
Look Down

"This is so good mother" Nathan exclaimed.

"Seeing you enjoy it makes me happy," said Alex's mother.

"If you don't mind can I take some for father, I know he would love this," he said.

"I would be so happy to share some with him," she said.

He scooped up some soup and brought it to Alex's lips, "You're not eating as your appetite?"

She opened her mouth eating the soup, "Am worried about my sister"

"She's a grown woman I think she's fine, "he said

"Don't be honey, she called me to tell you not to worry?" her mother said

Nathan smiled, "See... you worry too much. She's fine now eat more"

Alex felt her mother's eyes on her and blushed, "Stop feeding me I can do it myself"

Her mother smiled, "Let him do it if he wants to"

"Why are you stopping me are you shy..." he laughed... "But mother just said I can so let me," he said gazing at her softly.

She smiled letting him feed her, she could hear the maids & her mother giggle.


"Dad am home & I bought you something," Nathan said to his father.

Putting off his glasses he looked up, "Welcome back son, what is that?" he pointed at the package he had.

"This is the dinner I had with Alex's mother, it was so good I wanted you to taste it," he said

Nathan and his father moved to the kitchen and he served him some soup.

"Oh, God, this is amazing," he said after having a scoop, he smiles getting another and another.

Nathan chuckled."I knew you would love it"watching his father finish the whole soup.

"I think am sleeping like a baby tonight, am so stuffed" he laughed

"She will be so happy to know you liked her cooking," he said typing on his phone.

"I loved it, son, say thanks to her for me," he said

Nathan got up, "I have to leave now, I need to organise my home for Alex tomorrow," he said.

"Has your place ever been messy?" his father asked

"No, but still want to make sure, Alex is coming over tomorrow & I don't want her to feel uncomfortable," he said.

His father smiled, "Treat her good son"

"I always do father" he answered saying goodbye he left.


"How could you call a maid & not me? Am your mother you stupid child" Mrs White yelled. She was on the phone with her daughter... "Who do you take me for, trusting someone else is so disappointing"

"Mom can you please not yell, am not on speaker and yes I trust Mama Rosa more than you so deal with it" Cynthia answered.

Her mother scoffed, "Where the hell are you, I had to face your father's wrath all alone and it's all your fault"

"Dad is always angry at you it's not my fault so stop blaming me. And I can't tell you where I cause then u will send people to pick me up. But just for your peace of mind know am doing okay & safe" she said.

"Cynthia you better listen to me and return home as soon as possible or I will start my hunt for you" her mother yelled.

"Oh, mother please, am not scared anymore of that threat, and I can't come home now cause I know what you will do to me" she hang up before her mother could say anything.

Cynthia's mother took a deep breath, "They all look down on me now and all because of that little orphan" she laughed, "let's see how you will react when I have all the power in my hands" she smiled.

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