
Ideas and Choices

The trip passed peacefully, the four played and talked. They asked about each one's vacations, and what they expected for that year.

A good Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and no Voldemort. That was the response of the four.

Adam had to hold back the urge to laugh a lot, this year would be as disastrous as last year, on those two points.

In the third year alone, they would have some good teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

And as for no Voldemort…well maybe snake face wasn't the main culprit, but every year there would be dangers, and that couldn't be expected to end or get better.

When the train stopped at the station in Hogsmeade, all the students got off, and unlike first years, they weren't going in boats, but in carriages.

Adam got off the train and frowned at the rain. With a single movement, the wand appeared in his hand and he pointed it upwards, creating a transparent umbrella.

The four beside him looked at him as if asking for help. Rolling his eyes, he made the umbrella triple in size.

''You guys really need to learn some spells,'' he muttered as he let the four of them crawl under the umbrella.

''We tried,'' said Harry. "But my parents won't let me use magic at home.''

Adam chuckled.'' That sucks and a little stupid if I may say so. Mainly for your family, Harry.''

They stared at him and he explained." Last year, you found out that Voldemort is alive, and you still want him dead. Teaching advanced magic and defense against the dark arts was what they were supposed to be doing. Not keeping you unprepared''

Ignoring everyone's shock at hearing Voldemort's name. He shifted his gaze to look directly at Harry and continued. ''Because you can wait, believe me. He will come after you, Harry''

Adam was right, anyone who knew there was a Dark Lord out to kill him should do whatever he could to improve his skills.

In canon, Harry couldn't train during the holidays, because his uncles were rubbish. But what now, what was the excuse?

His parents not helping him improve his skills was utter stupidity. His father was an Auror, and his mother an excellent wizard, both of whom have the qualifications to create a great wizard.

Perhaps if it was in an age where the position of professor of defense against the dark arts wasn't cursed, they could leave those teachings with Hogwarts, but that wasn't the case.

The group arrived at the carriages in a slightly tense mood. All doubts about how much Adam knew remained in their minds, but they no longer doubted him, except Ron.

Now, they admired Adam more, and his usual calmness and wisdom.

''How are these carriages going? Is it an enchantment? '' asked Hermione, wanting to break the mood, she was also curious.

''I don't know.'' Harry shrugged. ''Maybe it's a spell.''

''Yes, that must be it.'' Ron agreed without thinking too much, which was nothing new.

Isabella turned to Adam, and the others did the same, which was funny.

''Are you treating me like a know-it-all?'' Adam chuckled, and saw the four nod.

Sighing, he shrugged and explained. ''They're thestrals''

''Are what? '' asked Harry confused.

Adam looked at the others and saw that they didn't recognize the name either.'' Not even you, Hermione? '' He asked with a mischievous smile, making the witch lower her head.

Climbing into the carriage, he explained. ''Thestraries, are magical creatures, that only those who have seen death can see. If you want to know more, pay a visit to the library''

''Only those who have seen death? '' Murmured Isabella, a thoughtful look, watching Adam.

Adam saw that she was curious, but she seemed too embarrassed to ask, and this time, he wasn't going to explain anything. Even he wasn't sure why he could see the Thestrals.

'Is it because I myself have already died? ' He thought about this hypothesis, and thought he was right, he didn't remember seeing anyone else's death, nobody who cared at all.

The slightly tense atmosphere lasted for the trip.

Harry thought about what Adam had said, that Voldemort would come after him. In fact, he'd been thinking about it ever since the night in the mirror room when he'd fought the Quirrellmort.

He wanted to be stronger, he wanted to be able to put an end to this, but what could he do? He was just a child and his enemy was the greatest dark lord that ever existed, just his name scared everyone, what could he do?

Everyone could feel the still strange weather, so you don't hear much conversation, and soon the carriage arrived at the castle entrance.

Adam was the first one down, he stood for a while, looking out at the rain, his eyes slightly clouded, as if he was thinking.

He sighed and, before leaving, went back to talking to Harry.

''If you don't mind being weak and just want to await your death at Voldemort's hands, that's fine, just ignore what I'm about to say.''

Adam snapped his fingers and a book appeared.

''If you want strength and power, to control your destiny and protect those you love, I can teach you how to be strong. If you trust me, I can do it.''

He thrust the book at Harry and turned to leave.

Harry, who was still stunned by Adam's sudden words, read the title on the cover of the book.

''The Art and Secrets of Occlumency - By Quinn West''

Adam's voice came once more. ''Learn to close your mind first, then come to me if you like, you three are welcome too''

Adam left and left the four of them there, thinking about his words. Words that were somewhat sudden, none of them could wait for Adam to offer to teach them. They had already seen what he could do, as well as the game he released that showed how far above many others he was, and his unique study of runes.

''Will you accept, Harry? '' asked Ron, who seemed the only one not happy with the invitation.

Harry clutched the book in his hands, thinking about what Adam had said. He wanted to have the power to control his destiny, he was tired of seeing everyone around him doing everything to protect him and him unable to help.

Harry nodded. ''Yes, if I can get stronger.''

Adam entered the castle and headed for the main hall, still thinking about the decision he had just made.

''I hope I don't regret it,'' he murmured.

He had thought about it a bit before. He could choose to just watch from the side, or he could start making more objective plays.

Not only that, but he would need to be closer to Harry at some point, after all, Harry had a part of Voldemort's soul. Adam didn't like the idea of handing Harry over to Voldemort, he didn't know how many things would go according to canon, he didn't want to risk it.

''First I'm going to gather all the Horcrux, then I need to find a way to destroy the part of Voldemort's soul in Harry, thus leaving only the snake face to kill.''

''If I can achieve this, I don't have to wait until the seventh year to kill Voldemort, I can do it as soon as the Horcrux are destroyed.''

Adam thought which year would be the best time to join the hunt for Voldemort, and after the Goblet of Fire seemed like the best time.

''Just in case, I'll try to get him to use Harry's blood to come back…'' He decided to have that as a contingency plan.

As for why to train Harry, other than wanting to study his condition. Adam wanted Harry to be able to stay alive, until everything went the way he wanted.

That, and something Adam had decided after thinking about whether to increase his influence in the wizarding world.

Thinking of taking the wizarding world to a new level, he decided to start expanding his following. He currently had exactly zero followers.

In addition to the games and books, I was thinking of publishing in the future. He thought that teaching some of what he knew to his friends and a few other wizards at Hogwarts wouldn't be a bad thing.

''This year there will be the Dueling Club. Maybe I should seize this moment to create a club as well.''

He had a plan to use Gilderoy to be part of the club, and in the future when the rogue wizard was sent away, he could have the club for himself, with Flitwick's help, it would be easy to achieve that.

Adam also entertained the idea of creating some sort of organization or secret place to teach or introduce magical diversity to his followers.

He still hadn't decided whether he wanted to create a secret organization, hidden over the shadows of the world. Or a well-known organization, and indifferent to what others think, could rival the Ministry, Death Eaters, or Order of the Phoenix.

It wouldn't be anything just thinking about the fight against Voldemort, but something to expand to the world, those who were members of the organization would only be the elites, and would be respected wherever they were.

Adam stopped as soon as he arrived in the great hall, at the Ravenclaw table he saw Anthony and Terry talking with cards in hand.

Adam smiled. ''Perhaps I can create a symbol for my followers, and tattoo them on their forearms''


Chapter a little smaller, because my mind for some reason stopped working, and it's a little difficult to write.

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