
"I… still… don't… have… the… stamina… for this…"
I probably should have discussed this with the two of them but… if them being with me is dangerous then I should at least get strong enough to protect them. Right now I'm nothing but a burden.
I'll get him that blue rose no matter the cost, with this speed of mine I should get back in time. All I'm hoping is that Atlas will help Aari get her Katana back from those people she mentioned. Best case scenario is that they can just forget about me. I also need to figure out this eye of mine… I should look into that person… what was his name? Ruric?
I only have 10 days until she dies. Looking at he map it'll take me around 2-3 days to reach Clith, seems there's a samll trade post on the way so I'll stop there.
It'll take me at least a week to get back to Movia from there! I might have to try and climb the mountain as looking at the map the valley where Laloo and I ended up in after leaving was on the other side of Clith… I'll have to ask around once I get there.
"This could be really bad."
My first worry was getting to the trade post so I moved that glaring issue to the back of my head as I continued hopping from one tree to the next, pushing through the exhaustion.
-Arc Empire Royal Capital-
"Your Majesty please forgive my intrusion." Said a voice as the doors of the throne hall opened.
"It seems you haven't found the boy yet?"
The throne hall was the place where audiences for the king would be held, whether that be nobility or commoners. Sitting on top the throne was the current King that ruled over the Arc empire. He was known throughout the country as a humble but simple-minded person. He was easily manipulated when it came to stressful situations.
"We're still searching for him your Majesty."
"Then tell me why you wanted this Audience?"
The King sat there, with his fist placed on his cheek, it didn't seem he was very worried about the situation that was unfolding throughout his empire.
"The people are all on edge, put it simply, they are scared. We need your Majesty to lighten their worries."
"And how shall I do that?"
"We suggest you present a speech to the people using the broadcasting room, despite the mana cost we believe this decision is best for the country."
The broadcasting was a room that used highly advanced projection magic in order to connect with each town across the empire. However, the amount of mana needed for a broadcast like this is immeasurable, usually taking around a hundred skilled magicians to pull it off.
"Rumors have also started spreading about the arrest of Laloo your Majesty, due to his reputation they have started to doubt your Majesty's leadership."
"It is a shame what happened to Sir Arya… well, I shall take your suggestion to heart. Thank you Thiza, you may leave now."
"Of course your Majesty, thank you for your time."
-Arc Empire-
"Attention all my dear subjects!"
The sound of the king was heard all throughout the lands, from major cities all the way to small villages. Everyones ears tuned into the speech.
"I know many of you are concerned about the threat within the country… please don't be, the royal knights are hard at work and focused in capturing the target."
The entire empire came to a stand still, with everyone dropping what they were doing and were now paying close attention to the words of the King.
"Information about the person in question have been sent out and will be plastered on boards all around the empire."
Both his name and face have been revealed. Auric must come up with some way to stay undiscovered.
-Atlas Volden-
It seems Fraya isn't the only one I should be worrying about… hopefully Auric knows what he's doing, having the whole country after you is not child's play. But still, why the hell didn't he just ask for my help, goddamn idiot.
"Trust him Atlas." Aari said
I forgot that she was still here.
"He knows you're running out of time, you've seen how fast he is haven't you?"
Yeah that is true, back when he jumped out the way of that carriage in town… not to mention the fight he had with Zath, I was surprised when they happened but. I think at that time he didn't think to much of it, perhaps now he's starting to understand his strengths.
"Yes I have! I'll leave the blue rose ta him, we'll just focus on getting ya precious Katana back." I said quite mockingly.
Aari clicked her tongue in annoyance after saying that.
"Well I think we should replace that worn out bow of yours."
"Alright, calm down will ya."
A slight smile appeared on both their faces.
-Auric Redfurn-
I now fully understand why Felk wanted me to leave… so that was the king I heard just now, no idea how I heard him but that's not important right now. Seems I need to be extra cautious with everything I do, I can't just stroll through town like I did back in Voltin.
"Well then!"
Auric continued jumping from tree to tree taking as many shortcuts as possible to reach the trade post as quickly as possible. With Atlas and Aari close behind him they're not worried about catching up with him, they trust him, however, if he needs help they won't hesitate to lend a hand.
Hours passed, I was growing exhausted with all this running I had been doing, but there's no time to be taking breaks. The sun had set awhile ago, I don't even know what the time is, I could see a break in the forest up ahead. Using all the strength left I pushed through my shaky legs and kept jumping until I reached the last tree, I had become unbalanced, causing my foot to slip off the branch.
What followed was a loud crashing noise as my body landed in a bush, my head was dizzy, I had run out of water only half way through the trip.
"No not yet!"
I slowly regained my balance as I stood back up on my feet, I could no longer feel them, it was like they were numb. Putting one leg in front of the other I stumbled out of the forest where I was greeted by a gust of cold wind which snapped me out of my sleepiness.
As my vision sharpened I noticed lights in the distance a wave of relief washed over me. Finally. I had made it one step closer, and it only took me a day, but I don't have time to be relieved, I'll need to keep moving in the morning anyway, I can just stock up on food and water while I'm here.
"Now… I just… need to… make it… inside…"
Seeing the entrance from atop the hill I began making my way down to it. However, for a split second, I closed my eyes. The last thing I remember was hitting the ground as my legs buckled under the pressure I had put them through.
Everything went dark after that, I couldn't hear nor see anything, at one point this warm sensation started covering my body, as if I had just been dropped into a bath of warm water… it was cozy, it reminded me of home.
This marks the end of my planned 1st volume, i consider this the first draft so all the previous chapters will be re written.
obviously major plot points and all that will stay the same. just want to update everything with my now improved writing skills.
this chapter is subject to change quite a bit, i didn't really know how to finish it off, some thing may be cut, some things may be added. that's for a later date.
if you've made it this far thank you so much for reading it.
i started this book on the 24th januray this year. it's been 8 months since then and i've learned quite a bit, made plenty of mistakes, especially since it took me that long to write a first draft.
i'm excited to see where this story takes me as well as the many other ideas i have locked away in my head.
i hope you'll continue reading once i start back up again and will later support me in buying the complete books in the future.
~thank you :)