
10 months - 10 meals

Izuku ran out of his house in fear, leaving his mother behind who was calling his name frantically from behind.

It had only been a short while since he had returned home in a blubbering mess before locking himself in his bathroom but the sky's once warm hues had turned dark and cold as he raced down the steps to the ground floor of his apartment building before dashing off in a random direction in a desperate attempt to get away from his mother.

The hunger in his stomach was starting to become unbearable as he dashed down alley after alley avoiding all the major streets and roads where people resided.

He was terrified of everyone around him. He was terrified of what he might do to his mother without meaning to. He was terrified of himself.

He couldn't survive like this and he could feel new instincts begging him to find food. He couldn't be a hero in this state. He couldn't be All Mights inheritor of such a responsibility.

As fear took over, so did all control of his body. He fell face-first into the cold dusty ground. He laid unmoving as the night grew colder and colder.

There was no light in the alleyway he had chosen to fall into. So when the sound of footsteps and a torchlight shone down on him from above, Izuku scrambled back away from it, petrified for himself and the person coming towards him.

An old man, wearing dirty baggy clothes slowly moved towards him offering only a calm warming face to him. As each step the man slowly approached him, calm was the last thing Izuku felt...

Fear built up inside of him as he tried to scramble away from the homeless man. His breath was coming erratic and uneven. His palms were now over his face trying hopelessly to hide.

"Go away..." he pleaded weakly. His hunger began to overwhelm him.

"Hey kid, are you ok?" The man asked calmly, choosing to ignore Izuku's pleas.

"please..." he tried once more " go away please..." his hands were shaking wildly, his whole body going into overload as the man continued his approach.

"Is there anyone I can cal-" The man was interrupted by the frantically scared face the boy had revealed to him, who had moved their hands from their face to the ground in front of him.

The homeless man looked into the red murderous eye of the child in front of him and watched in fear as a wild animalistic look formed on the boy's face.

"Please go away, I'm dying to EAT YOU."

Izuku pounced. Dark red pulsating tentacles shot out from his mid-back, forming into a sharp like dagger that impaled the man straight through before retracting it. Causing the man to collapse onto the floor before screaming in agony.

Within seconds, he was on top of the man's body devouring away at the living flesh like a wild beast.

Ripping the body to shreds in seconds.

Blood drained down and out from around Izuku's teeth. His hands covered purely in red, his eyes that of a feral monster because in that moment...

Izuku was no longer there...



" FLESH! "




He shoveled handfuls of raw meat into his mouth.

Again and again and again as he laughed hysterically.

Smears of blood splattered all over the walls and rubbish which laid scattered throughout the alley.

He wiped the blood from his hand around his face.

His eyes wide with insanity. His feral grin almost tearing at the corners of his mouth.

All that was left was a bloody smear on the ground...

Once the body was nothing but bones. His grin began to shrink as it was replaced by a face full of pure terror as Izuku came back into control.

He reared back, His eyes growing wide as he shakjly took it in the disturbing sight.

Not a single surface was left untainted.

He reached up to grab his hair before he began pulling at it. Soon after he felt a wetness soak through to his skin. Pulling his hands down to look at the crimson covered skin.

'No..' he thought disbelievingly.

"No. No. No. no. no..." he repeated to himself out loud as he willed his suffering away. Getting louder and louder as he did.

Too soon the sound of police sirens entered his ears and Izuku's head shot up in a panic. He was about to get caught.

Moving as fast as he physically could, adrenaline-pumping through him in kilos, he bolted from the scene just in time as the stampede of feet rounded the other end of the alley. He dashed as fast as he could back to the safest isolated place he could think of.

Dagobah Municipal beach.

Once he arrived, he collapsed into the pale chilly sand and started crying.

He wasn't sure what time he stopped as he looked up to the sky with a dull emotionless expression on his face.

He must have fallen asleep as he rolled over onto his back and examined the dawn's cool yet warm hues which painted the sky.

Thankfully he and All Might hadn't agreed to meet up that morning. So he was free to move around for as long as he wished.

He took off his clothes leaving him in his thankfully clean and bloodless underwear before chucking it into an old washing machine before searching over the beach for a lighter. After a short while, he found one and lit it before throwing it in with the clothes, destroying any evidence.

Izuku was a murder now. A cold-blooded murder, and he would stay such till the day he died. Tears rolled down his face silently. This was his life now.

What would he do? Where would he go? A criminal couldn't take All Might's quirk, that would be absurd...

But what other choice did he have? He couldn't run away. It would always haunt the back of his memories the thought of what he did to his mother, leaving her alone with her son missing with no closure or end.

He couldn't hand himself in. What would Kacchan think of him? What would All Might think of him?

What would his mother think? Knowing what kind of monster he had become.

Though, he could always kill himself...

Never have to face anyone again no matter if they found out or not...

Izuku looked down at the fire in front of him before making his way home.

Thankfully it was still early enough in the morning that no one was around to notice him. He reached his house and walked through the door as quietly as he could.

His mother wasn't there.

'She must be looking for me' he thought as he walked to the bathroom to clean away the man's blood. Scraping the skin with his nails till it became red and raw.

He left the shower and dried himself off before grabbing a knife from the kitchen and then making his way to his bedroom. Locking the door behind him.

Izuku Midoriya knelled down on the floor with the same kitchen knife he had seen his mother use the day before placed between his hands.

His dull blank eyes stared down at the knife in front of him. His reflection stared back as he noticed the streams of watery tears falling from his face before closing his eyes.

He brought the knife up and pointed the blade down, aiming straight towards his stomach...

'Soon..' he thought wistfully' I'll be free from my burdens, my mothers, my mentors, my friends.

The knife came flying down...

'Soon, l'Il be free...'

klang- snap!*


His mother's panicking voice fell dead on her son's ears as he stared in disbelief.

The knife had snapped in half.

His mouth fell open in shock as his mother began pounding on the door.

He was so sure he had aimed at his stomach.


"Izuku! I'm going to break the door down!"


The door came crashing down and Izuku had just enough time to fling the broken knife pieces under the bed before his mother pulled him into a crushing hug.

She began rubbing his hair and gripping his head as she hugged him, tears flying from her eyes.

"Oh Izuku, my baby... I'm so glad you're here.."

He tried to push his mother away in fear of what he might do to her but to no avail.

It was then when he noticed the hunger which had been clawing at him was gone.

He sighed in relief as he joined his mother crying his eyes out on the floor while pulling himself deeper into their hug.

"Chief, I think you should come down here and see this..

The chief of police frowned at the scared and unbelieving tone of the crew he had recently dispatched out to a distress call.

A woman had called in, alarmed at the sound of screaming coming from a distant alley to her location.

The Chief quickly jumped into his car before racing off to the location.

He got out of his car and made his way forwards through the eerie silence. Once he arrived at the scene, he sucked in a deep breath as his eyes were blown wide.

The scene before him. A man brutally murder.

Torn to shreds and dismembered. Head detached from its body rolling freely. Blood as far as the eye could see.

He had never in all his 29 years in the police force ever seen anything like this.

The man of calm collected words had only one thing to say in a whispered voice.

"How fucking shit..."

In the month that followed, Izuku researched all he could about ghoul quirks. He discovered the name of those tentacles he had unconsciously made were called Kagune.

He also discovered more of the less obvious factors about the quirk such as his skin, which couldn't be broken with any tool apart from the kagune itself and the rather strange fact that he could still drink coffee.

Although he was still extremely sad about not being able to eat human food ever again.

Life continued on as normal as it possibly could.

Izuku tried to ignore the guilt which ate away at the back of his skull every day as he continued going down to the beach to train with All Might to avoid suspicion.

Izuku was too much of a coward to tell All Might what he had done.

Too soon to be comfortable with, the hunger began to come back into his system causing him to become skittish around other people.

It was around this time he had his second meal.

A man in his early twenties had thrown himself off the back edge of a building.

Izuku looked at the cold corpse in front of him with dull eyes and began feeding. This time keeping the mess to a minimum.

He was lucky this time he didn't have to kill anyone. This person was already dead. Even so, the guilt continued to grow in the back of his mind as he tore the man's flesh to shreds once again.

Fortunately this time there were no witnesses and no screams had been let out for people to follow.

Unfortunately, that hadn't been the case for his third meal...

It had been a cold wet night when he snuck out of his apartment through his bedroom window before landing on the ground. He had told himself if there was no way for him to die he might always learn to control what he had to save whoever would come into contact with him while he was hungry.

Izuku was jumping from roof to roof when he heard a yell from a nearby alley. He quickly dashed over and found a woman being sexually assaulted by a thug with a knife in his hand.

He landed silently on the ground before he willed up his newly found kagune, which happened to consist of four tentacle things dark red in colour with crimson veins traveling throughout them.

This would be a test to see if he could control them at his will.

Aiming for the large man's back he struck with all his might, instantly tearing through the man's heart. His target dropped the knife in his hand as his body went limp on the object which had run him through.

The woman stood frozen in fear as blood spattered onto her face as a large tentacle, covered in blood, pointed straight towards her before slowly retreating back to its owner leaving the woman to look on at the figure of the person who had ultimately saved her life and mental scared her for even longer.

She gapped, petrified as the figure moved towards her yet never fully coming into the light which surrounded her. Its piercing singular red eye met hers before a low warning came from its owner's mouth.

"Leave" the figure stated dully before turning around and walking back into the darkness and varshing from sight.

Once it had gone the woman quickly picked up her phone and frantically called the police.

"This is the Musutafu City police department how can I-'

" just saw someone being run through by some kind of quirk" she almost shouted down the line, frantically to the police.

'What's your location?' The voice quickly demanded.

"It's the Alley just off of-..."

Fresh meat always tasted the best, Izuku had discovered as he tore his way into his third meal as quickly as possible.

It had come to his attention that his Kagune seemed to increase his hunger drastically. He hoped he would never need to use it against anyone again.

After finishing his meal he quickly left to go home and clean his clothes. His mother would still currently be asleep so he'd just quickly throw his laundry into the washing machine. As he walked back he the guilt of eating began to eat away at him from the insides again.

He had forced his shame and guilt away and stored it for after meals. He couldn't afford to hesitate when making his move on his meals. It was a life and death situation not only for his victim but for his mother and friends as well.

Time and again he thought about the different possibilities of how he could rid himself of such a curse. Forced to live with incredible healing abilities at the price of another person's life.

It was sinful. It was disgusting and it was most of all villainous. He was no longer human. He was a monster and he had already come to terms with what he now was.

What he couldn't face was the necessity to end another's life. It was either someone who he didn't know or his mother's life. He had come to the conclusion of resorting to some kind of messed-up form of vigilantism.

How could he become a hero while murdering people for nothing but his own personal gain, no matter how villainous his new target prey might seem.

He prayed he would never have another situation like the first. Murdering an innocent man's life. He cringed at the flash memories of the man's face, full of fear, moments before his untimely death.

And now he was Lying not only to himself but straight to the symbol of peace's face. He would never, could never, be the hero All Might wanted him to be.

He thought about the possibility of starving himself to death. It seemed at the time the only logical way to battle his little problem.

After the incident with the knife, he had tried twice again, hanging himself in his bedroom to only end up being in constant pain from the healing and re-healing of his neck and a second time at the sight of his second meal, which had ultimately given him the idea in the first place.

Yet each time failed..

He was so tempted to try the last available option but he was terrified of the idea that someone would find him, whether it would be his mother or someone else and in his insane state, he would kill them and satisfy his hunger. Only to be right back where he started.

And possibly end up in prison for life.

Consequently forcing him to live his life in constant pain and misery.

So he ran and ran away from his problems praying they would never come back to bite him...

It was late at night in the Musutafu police department when the chief was called in to assist with the interview of a new case.

Inside the interview room was a young woman who was currently being questioned about what she had seen.

He was just about to ask another question when one of his young detectives broke into the room.

"CHIEF! It's happened again!"

The head of the police department turned to look at the graphic images of yet another murder scene done by the dubbed 'bloody stain'. Wincing at the picture his colleague continued talking.

"It was a low-tier villain this time. A man who moved here from the states. A Samuel Jackson."

The woman at the table in front of them winced before going wide-eyed at the name of the man.

Realizing the implications of the situation she spoke out in a quite shaky voice.

"That was the same name of the man who was harassing me before he was murdered..."

Both the men whipped their heads around to look at her in shock. She has seen the perpetrator behind the string of murders that had taken place.

Quickly the chief took control.

"Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you to give us as much detail that you can on this monster." He stated Calmly before turning around to his colleague "Gather all the free detective teams, it seems we have a serial killer on the loose...

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