

A calm and soothing breeze drove past the trees wiggling the branches as it passed by, the weather had a cool feel to it and the sun had just started to descend creating a breathtaking view that anyone would enjoy.

Millwood, a beautiful city in California was the location of Marion High as well as the residence of the Parker family also among others. Brown tiles that were the same color as the roof were used to decorate the walls and neat mahogany strips were used to the design interior giving it that pristine cabin feel accompanied by a rose garden that graced the porch.

He would regret leaving this place behind but if he truly wanted to evolve as a player. He would need to leave. It was already late and he needed to head back before curfew but he wanted to tell his parents in person that he was accepted into the first eleven of the team.

Benjamin took a deep breath in and released, he knocked on the door twice before twisting the door handle and letting himself in. The distinct smell of rosemary was all he could smell and the chatter on the television was all he could hear. "Mom? Dad?"

"Horace is that you?" His mother called out as she walked into the living room, "Oh Ben, anything happen?"

"Horace is around?" Benjamin asked looking around for his brother.

"Yeah, he was accepted so he came to tell me he'd be leaving. I sent him to the store to get me some things but that's enough about him, why are you here? don't tell me."

"Yes mom, I got accepted into Marion. I'm in the first eleven."

"Ohh baby, that calls for celebration." His mother shouted tapping her jeans feeling for her phone.

"Yeah, it is a cause for celebration. So happy for you Benjamin." Horace said, dropping the bag filled with store items on a table. "Mom sorry but I won't be able to make dinner, curfew starts at 8 and I have practice tomorrow by 7. That should be the case for Ben as well."

"Oh if that's the case you better start moving," She checked her watch then ran toward each of her sons kissing them on the cheek and escorting them out. "Your dads gonna be home soon and I gotta catch up on my K-drama before the match he wants to see starts, bye babies. Mommy loves you, and so does daddy."

"Love you too mom." They both said in unison as they walked out the door going toward the bus stop.

He hated his brother, their dad was a soccer player that didn't go far in his career due to a knee injury. However, he never stopped playing. When they were five, he brought back a football and started kicking it around the yard. They mimicked him and practiced the same as he did but Horace was better.

His dad instantly recognized that as well, speed, technique, control, game sense, vision. Horace had all of these things and could use them to whatever degree he desired with what seemed like no effort at all. Meanwhile Benjamin had to work ten times as hard, every skill he used a week to master Horace mastered in a day. Even when they entered the same middle school team, Horace was put as the sole striker. With Benjamin watching from a faraway corner that was the sidelines.

Hate might have been a strong word when referring to how he felt about his brother but that was the only way he could put in double the work, his last-minute bursts which allowed him to move with the same amount of pace and stamina of someone that played in the early minutes was discovered after years of training searching for a skill he could use to defeat his brother, he trained and trained and trained, more than anyone just so he could reach the level that he was at today but even still. It felt like his brother was universes away.

"I'm going this way bye." Benjamin walked away.

"Really, congratulations on entering Marion." Horace said. He had curly medium-length white hair and ruby-red eyes. "I really thought you'd quit.'"

"I heard from mom you entered a team yourself, thought you weren't accepting any invites."

"I just saw a good one is all."

"Okay," Benjamin continued walking.

"So you're still trying to defeat me." Horace said but Benjamin didn't stop and continued walking. "All these emo kids."

Benjamin got onto a bus that headed for the 7th street on Value road, where Marion was directly located. He hated his brother's nonchalant attitude toward things but that didn't matter anyways, they had both entered schools and the odds of them clashing were all but inevitable. "I'll show him, hard work that surpasses talent."

After having a chat with Byron before he went into his dorm, Nagisa needed to make one more trip before he could have a good night's rest. He took a series of busses down from Value road to Great Avenue which was about two or so miles away. He called his parents to tell them about the good news but none of them answered, they were both angry for him for wanting to play football and not becoming a doctor. A business that ran in their family.

The Aoto family had a pretty spacey house by Japanese standards their house had a yard at the back, white wood decorations on the bottom of its exterior with the top being painted a dull grey. He could tell his parents were at home and he needed to see them, to convince them that he wasn't just wasting his time.

"Dad." Nagisa said as he entered the room, face to face with his father.

"You disobey my orders, conspire with my brother, leave for hours and then come back." His father said in a stern voice.

"I begged uncle Baki to do it, it wasn't his fault."

"What are you trying to accomplish?" His father asked looking at Nagisa intently. "Our ancestors have been doctors since the start of this bloodline and you're trying to deviate and become a... "Soccer player."."

"It's been my passion ever since I was a kid, it's what I want to do, it's what I want to pursue." Nagisa put his head down staring at the ground as he talked to his father.

His mother supported his decision in wanting to play soccer but whenever she brought it up her husband quickly shut it down. His father had a plan, a plan that did not need any deviations. She listened to their discussion from another room in the house, holding her hands in prayer hoping that they could both reach an understanding.

"You make my brother pay the fees for your school for the entire year, you go behind my back and do something you know I disagreed upon."

"Father... what can I do to change your mind? please just... this is all I can think about right now, soccer makes me feel free." Teardrops tapped on the floor and his dad reacted although silently.

"Show me that it's worth it, show me it's something that you flourish in. That's the only way I'll be able to consider it.

"We have a tournament starting in March, you can come watch me." Nagisa looked up, trying to catch his father's reaction.

"A tournament, okay. Let's make a deal."

The curfew meant that the gates would be closed until 6 in the following morning, he wouldn't be able to sleep at home so he needed to make it as quick as he could. He ran through the parks and diners that were en route to Marion until he finally made it with approximately 8 minutes to spare. How he would love to jump on his bed but something caught his eye.

"Byron-san?" Nagisa looked to his left, seeing Byron kick a ball at a wall.

"Oh... Nagisa," Byron said as he stopped the ball with his chest before shooting it at a wall again. "Just a little bit of practice."

"I'm guessing you couldn't sleep again."

"Bingo," Byron caught the ball as it bounced off the wall. "Everything alright, you seem sad."

"It's nothing really." Nagisa signaled that he wanted the ball and Byron threw it at him. "Using Afeez's rainbow flick although it's poor replication was very smart, could it be that you're actually a top-level player."

"Hehehe. It's nothing special, I was actually trying hard at that rainbow flick by the way."

"Yeah right." Nagisa laughed. "Thanks, Byron-san."

"For what?" Byron asked as he received a pass from Nagisa.

"Being here."

"Thanks? I'm not sure how to respond to that."

Nagisa laughed again. "Let's go to bed, big day tomorrow."

"True," Byron grabbed the ball and both the striker and winger walked into the Marion dorms.

"And I forgot to tell you, Max is my roommate."

"Wow, that reminds me. Mine never showed up."


It's always nice to see comments, then I could fix typo's or get some ideas. I mean I'm not forcing you... but like if you have a few seconds you could send one.

Jeffery_XXVIcreators' thoughts
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