
My new maid?

(A/N - I just wanted to stop and say thank you to those who have sent power stones and added this book to their library and have been viewing this book. I'm going to try make a longer chapter but I'm bad at doing just that. Anyway thanks)

A tall man exited the stone door practically identical to our own. He was tall at about 6'3 and wore a smart black tail coat and black trousers. He had a simple black necktie and a smooth white shirt with a nice collar. His red hair replicated blood and had two black eyes as if I was looking into the void, his wings could be seen neatly closed on his back and his tail was swishing left and right on the floor. His tail was red with black tint towards the top of it and had no spikes nor a spear like tip like mine and our family. In additional that his wings were not feathered either but they had scales that had light from the outside bouncing off. By his side was a sheathed sword with a red wrapped handle.

"What do you need Anne? Oh and who is this? I assume your eggs hatched with no more trouble like before, yes?" Kein asked with a smile on his face and a deep voice.

"Ah, yes, this is Kiera and all of the eggs hatched safely with no troubles though Kiera here hatched a year earlier which was unexpected." Replied my mother looking at me.

"I see, that is a little odd. Is there any problems with her?" Kein asked looking serious.

"No no, no problems other than she seems to struggle showing emotion. I haven't seen her smile much if not at all. Ah also the reason I'm here is because I need some maids in my mountain to help the kids."

"Okay I'll go ask some if they want to serve you, I'm sure they will have no problems regarding this occurrence. Follow me I'll show you to, let's say 4? Maids will that do?"

"Yes that will work fine." Mother replied, "is Adele still working for you?"

"Yes she is, she still likes you more though. She's still upset you didn't let her work for you but she try's to not show it." Kein chuckles.

We headed inside where there was a long red carpet stretched out to the staircase and had rooms going off to the sides, 2 on the left and 3 on the right. There were maids and servants here and there preforming simple tasks such as dusting, watering plants of cleaning things. We walked up to the staircase and took a left turn where there was a hallway with 4 rooms on the left and one at the very end of the hallway. The right side of the hallway was littered with paintings of scenery like a lake or flower fields, walking to the room at the end of the corridor was a painting next to the door which was a painting of Kein in a smart shirt and he was seated on a comfy chair. Kein still had a sword next to him but it was propped up at the side of his chair spreading a shadow moving forwards in the direction Kein was facing.

As we reached the wooden door with a golden circular handle positioned on the left side of the door, Kein opened it not bothering to knock on it and when the door was half opened he proceeded to say,

"Adele, Annalise and her 1st born daughter have come to collect some maids. Could you call some over and of course if you want to you can go as well."

"WHAT?! Annalise is here? Oh my gosh!" A high pitched voice came squealing out from behind the door where they proceeded to yanked the door almost off its hinges and running up to my mother. She bowed down and said,

"Annalise it would be my honour to serve you and your child ," she spoke taking a quick glance at me, winking and turning back to mother " is there anything you would like the maids to be proficient in?"

"Hi Adele," mother said softly tilting her head to the right a little with reminiscent eyes "would it be alright to find some that are good teachers, both in weaponry and general stuff. Also just the regular everyday stuff and child care."

"Of course, I'll go now then. Excuse me then." Adele said smiling.

Adele was practicing skipping down the hallway whistling with her hair swinging side to side. Adele was at an average height of 5'5 and had blonde hair tied into a ponytail and green eyes, she wore a simple maid outfit and had heels on. Her ears also ended at a point rather than round like human ears.

"Kiera would you like to have Adele as your personal servant? I think she's the most capable out of all the servants in this mountain. What do you think about her?" Mother said looking down to me.

Turning to face mother I gave a nod of affirmation telling her I don't mind. Kein then said to follow him to the waiting room where the servants will meet us. Along the way we saw two servants polishing giving me a nod where I nodded back.

After walking for 2 minutes, where I was carried by mother, we arrived at the waiting room and what I found when I entered was a nicely decorated room which was practically sparking at me.

There were two sofas facing each other and a square table in-between them and a chair facing the door. On the left side of the room was a fireplace and a shelf with 4 books piled on. The right side however had 2 small tables with vases on with different coloured flowers prettily arranged in. By the door where I entered was a bigger vase with a big purple flower lighter than my eyes but stronger than Violet's lavender hair. At the very back of the room behind the singular chair was a desk and another chair but this one was wooden like the desk. On the desk was a bunch of papers, pens and ink scattered around and a picture frame at the corner. Behind the desk was a window which had a beautiful view of the outside.

"Please take a seat. Anywhere will do." Kein spoke gesturing for us to sit.

Mother took a seat on the left sofa closest to the door and had me on her lap. We waited for 5 minutes and mother was currently engaged in a conversation with Kein about what they've been up to which I have decided to ignore because it was too boring. I was currently looking at the door waiting for Adele and the other 3 maids that would be coming back to our mountain.

Funnily enough as soon as I thought of that there was a soft knock of the door followed by a,

"May we enter?" That sounded like it came from Adele.

"Enter." Kein replied resting both his elbows on the table one palm over his other hand currently balled into a fist and rested his head on his hands.

Adele and 3 other maids all in maid dresses just like Adele's entered the room lining up and bowing before lifting their heads back up.

Adele started introducing them from right to left,

"Starting from the right we have Lynda,"

I inspected the maids after each of their names were called. Lynda here had green hair tied into a messy bun and had glasses on with clear frames. Her eyes where an amber colour with a subtle yellow tinge towards the pupil.

"Then Kate," Adele continued.

Kate had black hair that was cut about shoulder length that wasn't tied back and had deep blue eyes that were calming to look at.

"And lastly Sophie." Adele finished and they all bowed slightly then straightened up.

Sophie had brown hair and forest green eyes like Adele, her hair was long reaching to halfway down her back and was slightly curly towards the bottom.

"Greetings lady Annalise" They all said in unison.

"Hello, you already know my name but I'll say it for the formalities. I am Annalise and this here is my daughter Kiera whom Adele will be serving. You will all be serving one of my children but that will be decided when we are back at the mountain. Any questions?" Mother said standing up and placing be beside her before slightly bowing, looking up and smiling causing Kate to blush a bit, turning her head and covering her mouth with her eyes. Before being pinched on her arm by Sophie who was also slightly blushing.

" *sigh* hello I'm Kiera, please treat me nicely" I said calmly with a straight face sighing, thinking that my mother is too pretty for her own good as she can pull both girls and boys and she's already made the maids fall for her.

The maids snapped back to attention and Adele gave me a soft smile.

"Thank you, Adele, Lynda, Kate and Sophie and of course you too Kein, as always," mother gave a quick thanks "I'll be going now if that's alright Kein."

"Of course but can you not spend anytime for refreshments?" Kein asked.

"Sorry Kein, I've really got to go, my children are waiting so I've got to go back quickly." Mother said then adding, "You can visit Alper when Kiera will have her transformation with us and tell the others too. Bye, Kein."

Mother lifted me up and gesturing at the maids to follow us out the door and with that we were done visiting Kein's mountain and we're heading home, but there was one problem,

"Mum how's everyone getting back?" I said looking into mothers eyes stating my confusion at comprehending how we would all get back.

"Well I can either teleport them back and fly you home or transform and carry you all." Mother said shrugging.

"Why can't we all teleport is there a limit at how many you can transfer at ounce?" I asked once again confused.

"Haha well honey, dragons under the age of 3 are more sensitive to mana and may have backlashes after using mana or having been part of a spell. Being attacked, defended and moved can lead to backlashes by physically and mentally taking a toll on you." Mother explains in a serious tone stating I shouldn't use magic until I'm three.

"Okay mother."

We exited the cave and mother turned around saying to the maids,

"Would you like to be teleported or flown back?"

"Whichever's easier" (Kate and Adele)

"I agree with Kate" (Sophie)

"I think teleportation seems easier but whichever you prefer." (Lynda)

"Alright teleportation it is, please prepare yourselves it'll take like two seconds." Mother said warning them.

A magic circle glowed from underneath the maids with runes floating around them in a DNA pattern before the magic circle drifted up teleporting the maids making their body disappear in a split second.

"Alright let's get going Kiera." Mother said looking as if she just did something as simple as breathing.

We started flying back home in the sunset bathing the clouds and I in a soft orange and pink colour. I looked out to the sunset with a gentle gaze, closing my eyes resting my head on my mum feeling the cool breeze brush against my feathers and across my skin. It was peaceful. Quite nice indeed.

We swiftly returned home ending my relaxing journey and entered the mountain that I called home. Mother quickly walked to the bedroom door with me in arm and opened the door revealing Violet, Azazel, Aiden and Leo being fed by Kate, Lynda and Sophie in that order. Lynda was feeding both Azazel and Aiden in turn. They looked comfortable in their positions already and the children looked completely unfazed by meeting new people and content with just being fed milk from a bottle.


Time passed quickly after that and it's already been a year and it's currently my birthday and tomorrow would be Violet's, Azazel's, Aiden's and Leo's birthday as they were born on the same day unlike me. I've grown up quite well and I'm the size of a 4 year old despite being two and mother told me to meet in her study as she had some news for me.

Adele who seemed to adore me like everyone else I've come to know was dressing me in a small black dress that reached just below my knees and combed my hair, slipping on my small shoes before exiting with me eagerly showing me the way to mothers study.

Mother was already waiting giving us the 'okay' to enter as Adele opened the door and I walked over to mothers desk. Mother clicked her fingers making a wooden box appear out of thin air and passed it to me.

"Happy second birthday sweetheart" mother said bending down giving me a kiss, "open it up, I think learning this now will help in the future. It was made to match your height and it's enchanted to grow with you making it the perfect size even if you grow."

Curiously I opened the wooden box to reveal a silver bow that was stunningly designed in a velvet cased inside of the box.

Looking up I gave mother a hug whispering, "Thank you mother."

"Give the weapon a drop of blood and it will be contracted with you soul. When you grow it will grow both in size and power. In addition to that when you think of another weapon you want to use it will transform to your will."

"Woah." This was pretty exiting stuff.

"Adele will be teaching you the basics that you will be doing over this year until your 3rd birthday along with some general knowledge lessons. If you don't want to just say, okay?" Mother said giving me a wink.

"Of course mother, thank you."


(A/N - I made this chapter about 2.3k words and it's currently 2:15am.. oops)

(Edited a little as I forgot Leo)

Thank you for the support.

W_D_Y_W_F_Mcreators' thoughts
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