

[Tom Hendricks POV] 

As I arrived at the theater, I noticed the redhead standing next to Raven seemed oddly familiar. When I shook her hand, I saw recognition in her eyes, but she expertly brushed it off, concealing something. 

Call it paranoid or whatever, but I like keeping tabs on faces, this was Gotham and it would be stupid to let your guard down, you never know who's watching. As we walked into the theater, I asked myself where I had seen her before and I got my answer. 

My thoughts flashed back to the redhead who randomly approached me at the library and was witness to me disappearing with Joker. That was when most mysteries I had ignored for so long finally came together. 

Rae said she was a friend and gave hints of her being a superhero. From the news reporters back then, Robin and Batgirl had ensured the safety of the civilians back at the library. Batgirl was a redhead. The random redhead approaching me out of nowhere and claiming to see me at that library a lot when I hadn't even noticed her, the visit from Batgirl after handing Robin's ass over to him for the second time. 

As we got our tickets, a sly grin crept across my lips, I was sure she probably had her guard up currently and might tell Raven all I did to Robin. I won't be able to hide the fact that I have powers from her for long anymore, it's probably best she found out soon and not from Barbara who might twist her mind into seeing me as the bad guy because of what I did to Robin, her former teammate. 

Okay yes, maybe I am the bad guy, from their vantage point at least. But that doesn't mean anyone has the right to twist her perspective of me without her actually getting to know me. Later on, we got some popcorn and some soda before proceeding to see the movie. 

Rae sat by my side and Barbara by her side, kind of fair I think. Having both of them by my side and with me in the middle might seem like I was trying to run an harem or something, also I didn't want to spend more time with Barbara otherwise she would start questioning me personally and awkwardly like a detective right in front of Rae just to get me to say something that I wouldn't want Rae to hear. Neither the less, I don't give a fuck what she does. I just want to enjoy my date and ignore the third wheel and her possibly conspiracy plot. 


Rachel groaned in pain as she reached her hands  to her head like she was in pain. She held on to it like it like she was having a serious migraine. 



We both said at the same time. "Rae are you Okay?" I asked with concern clearly audible in my voice.

"Rachel, what's wrong?" Barbara asked. 

"I suddenly feel a huge wave of panic and fear from the streets not too far from here."  She said with one hand by the side of her head and with her eyes closed. 

"What could possibly be going on out there?" Barbara asked as he phone beeped to life. She grabbed it while I tried to calm Rae down as she did her best to block it out. 

"Rachel, we've got to go." Barbara said, clearly showing the urgency of the situation. 

I casually brushed my fingers through my hair, then with a low tone, I said. "Gwen, give me an update on what is going on in town right now." keeping a calm demeanor as I spoke to my AI through my smart watch. 

"Okay sir. According to the police scanners, it  was reported that Scarecrow had released his fear toxin into the heart of the city and people have become hostile towards one another as they see themselves as nightmare-like monsters. The city is in a state of panic and everyone is disoriented. It also seems to be spreading rapidly." And with that, she ended her report. 

"I'm so sorry Tom, but I have to go now." Rae said. "There's havoc in the city right now and I can't sit back and do nothing." 

"Don't worry about it Rae. One of the perks of dating heroes, you just gotta let em go because lives are always counting on y'all most of the time." I replied as I reached out my hand, took a step closer and pulled her onto my arms for a warm hug. "Be careful out there." I added before giving her a peck on her cheek which eventually turned red the moment I planted a kiss on it. 

"I…I will." Rae replied as she levitated off the ground, giving me one last look before flying off to go catch up with Barbara. 

One thing I knew about villains was that they are likely to have one messed up plan to hold the hero or vigilante by the throat so they make their escape while the heroes and their merry crew would be busy with a wild goose chase which might not actually be a bluff. In this case, a bomb would be the best option to make a slippery escape from Batman because he would prioritize the lives of the civilians. 

I reached for my left ear and tapped to the side of my portable headphone as Gwen came online. "Gwen, scan the city and search for any composite of explosives hidden in public areas of the city that are often frequented by people." I commanded. "Okay sir, on it." She replied.

"While you are on that, call the house, I need to speak with Leo. Then give me feedback the moment you have something." I added. 

"Calling residence, now." She replied. 

"Hey Leo, It's Tom." My voice suddenly reverberated through the speakers of the house like it was hunted, I could only imagine the looks on both of their faces. 

"Sup kid, you scared the living shit out of us right there. How about a little warning next time." Leo said.

"I'll work on that when I get back." I said while I walked towards my car as I prepared to head out the moment Gwen gave me a feedback on the bombs. For whatever goes on in the city was none of my concern unless it had the potential of affecting my business or me directly, a couple of bombs going off in the city might be bad for business. Also, I know the Bat and his merry crew are on it but wouldn't think of the possibility of a bomb since they are preoccupied by the distraction. 

"Better. The news said something major was going on in town as we speak. Bringing your date home tonight?" He asked, portraying a relaxed and teasy mood, I could almost see their smudged faces as Jason chipped in. "Don't forget to get a condom on your way home!" They both burst into laughter. 

"Shut up perverts. And no, shit got outta hand really quickly and she had to leave." I replied, trying to ignore their remarks as there was no point to humor them any further. 

"Oh, what a bummer." Leo said, just before I heard him gulping down a drink which I was sure would probably be a bottle of beer. 

"Hope Jason is staying put and not causing any trouble that might need my attention later on, I already have a lot of work that needs it tonight."

"Missing your kidnaped victim already? It's quite a crib you've got here, I don't mind staying a bit longer. Ain't gonna cause any trouble for you, for now at least. Jason chipped in. 


A notification from Gwen came in and my headphones extended, turning into my high-tech glasses which seemed like a cool visor.  I looked at the display within the glasses and it portrayed a map of Gotham City of which four spots were marked. They were the locations of the bomb. 

"Neither of you should leave the house until I return home and confirm it is safe." I commanded as I entered my car, my engine roared to life as I started the engine before zooming off. 

"Why, what's happening?" Leo asked, while I drove, I still had the call going on. Wouldn't hurt to talk and drive, most people might say it was risky and was prone to accident, but I believe living dangerously makes life more exciting. 

"Scarecrow released a potent toxin at the heart of the city. Now everybody is fighting anybody, trying to kill a monster conjured up from their nightmares without realizing it might be even their own kid."

"Damn, that's scary." Leo articulated with a humoric whistle. 

"I need to go teach that bastard a clear lesson myself." Said the short tempered Jason who I could only assume was ready to gear up at any moment.

"Stand down Jase, just let Batman handle it."

"You know I don't have to listen to you right?" Jason said. "No, you don't. But you've got to think for yourself on this. Would you rather show up as a rogue vigilante who appeared in the city months ago should just pop out of nowhere and join the Bat in saving the city? Or just let them do their job while you put your energy into other things knowing they are more than capable of saving the city themselves?"

"Um…when you put it that way, I choose the latter. Although I would like to get into the heat of the action myself."

"Good, stay put. I'll be back soon enough."

Amidst the chaos that engulfed the city, Black Mask orchestrated a clandestine gathering with Mr. Falcone, discussing the emergence of a formidable new adversary known only as Ghost. Veiling the meeting in secrecy, Black Mask revealed tantalizing fragments of information, enticing Falcone to heed his words. The tension in the air was palpable as Falcone cautiously accepted the invitation, bringing along his most loyal men to safeguard against any unforeseen treachery. 

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