
Saria's Return To The Village

Meanwhile, within the third border, a group of three-star warriors had just concluded dealing with their ninth wave of two-star Vylkr vines and were resting before facing the next challenge.

Boom!! Booom!! Booomm!!

Suddenly, a series of loud and familiar sounds echoed from a distance, steadily approaching their location. They turned their heads toward the noise source in an instant, only to witness three three-star Vylkr vines advancing from the distance.

Swiftly, they sprang to their feet, each warrior gripping their cutlass, axe, and curved spear, their eyes fixed on the approaching spectacle to ensure it wasn't a mere illusion.

Booom!! Booom!! Boom!!

As they drew nearer, the warriors realized that the approaching spectacle was real and that their eyes were not deceiving them.

In response to the imminent threat, one of the warriors swiftly turned to his comrades and shouted, "QUICKLY, HEAD BACK TO THE SECOND BORDER AND BRING REINFORCEMENTS!"

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