


Nodding in understanding she motions for them to bring Nora closer as well then she said

/"I appreciate what you did mi bambino but there's only one person I want to kill but I know someone who killing Kevin would better benefit/"

/"Jermaine get over here/" she says

His eyes lit up the moment mom calked him over in fact he practically speed walked over there. Standing behind them I watched as Nora looked up at mom with a disgusted face mom in returned smirked at her and I saw that glint in her eyes she always gets when she catches her prey

/"Hello mother, didn't I tell you never to let me get my hands on you or I’d kill you/"

/"You. Bitch/" Nora sneered

/"Tsk tsk tsk now now there's no need for name calling mommy dearest. Besides if I'm a bitch as you say then I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree huh/" mom teased

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