
Chapter 56

"Vonder, are you sure about this? I don't know if they're ready-"

"They're ready Aida, I can tell." Vonder confidently states as they march up to the castle, the guards watching them suddenly moving out of his path with a look of respect and fear twirling in their eyes.

Lily could only look on in surprise and amazement at this, she figured he was decently known here but the guards treated him like a superior… not to mention how easily he was able to get to the king and queen.

Just who was this Hunter really?

What danger were they in?

Why was everyone watching them intently?

"Stay calm, there's no killing intent, not even the slightest hint… the Hunter is telling you the truth." Six states to Lily while quietly enhancing her senses. "You need to stay calm not only for yourself, but for the kid as well."

Looking over it was clear that Eileen was indeed afraid of all this, sticking close to Lily's side as they walked into the castle.

Quietly Lily offers Eileen a kind smile that does make her feel a bit better, but not by much.

Aida seemed to be just as distressed though as she kept looking back to check on Lily and Eileen, her eyes shaking with uncertainty as they marched through the halls into what seemed like a large training grounds… larger than the fort Lily had trained at before.

Despite the large amount of area all the training dummies and obstacles had been moved aside.

All that remained was a flat dirt ground with a couple of training weapons sitting nearby.

Casually Vonder walks out into the training ground, not bothering to take a weapon with him.

"Lily, you're up first." Vonder commands, looking back at her with a calm fire in his eyes, one that shook her to her very core.

This look was one that said she'd die if she messed up, as if this was truly a life or death battle.

Carefully Lily looked around, quickly grabbing two training daggers and moving into the arena after inferring Vonder's intention.

He didn't move an inch as she approached, watching as she took up her stance and began moving in.

If he wanted to know her strength then he'd see it.

Beginning the fight with a sprinting attack she swung her right dagger at his face, aiming to land a quick and dirty hit.

However it never connected as she witnessed Vonder easily lean out of the way, causing Lily to look on in surprise.

In that instant a strong sense of fear and adrenaline came over her, a vision of scarlet red flashing before her eyes as her body reacted before she could even process what happened.

Once her mind had calmed she realized she'd retreated back to where she started, but there was no wound on her body… had she imagined it?

"No, that was something that could've happened." Six calmly states. "It was your body reacting to his killing intent… had he actually been serious about killing you then you would've been cut clean in two."

Lily looks at Vonder who's still just standing there, no weapon drawn as he focuses on her.

He was terrifying, how could someone without a weapon be this scary?!

Vonder wasn't some abomination like anything else she'd seen, but yet someone about his gaze and aura made her afraid to move even an inch.

She couldn't give up though, not yet, if she couldn't land a hit on her then what hope had she in fighting any future enemies?

Without wasting another moment Lily bursts forth once more, bringing her daggers across in an X like attack, though is surprised to see Vonder vanish from sight.

Lily's breath hitches in her throat and her blood runs cold as she feels a hand touch her back.

"You've lost." Vonder's voice comes from behind her, a hint of disappointment lingering in it. "If this was an actual death battle you would've been dead a dozen times by now."

Before Lily can react, Vonder is already in front of her, his hands outstretched as if to chop her, though it stopped mere inches from her throat. "You've got potential, but you're too slow. If you can't keep up with my pace then you've no hope in the future."

With that Vonder turned and walked away, beginning to turn his attention to Eileen, leaving Lily to stew in her emotions for a moment before she shouts out. "AGAIN!"


Vonder pauses and looks back, slightly confused as he does so. "You lost, terribly I might add…"

"I DON'T CARE!" Lily shouts while readying herself again. "Let me go again, I need to do this!" She cries out, a fierce determination in her voice now as she raises her weapon.

Vonder sighs a little and crosses his arms "Then come, you are welcome to try as many times as you wish."

Quietly Lily begins circling around the arena, trying to figure out the best way to attack, slowly making her way to where she can clearly see Vonder's side.

There she dashes in, swinging at his ribs as quickly as possible.

However she meets with only air as Vonder easily steps out of the way, making her frustration build further and further with each missed swing.

Each failed attempt led to her shouting out "Again!"

For she couldn't give up, how could she?

Everyone else was out there, fighting for their lives… getting stronger and struggling all the while… she couldn't just sit here and rely on others.

It was infuriating, feeling so weak.

She knew the differences in her and everyone else.

Lily wasn't strong like them.

Fast like them.




She knew she was none of those things, not like Aranea… and certainly not like Ryder.

She wished she could be like Ryder, watching him train was like watching a real hero.

The way he moved, the determination in his eyes, the way he evolved mid fight… adapting and overcoming any challenge.

It shocked everyone, seeing such alarming growth… but all it did for Lily was reawaken those feelings of inadequacy that long lay dormant.

Who would need her when they already had every position covered?

Aranea was their wise and caring leader, the face of the survivors and a shining beacon in the dark.

Radogan easily planned for every outcome, his knowledge second to none as he easily navigated everyone to victory.

Feros and Oto, the strongest fighters by far, only matched by one another…

Then there was Ryder.

The Champion.

The Lord Candidate.

The one who far exceeded her in every way within the first few days of the game.

Completely in a league of his own, easily leaving her behind with each step he took on his journey.

Why would he need her… why would anyone need her if she couldn't even get past this one area on her own?

She was stuck here on her own.

Unable to progress without relying on someone else for help.

Frustration boiling over as she missed attack after attack, her lungs feeling like they were set ablaze as she was running out of energy.

Her vision blurring slightly as she swung one last time before collapsing to the ground, sputtering to catch her breath as everything finally came catching up to her.

Vonder could only look on with a sigh before offering her a hand.

"Get up, you're not done are you?" he calmly asks, a bit of hope lingering in his voice. "You didn't land a hit but you show potential."

Lily looks up weakly, feeling confused and sorry for herself. "What do you mean?"

"I mean though you never hit me you also never gave up… you're fast and agile like none other, though you need to train more diligently." Vonder states calmly, though a hint of pride in his voice. "Change doesn't happen in a day, it's a long and slow process that will be painful… but if you stick with me I promise you'll get stronger."

Quietly Lily debates what to do, still feeling bad for herself before sighing and taking his hand, pulling herself up.

She couldn't wallow all the time, though she wished to.

She knew she needed to stand up, to keep pushing forward.

Even if she didn't show progress today there was always tomorrow after all.

Today was the start of her journey to becoming the strongest assassin in the history of Terminus.

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