
Chapter 17 What do you mean by airport?!_1

There was no value in exploring the blacksmith's shop after taking down the fallen blacksmith.

Lin Xun left the blacksmith's Shell, and possessed a Blood Sun follower to advance towards the castle of the lord, Fox.

[The vast new moon in the dome of the sky seems so close, you can even see the light and shadows on the moon's surface. The slightly glaring moonlight showers down, and the entire Saint Lance is immersed in white snow.]

[The silent white became the only color of this world.]

[You walk along the road...]

[At the end of the road, the huge stone castle, which should be clearly visible under the moonlight, is tightly entangled by thick red plant roots. As far as the eye can see, an Unknown Shadow silently envelops the entire castle, becoming the only speck in the snowy world.]

[You come to the castle door.]

[The plant roots under the coverage of Unknown Shadow are thick and dense, tightly sealing the castle gate.]

[Do you want to cut these roots and open the castle door?]

A vague caution emerged in Lin Xun's heart.

The Unknown Shadow, the dense plant roots, at first glance, these words spelled out a big red "danger".

But at the moment, there was no other choice but to open the door.

[You wield a two-handed sword to cut the dense roots, from which a blood-like juice flows.]

[All the plant roots on the outer wall of the castle, like enraged snakes, attack you at once...]

[You died!]

Lin Xun spread his hands helplessly.

From the text description, he sensed that the plant roots outside the castle were not simple.

As the Game Process continued, it was indeed expected.

Now that his soul strength is down to one point and both the Law Knight and Blood Sun follower died, he can no longer continue the game.

Seeing that it was approaching midnight.

Lin Xun quit the game and fell asleep.


Early the next morning.

Lin Xun opened his mobile phone and received a text message:

[According to the "Chinese XXX Law", "XXX Recruitment Regulations" and "XXX Exam Recruitment Report", Lin Xun, you meet the recruitment conditions, passed written examinations, interviews, physical examinations, and inspection, and are proposed to be hired as a civil servant. This is to inform you.]

[Please report to the Special Bureau of Culture in Wencheng as soon as possible.]

[For related announcements, please check the XXXX website.]


Didn't I mess up my interview?

Lin Xun was dumbfounded.

And he hadn't gone through the subsequent stages like physical examination, inspection after the interview, how could he be directly hired?

Lin Xun turned on his computer, instead of following the website on the text message, he logged into the official civil servant recruitment announcement site to check.

He widened his eyes, his name was clearly written on the public announcement, and the hiring unit was the Wencheng Bureau of Culture.

Thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out.

"Is there someone above me?"

Besides this thought, he really couldn't think of any reasonable guess.

"No matter why, I've been hired after all, going to the unit to report is now the most important thing!"

Wearing a decent outfit, Lin Xun went downstairs to take a taxi.

The car soon stopped at an administrative office building, just less than five minutes away from the rented house.

Stepping into the courtyard of the Bureau of Culture, the courtyard was quiet and there were no people in sight.

In the center of the courtyard is the Bureau of Culture's main building, and the annex building next to it is a small modern three-story office building, with "Special Bureau of Culture" marked on the entrance.

After asking the guard at the gate, Lin Xun entered the annex building, which was the 'Special Bureau'.

In the spacious lobby, a delicate girl was standing at the reception desk right in front.

Before he could speak, the girl smiled at him and said quietly, "Mr. Lin, please wait."

Then she picked up the landline and dialed a number.

Lin Xun waited patiently while taking the opportunity to look around.

In the wide lobby, there was a reception desk straight ahead and an elevator on one side.

Long corridors extended to both sides of the lobby, with arranged offices.

Soon the elevator next to the reception desk opened.

A short-haired girl, young, and pretty, came out confronting him.

She was dressed in a cool navel-exposing halter top, a same-colored pure white shawl covered her round shoulders, she was wearing a pair of shorts, revealing two smooth, fair legs.

Her eyes were lively and appeared to be wearing colored contact lenses.

The girl smiled at him, revealing a row of little white teeth, "Follow me, newbie."

Lin Xun blinked his eyes, the atmosphere felt a bit strange, not quite like a serious unit.

The short-haired girl led him into a vacant office on the side.

The girl poured him a cup of hot tea and introduced herself, "My name is Ye Xiaoqi, I am a member of the special office of the Bureau of Culture. We will be colleagues in the future."

Lin Xun had a belly full of doubts. He clearly applied for the clerical position in the Bureau of Culture, how did he get transferred to this special office?

And what is this Special Office about?

He had never heard of this organization before, and couldn't find any clues online.

Ye Xiaoqi saw his confusion, and smirked.

She extended her small hand, and out of nowhere, two items appeared in her fair palm.

Those were two slightly glowing long bookmarks!

[Invasion Bookmark (Item): After use, you can invade the chapter of other Apostles. After defeating the Apostle, you will gain unexpected benefits.]

[Guardian Bookmark (Item): You can give this bookmark to your book friend. When he is invaded, you can be invited to enter his chapter and jointly resist the invasion.]

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