

When she got home, she went straight to the bathroom before Takumi could say anything. After a few minutes, she got out with a bandaged hand.

"Sorry about the mirror," She told him. "Before I rushed in, did you need to tell me something?"

"No. I just wanted to ask if you were alright."

"Oh, ok." She nodded in understanding. She then went to sit down and huffed her cheeks.

"Rough day?"

"You have no idea."

"Was it necessary to use the mirror as a punching bag though?"

"Believe me, I was doing you a favour. And I'll answer your question with another question. When were you going to tell me about you and Matako? Or was I never supposed to find out?" She showed him the pictures.


"Say it isn't true. Please."

He said nothing.

"So, it is. You know, I was so sure that it wasn't and that it was just a misunderstanding. But I guess it was just wishful thinking. If you had come clean, I would've somewhat understood, but you didn't and instead kept it from me. And don't you dare try to change the subject by asking who told me."

"Don't you think you're one to talk? I've noticed how weird you and Hansuke have been these days."

"Is that why you did it? Did you seriously want to get back at me for something that didn't even happen?"

"That's not what I meant."

"Then how dare you bring him into this?"

"And now you're defending him. I think it's my turn to doubt you."

"Am I not allowed to have a life while you're away? Do you honestly expect me to just sit around and not do anything while I wait for you? I'm so sorry that your fragile ego couldn't handle us hanging out while you were hitting it off with someone else. I can't believe you thought I was cheating when it was you all along. What the actual fuck?"

"Ok, fine, you got me there. But..."

"No, let me stop you right there, and ask you this: do you still love me?"


"Ok. Then I guess your twisted definition is one where you go behind my back, get all lovey-dovey with Matako, and not have the decency to tell me because you thought I was an idiot and I'd never find out. Did I get everything, or is there something I missed? Although, I think I should commend you for how well you covered your tracks. But next time, tell your little girlfriend to keep it a secret instead of sharing it with the entire world. You know what, you're no better than Trey. Actually, he was better because he at least had the decency to say to my face what his true feelings were. But either way, I guess it runs in the family, huh?"

"You know; you're starting to irritate me. Will you stop being such a whiny bitch? That's all you've been this entire time. I really tried to be patient, but you always make it difficult, and, in your eyes, I'm always the bad guy, no matter what I do. You're really selfish, you know that? And don't get me started on your moodiness. Honestly, I don't know why I bother myself with you. Sometimes I think that all you're good for is a good fuck."

"I see. So that's how it is. It's nice to know how you truly feel. I'm not even going to ask how far you two have gone, because I'm not interested. And the answer is pretty clear anyway."

"Is that what you think?"

"That's not the point."

"You're being hysterical."

"So now I'm hysterical," She shot back. "What else do you think of me that I don't know?"

"At this point, you're just looking for more reasons to be mad at me."

"Gee, I wonder why," She replied sarcastically. Just then she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. It had her on her knees and clutching her stomach.

"Are you..."

"I'm fine," She stood back up, ignoring the pain and wave of nausea. "Even my stomach is mad at you," She threw her hands up in exasperation. "Actually, how's this for hysterical?"

She left and locked herself in the bathroom, but not before slamming the door behind her.


Takumi knocked on the door, but she didn't answer.

"C'mon, you're overreacting."

She ignored him.

"Ok, I guess I'll leave you to wallow in self-pity."

She still ignored him. After a few minutes, she finally opened the door.

"So, are you done with your little temper tantrum?"

She said nothing and walked past him, heading for the door.

"Now, where are you going?"

She sighed and turned to look him in the eye, and all he saw in hers were fury and hatred.

"I'm irritating you. Not to mention, you called me a whiny bitch, you said I always make it seem like you're the bad guy, you called me selfish, you don't know why you bother yourself with me, and you basically called me your cum slut. But you know what, you don't have to apologise because I'm the one who's supposed to. So, I'm sorry for wasting your time and putting you through hell. I know when I'm not wanted, and my moodiness and I have clearly overstayed our welcome. I know where the door is, so you don't have to show me out. I don't even know why you asked when you should be overjoyed."

"There you go again. Making me look like the bad guy. And there's no point in apologising if you're going to be condescending."

"If that's what you think, then so be it because I've lost my ability to care. And just so you know, that's my way of saying that I'm sick and tired of pretending like everything is fine when it's not and like it doesn't hurt. It does, ok. A lot. And guess what, what I wanted to explain to you is that I've been having nightmares about you cheating on me and how stupid I was to brush them off as just nightmares and nothing more. And sometimes, I could barely look at you without wanting to break something over your head. You're the reason for me always crying and being upset and I always came up with dumb excuses for why. I mean, seriously, what kind of idiot cries over cookies? And I'm most probably the biggest idiot in the world for putting up with it, but I did anyway for whatever shitty reason that I don't know. I didn't want to admit it, but there's no point in denying it either. This relationship is making us both miserable, and it's just not working anymore, it wasn't for a while actually. But you know what, it's not your fault. It's mine, so I might as well just leave before I cause you any more trouble. I'm done, and nothing you say or do will change my mind."

"So, you're going to leave? Just like that?"

"Between staying with someone who's hurt me in the worst possible way and just leaving, it's pretty obvious which one I'd choose. What's there to fix? I'll tell you what: absolutely nothing. What's done is done, and you can't reverse it, so I see no reason to stay. Even if I did stay, things would never be the same."

"You know what, fine, be like that. Don't expect me to chase after you this time."

"As I've said before, I've lost the ability to care, so do what you want," She slammed the door behind her.

When she got to the pack a few hours later, Mitsuri was the first person she bumped into.

"Hey, I didn't expect to see you until tomorrow. Is everything alright?"

"No. I hate him with every fibre of my being, and I never want to see him again," She marched off to her room and slammed the door.

She threw herself onto her bed and turned to her side to stare out the window. She could see the moon, at its peak, shining so gorgeously along with the stars. It was as if it was taunting her.

"Why?" She thought, still staring at it. "Why do you insist on sending a mate my way if it never works out? Just because you're the Moon Goddess doesn't mean you can toy with people and play cruel jokes on them."

She was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't hear Mitsuri come in. Only when she sat next to her did she notice.

"You know, people tend to say a lot of things they don't mean when they're angry or in your case, pissed like there's no tomorrow," Mitsuri said.

"I did mean it."

"You say that now, but I'm sure you'll come around. You don't hate him. You're mad because you love him enough to care when he does stupid things."

She sat up to face her.

"Love is something I used to feel for him, but not anymore. He's infuriating in all ways possible, and I can't stand to look at him or be anywhere near him."

"But he's your mate."

"Well, maybe I don't want him anymore. Maybe I don't want one at all."

"You're not serious, are you?"

"Damn right I am because what's the point? They'll just end up playing me for a fool anyway. I knew I should've listened to my brain."

When Twilight finished telling her everything, Mitsuri hugged her tightly.

"You're a good friend, you know."

"Correction, best friend. And you should have told me when these things started happening."

"I know, and you can yell at me later. But on the bright side, I've learned my lesson. Too bad it took getting hurt the same way twice. And why are you crying?"

"It's just...the wedding I planned so hard for is never going to happen."

"I think I'm the one who's supposed to be crying. And that's not the main problem right now."

"I was trying to get a laugh out of you, but, sorry," She then noticed Twilight's bandaged hand. "What happened to your hand? Did he..."


"You're not defending him, are you? I'm asking because you know very well that, mate or not, attacking an Alpha without a challenge is a serious offence."

"No, and why would I?"

"Ok, then what happened?"

"I punched a mirror in a fit of rage."

"That does make a whole lot more sense."

"Mind helping me move to another room? His scent is kind of everywhere in here, and I definitely don't want to sleep here."


After helping her move her stuff, Mitsuri left her to be alone with her thoughts. Her phone began ringing. After seeing who was calling, she didn't pick up and ignored it. This process continued throughout the entire night with a few messages here and there, but she ignored them all, trying really hard not to throw her phone against the wall or out the window. In the end, she just blocked his number.

A few days later, Takumi heard a knock on the door. He opened it, and there was Twilight.

"I didn't come here for what you think I did. I just came to give you these," She handed him two boxes. "And to pick up Oreo. At least I won't have to worry about him running off to someone else."

Oreo came running to her with an excited look on his face. She picked him up and gave him scratches behind his ear and kisses.

"Hey, little guy. I'm sorry for leaving you behind. You forgive me, right?"

He responded by licking her face and wagging his tail.

"I'll take that as a yes. Thanks for looking after him, I guess."

Takumi noticed that she looked fuller somehow and more tired.

"How have you been doing?"


"But you don't look..."

"I said that I'm fine, ok. I'm not your problem anymore, so you don't have to bother yourself with me. And you should be concerning yourself with Matako, not me."

"Geez, no need to be so hostile."

"Did someone call me?" Matako came out from the kitchen. "Oh...uh..."

Almost immediately, Twilight's bloodlust filled the air. Both she and Tis wanted nothing more than to take her out at once. Their bloodlust was fuelled even more when Takumi pulled Matako behind him, and, to make matters worse, she had a smug look on her face. But only once Oreo started whimpering and nuzzling against her did her fury simmer down enough for her to not lose control. She figured it wasn't worth it anyway.

"If that's the truth, then so be it, because you're dead to me. Be glad I don't mean it in a literal sense. I'll be taking my leave now," She turned to leave, and Oreo gave him a sad look.

"Wait." He said.


"I just wanted to let you know that there are no hard feelings on my side."

"As I've said before, I've lost my ability to care. Oh, and stop trying to call me; it's getting annoying, and I obviously won't answer no matter how many times you try. I'm sure you got the message when I blocked you."

And just like that, she left.

He opened the boxes she gave him, and inside was his stuff. There was also the snowflake hairpin, the food bracelet, hairclips, and the engagement ring. There was also a note inside. It said:

Never speak to me or have me cross your mind. Act like I don't even exist

It was clear that it was over. Forever.

Two weeks later…

"Hey." Youhei came in.

"What's up?"

"What if I said you're looking at a dad-to-be?"

"What, no way."

"Way. She's in her third week."

"Aw, that's great n..." She was cut off by the sudden wave of nausea that hit her.

"Whoa, you don't look so good. Your face looks kinda pale."

"It's probably something I ate, again."

"You know; it wouldn't kill you to be more careful. It'll do the opposite."

"Hold that thought," She rushed out to the bathroom.

Later that day, she walked through the front door just as her dad was going out. He noticed how her eyes were glossy with tears threatening to fall, but before he could ask, she ran past him up to her room.

He first went to get the large box of gummy bears from the pantry and then went to check on her.

"Gummy Bear?" He knocked on the door.

When he didn't get a response, he went and found her curled into a ball on her bed, bawling her eyes out. He put the box down and scooped her up in his arms, like how you'd pick up a small child. She continued crying on his shoulder.

"Shh, everything's going to be ok. Papa Wolf here, I'll make it better. And afterwards, you can have a few packs of gummy bears I brought," He cooed while stroking her hair.

She calmed down a little.

"You know; I've been using that trick since you were a baby. It's good to know that some things never change. I guess this is one of those times where I'm glad you're so small otherwise, this might not have worked as well. Are you going to tell me what made you so upset?"

"Eight..." She murmured.

"Eight what?"

"Eight weeks pregnant."

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