
I’m going to fight a manticore?

The spars had begun and everyone but myself was put into pairs. As was too strong and had already mastered the sword, there was no reason for me to partake in the sparring.

"Kiera you can watch and once they have finished you can give feedback with me to them." The teacher said to me.

"Alright." I said as I lazily sat down on the floor cross legged.

The spars had begun and first up there was two girls, one had pale brown hair and golden eyes the other had deep brown hair and brown eyes. They both readied their swords in a sloppily put together stance and dashed at each other as they begun to trade blows.

Neither of them were good at the sword but that was to be expected.

They both used a mixture of different styled attacks and the girl with deep brown hair begun to use magic with her sword. She had earth magic which she used to cover her blade and make it slightly sharper.

While both were about even throughout their small spar, once she used magic, the girl with deep brown hair came on top and broke through the other girls wooden sword.

"End!" The teacher called out.

Both of the girls took a few steps away from each other and bowed. Then they both begun to converse and giggle.

"Kiera and I will now begin our feedback which you will pay attention to and use in your next lesson, okay? Kiera you can give your response first." He said.

"Yes, sir." The girls replied so I begun my analysis.

"First off, your stances were sloppy. Pay more attention to your stance so once you give your first push and your swords meet there will be more power behind the blow. Second is that you need to focus on your opponents sword more as rather than paying attention to theirs and yours, it was just your own. You both tried to pay more attention to your own blade in order to see if you were swinging it in the right manner but if the opponent is stronger or quicker they could easily catch you off guard and deal a fatal blow. Be more aware."

The girls both gave me a nod.

"Very well explained." The teacher said, "I don't think there is anything else to cover but both of you should try find different uses of your magic and include it in your swordplay to make your own fighting style. The way you used your earth magic on your sword was a good choice but you had bad control over it so it wasn't very effective." He said the last bit to the deep brown haired girl.

"Yes sir." She replied with a smile.

"That is all. Next!" He called out.

The girls both ran off giggling and went to the groups of other people who gathered round them.

The next group came up. A boy with blonde hair and a girl who also had blond hair but hers was more of a dirty blonde while the boys was a bright blonde and looked fluffy.

'The people who go up have the same hair colour. Is that how they were matched in pairs? I hope not.' I thought to myself as the spar begun.

All the sparring was uneventful and they were all relatively bad but one girl was well above the rest. She had short cropped black hair and amber coloured eyes that reminded me of a sunset. She was much better than the rest in using the sword and won her spar with relative ease.

"Well done the both of you. You both performed well and I couldn't pinpoint anything wrong with your fight, Kiera?"

"Girl, what's your name?" I asked the black haired girl who won the spar.

"Nova." She replied.

"Nova, your hand was shaking. Why? Do you dislike sparring or are their other reasons."

"I- well."

"You don't have to say if you don't want to. That was the only thing that could be improved upon, make sure you have steady hands. For the boy though, it ended too quickly for me to find anything. Your stance was correct and your first strike was confident." I said with and expressionless face.

"Thank you." The boy replied and then walked off to the group of other students.

"How did you notice?" Nova asked, "The shaking I mean."

"It was easy to notice. I have great eye sight and I'm able to focus on even the smallest of details." I replied without giving much thought.

"Oh- I see. Thank you." She said as she also went to join the other students.

"That is it for today's lesson! You may leave to your next lesson and make sure to remember the feedback!" The teacher shouted as he walked off and so did I.

Second period was Chemistry so I headed off to room 16.

"Hey— Kiera, I think it was?" I heard someone call and they walked up next to me.

"Yes." I replied looking down next to me to see Nova. She was about 5'0 so she was 6 inches smaller than me.

"Can you teach me how to use a sword? You seem to give more help and feedback than our teacher and I've already done all the basics." She asked looking up into my eyes.

"Why should I?" I asked.

"Um— you don't have to. I just want to get better for the tournament so I can go into the other ones instead of the rookie ones that our teacher wants. I'll only ask you teach me until the tournament, please?" She pleaded.

'I have nothing better to do after school and private tutoring so I might as well. Doesn't really effect me much. I don't really care.'


"Plea— huh? Can you repeat?"

"I said okay. I'll teach you so meet me at the indoor training room number 2 after school. You'll have to wait for me to finish my private tutoring so you can watch or you can meet me outside of the dormitories at 19:45." I repeated ding onto the end.

"Really? You're sure?!" She asked all excited.

"Yes, now leave me alone before I change my mind."

"Yes ma'am!" She said as she saluted and ran off.


The rest of the day was uneventful and pretty much useless as I already knew it all. The only things even remotely interesting was the physical and magic practice so I could gauge everyone's strength and they were all relatively weak other than Nova and another girl. Other than that I don't really pay attention.

I made my way to the indoor training room number two where Scarlet was waiting for me and Nova was also there.

"Hello Kiera, mind telling me why she is here?" Scarlet said eyeing Nova.

"I said I'd train her a bit until the tournaments and I told her she could watch. Don't pay her any attention." I said.

"Hoh? I didn't think you would hold an interest for something like this. I'm sure Tess would rather you train her instead. She keeps asking me if you were ok after your lessons."

"First off, I'm not interested in this. I just don't care. Think of it as a pass time. Also Tess probably does want me to train her but I don't know. She never asked." I replied and Nova just sat there looking between Scarlet and I.

"Tess is my childhood friend." I said looking at Nova.

"Well let's start with today's lesson." Scarlet begun.


"I've got two things planned. I've brought in some monsters from dungeons which you can fight and I'll constantly be powering them up and healing them until you kill them or they hit you. The other is simple training and looking through things that will happen at the tournament along with a two hour spar with me since our other spar was quite fun if you ask me." Scarlet smirked.

"What monster and what rank." I asked.

"Haha, a manticore but only a C+ ranked one. We will have to move to the arena that has a magically enhanced inside and a roof which is somewhere in the forest."

"You've gotten your hands on a manticore? I'll do it." I said.

'Manticore are beasts with lion heads and body with scaled legs and sharp claws. They have dragon blood within them that produces the scales and gives them wings but the wings look like a bats wings more than a dragons. They have scorpion tails that produce lethal poison if you aren't prepared.' I remembered the beasts description.

'And now that manticore is fighting an actual dragon.'

"Hold up, WHAT!" Nova shouted, "you have to fight a manticore or your teacher?! Chose your teacher, the manticore will kill you!"

"I wouldn't allow the manticore to kill her, don't worry. Also I'm an A - rank adventurer so she won't be harmed too bad even if she got hurt because I'll restrain it before then. I think your underestimating Kiera here too. She is strong." Scarlet spoke up.

"Even if she is strong she can't go against a manticore. There is no way." Nova stated.

"You want to find out?" I asked as I left with the chuckling Scarlet and the flustered Nova who was behind us.




Race:[Black elemental wyrm]











Mental force/power:[ERROR]



Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery] , [Perfect aim] , [Elemental breath] , [Bloodlust] , [Elemental master] , [True dragon] , [Copy] , [Spacial storage] , [Sword mastery] , [Fire blade] , [Transform] , [Chef] , [Scythe mastery: 64%] , [Wind enhancer] , [Inferno] , [Poison manipulation] , [Fire resistance] , [Telepathy] , [Lightning enhancer]


Passive skills - [Night vision] , [Spacial awareness] , [Steal] , [Regeneration] , [Elemental resistance] , [Polyglot]


Body modifications - [Armoured scales - activated]


Titles - NONE


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]

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