
Chapter 4: The Ticketmaster

The Ticketmaster

Pony's Log Number 103: Sometimes having to choose one thing over the other is a pain, especially when your friends are involved...

One morning, Twilight and Mario were busy helping Applejack out on the farm. They had both been hard at work gathering lots of apples about the orchard. Spike was just enjoying a ride on Twilight's back, apparently entertaining himself .

"No, nope, nope..." he muttered as he tossed apple after apple from Twilight's basket.

"Thank you kindly, Twilight, for helping me out," said Applejack, "I bet Big Macintosh that I could get all these Golden Delicious in the barn by lunchtime. If I win, he's gonna walk down Stirrup Street in one of Granny's girdles." She chuckled at the idea.

""No problem at all, Applejack," said Twilight, "I'm glad the goal is lunchtime. All this hard work is making me hungry."

"I know, right?" said Spike when he tossed an apple into Twilight's head. Twilight glared as Spike smiled apologetically.

"Ooh-wee, Spike," she groaned, "You've been lounging on my back all morning while we worked. By the way, where's Mario anyway?"

"This should seal that bet for ya, Applejack," said Mario as he gave a loud TOOT-TOOT with his horn. He arrived next to Applejack pulling several four wheeled wooden freight cars loaded to the brim with the remaining Apples that she need as he came to stop.

"TOOT-TOOT!" he whistled, "Did somepony call for the Golden Delicious express?"

"Yee-haw," Applejack replied excitedly, "Now that's what I'm talking about! But uh...where you'd get that there train?"

"I made it myself," said Mario, "I've been waiting for years to finally put my freight train to good use. I can carry almost anything, even a giant stallion in a girdle." Applejack and Mario laughed and exchanged a high hoof as he pulled his train away towards the barn, toot-tooting as he disappeared. Twilight just chuckled, she knew very well of Mario's love for trains and was glad he was enjoying himself.

"Now why can't you be creative like Mario," Twilight said to spike, "we're all working hard."

"Exactly," said Spike, missing her point entirely, "You three were taking so long, I missed snack-time." Twilight was about to retort when her stomach grumbled loudly. She just laughed nervously.

"Eh, I guess we better get some food," she replied as Spike began to dig into her basket for a good apple.

"Nope," he mumbled, "Worm. A-ha!" Spike pulled out a large sparkling, shiny red apple. Twilight could feel her mouth water at the sight.

"Oh Spike, that looks delicious," said Twilight, eager to take a bite before Spike devoured the entire thing into his mouth.

"Spike!" she called out in annoyance and disappointment. If that had been Mario, he would have surrendered it to me without a second thought!

"What?" Spike asked innocently before he gave out a large burp. Twilight ducked as a green flame left his mouth and a rolled up scroll appeared before her and Applejack. Spike cleared his throat before opening it.

"Hear ye, hear ye," he read aloud, "Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria is proud to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot, on the 21st day of...yadda, yadda, yadda, cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle, Mario Star, and one guest." Applejack and Twilight just smiled excitedly.

"The Grand Galloping Gala!" they said with a gasp.

(theme song)

Meanwhile, Mario had finished stashing away all the apples, got plenty of grumbling from Big Mac, and had just arrived back where the other girls were and found them hopping up and down excitedly with Spike between them.

"What's up girls?" he asked curiously.

"The Grand Galloping Gala!" they cheered.

"Woo-hoo!" Applejack added.

"Nice," said Mario with a smile before looking puzzled, "What about the Grand Galloping Gala?" Spike just looked indignant, stuck a finger in his mouth until he burped again, making another scroll appear.

"Look, three tickets," said Spike and Mario saw that one was addressed to him.

"Sweet!" he exclaimed as he held his ticked with his magic.

"Wow, great!" said Twilight, "I've never been to the gala. Have you Spike?"

"No, and I plan to keep it that way," said Spike, "I don't want any of that girly frilly frou-frou nonsense."

"Hey, boys like to go to, Spike," said Mario before saying softly, "It's a great opportunity for a date..." He smiled to himself as Twilight spoke up.

"Aw, come on Spike," said Twilight, "A dance would be nice."

"I'll dance with you," said Mario up front, making her look at him. Mario was soon doing a perfect imitation of Fluttershy.

"Mario?" she asked curiously.

"Um...uhh...well...y-you see...T-T-Twilight," Mario stuttered, "I...well...I wanted to ask...if you want to of course...it's up to you...will...will...y-y-you be my date to the Gala?" Twilight just sighed and gave him a smile.

"Oh alright," said Twilight, "I'll be your date." Mario stiffened in shock.

"R-r-really?" he asked surprised and excited. Applejack was silently snickering at him, but he didn't notice.

"Well, you're always so nice to me and all so...why not?" Twilight replied. Mario was hoping for more along the lines of "I like you" but she said yes and that was good enough for him.

"Eee-hee-hee!" he squealed with glee as he clapped his front hooves together and his voice rose an octave or two, "Thanks Twilight." Applejack was ready to burst from laughter. Mario just squealed for crying out loud! Twilight just giggled.

"Well, as I said, a dance would be nice," she repeated.

"Nice?" said Applejack once she had gotten her giggles out of her system, "It's a heap good more than just nice. I'd love to go. Land sakes, if I had an apple stand set up, ponies would be chowin' our tasty vitties 'til the cows came home. Do you have any idea how much business I could drum up for Sweet Apple Acres?" As she spoke, a dream sequence appeared that showed long lines of ponies coming to purchase all her apples and apple goods.

"You could make bank, as the term goes," Mario answered.

"Exactly," said Applejack, "Why, with all that money, we could do a heap of fixin' up 'round here, replace that saggy old roof, and Big Macintosh could replace that saggy old plow, and Granny can replace that saggy old hip." Visions of run down items instantly became like new, except for Granny Smith, who started walking with a stretcher until a POOF appeared and she started dancing like a young filly.

"Why I'd give my hind leg to go to that gala," Applejack finished. Twilight and Mario exchanged quick smiles with each other.

"Oh, well in that case, would you like to-"


"OOOOMPH!" Just when Twilight was about to ask Applejack if she wanted to go with them. A certain blue Pegasus out of the blue came crashing down on all three of them, knocking all the apples Applejack and Twilight still had in their baskets to the ground.

"Do you have anything better to do than dive bomb at us, Rainbow Dash?" Mario asked as he got to his hooves.

"Ugh," Rainbow groaned quickly before she was back in the air as the other three were still crouching on the ground, "Are we talking about the Grand Galloping Gala?"

"Rainbow Dash," Applejack snapped as she rose to her hooves, "You told me you were too busy to help me harvest apples. What were you busy doing? Spying?"

"No, I was busy napping," said Rainbow Dash as Mario noticed a pillow and blanket on a nearby tree branch. How that was there and they never noticed was beyond him and he rolled his eyes, "And I just happened to hear that you two have an extra ticket?"

"Yeah, but-"

"YES!" Rainbow cut off before Twilight could continue, "This is so awesome. The Wonderbolts perform at the Grand Galloping Gala every year. I can see it now. Everyone would be watching the sky. Their eyes riveted on the Wonderbolts, but then in would fly Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow began to picture her moment and the audience gasped when she appeared in the sky.

"I would draw their attention with my Super Speed Strut," she continued, hearing the crowds cheer.

"Then I would mesmerize 'em with my Fantastic Filly Flash. And for my grand finale, the Buccaneer Blaze! The ponies would go wild!" she added. In her fantasy, she performed all these moves perfectly, making the ponies cheer for her loudly and even the three Wonderbolts' jaws dropped.

"The Wonderbolts would insist that my signature moves be incorporated into their routine," she continued, "and then welcome me as their newest member!" In her fantasy, they shake her hoof and soon she was donning her own Wonderbolt uniform and flying with them into the sky. Mario just rolled his eyes. He supported her dream and wanted her to make the team someday, but she seriously needed to work more on perfecting those moves, stop dive bombing him and Twilight, and quit bragging.

"Don't you see, Twilight and Mario?" Rainbow said excitedly, "This could be my one chance to show 'em my stuff. You gotta take me!" Rainbow was suddenly interrupted by a tug against her tail, which brought her down to the ground.

"Hold on just one pony pickin' minute here," Applejack said with a hard spit to the ground, "I asked for that ticket first?"

"So?" Rainbow shot back, "That doesn't mean you own it."

"Oh yeah?" Applejack retorted, "Well, I challenge you to a hoof-wrestle. Winner gets the ticket." They found a nearby stump and began to groan loudly trying to out-strength each other. Until Twilight shoved them both apart.

"Girls, there are my...er...our...tickets," Twilight told them both firmly, "We'll decide who gets it, thank you very much. Whoever has the best reason to go should get the ticket, don't you think?" She looked at Mario as well, who gave her a nod and smile.

"Drummin' up business for the farm?" Applejack proposed.

"A chance to audition for the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow proposed.

"Money t' fix Granny's hip." Applejack added.

"Living the dream." Rainbow added. Twilight and Mario just exchanged nervous looks.

"Oh my, those are all pretty good reasons, aren't they?" she concluded looking at Mario.

"Yeah...they are," Mario replied slowly. Then both their stomachs started to rumble and they chuckled to each other.

"Listen to that, I am starving and Mario appears to be hungry as well," said Twilight as Spike climbed back into Twilight, "I don't know about you, but I can't make important decisions on an empty stomach."

"I agree," said Mario, "I think better on a full stomach anyway. So we'll uh, think about it over lunch, and get back to you two, okay?"

"Okay," said Applejack and Rainbow sadly. Once Mario and Twilight had left the farm, they glared and began to arm wrestle with each other once more.

"So who are you gonna give the tickets to you guys?" Spike asked once they were back in town.

"I don't know Spike," said Twilight as they came to a stop near a building known as the Sugarcube corner, "but I really can't think straight when I'm hungry. So where should we eat?"

"Well," Mario pondered, "there's this nice little cafe just down the..."


"OOMPH!" Suddenly something that Mario would describe as "the pink blur" came barreling into them at high speed. The quick impact made the ticket float out of Spike's hands and landed on Pinkie's nose.

"Gah! Bats! Bats on my face! Help!" Pinkie shouted as she dashed about and then came to a stop in front of the ticket and looked at them,

"Wait, these aren't...tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, the most amazing incredible tremendous super-fun wonderful terrifically humungous party in all of Equestria! I've always, always, always, wanted to go!" Pinkie began to image the party and all the wonderful things she would get to see...

...and she began singing.

Oh the Grand Galloping Gala is best place for me

Oh the Grand Galloping Gala is best place for me

Hip Hip


It's the best place for me

For Pinkie...

"Oh no..." Mario muttered, rolling his eyes. Pinkie just continued ranting like she normally did:

"With the decorations like streamers and fairy-lights and pinwheels and piñatas and pin-cushions. With goodies like sugar cubes and sugar canes and sundaes and sun-beams and sarsaparilla. And I get to play my favorite-est of favorite fantabulous games like Pin the Tail on the Pony!"

And here we go again," Mario muttered, feeling it coming from a mile away.

Oh the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me

Oh the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me

'Cause it's the most galarrific superly-terrific gala even

In the whole galax-ieeeeeeeeeee!


"Oh thank you, Twilight and Mario," said Pinkie happily, "it's the most wonderful-est gift ever." She then nudged herself into Mario.

"And you can be my date handsome!" Pinkie said to Mario.

"Wait...what?!" Mario exclaimed, stunned with shock in his eyes.

" Um, actually-" said Twilight, trying to explain as Spike picked up the tickets.

"GASP" A pony startled Spike from behind. He turned to see that it was Rarity who had gasped.

"Are these what I think they are?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Pinkie answered, "Twilight and Mario are taking me to the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot."

"And Mario is going to be my date," Pinkie added, nuzzling Mario under the chin once more.

"Wuh-wuh-wuuuuh!?" Mario stuttered.

"The gala?" Rarity exclaimed, "I design ensembles for the gala every year, but I've never had the opportunity to attend. Oh the society, the culture, the glamour! It's where I truly belong, and where I'm destined to meet him." Rarity said the last word with a dreamy tone.

"Him!" Pinkie said, copying her tone but then looked puzzled, "Who?"

"Him," Rarity repeated as she imagined herself at the Gala in a golden yellow dress, "I would stroll through the gala, and everyone would wonder, "Who is that mysterious mare?" They would never guess that I was just a simple pony from little old Ponyville. Why, I would cause such a sensation that I would be invited for an audience with Princess Celestia herself, and the Princess would be so taken by the style and elegance that she would introduce me to him, her nephew: the most handsome eligible unicorn stallion in Canterlot. Our eyes would meet, our hearts would melt. Our courtship would be magnificent. He would ask for my hoof in marriage, and of course I would say, "Yes!" We would have a royal wedding, befitting a princess, which is..." Rarity giggled, "...what I would become upon marrying him, the stallion of my dreams."

"Oh please," Mario mumbled under his breath, "he's not that amazing."

"You know who she's talking about?" Twilight asked, hearing him.

"I do," said Mario, "I met him once when I was a small foal. Princess Celestia had asked him to play with me for a few minutes. I was too shy to speak to him. His idea of playing with me was grabbing a nearby stick and telling me to fetch!" Twilight and Spike covered their mouths to hide their snickering.

"Well I'm sure he was just teasing," Rarity remarked, "But Mario, Twilight, I simply cannot believe you would invite Pinkie Pie so she can...party, and prevent me from meeting my true love. How could you? Hmph!" Rarity turned her head with a huff. Before Twilight and Mario could answer, Spike noticed a white bunny come and snatch the tickets from his claws.

"Hey!" Spike called out as the bunny dashed away towards...Fluttershy. He climbed up to her head and presented the tickets from above.

"GASP!" Fluttershy replied, "Angel, these are perfect." Meanwhile, Rarity and Pinkie were shooting dirty glares at each other.

"Uh, listen you guys," said Twilight, "We haven't decided who to give the extra ticket to."

"You haven't?" Rarity and Pinkie retorted together.

"And while I appreciate the offer, Pinkie," said Mario, "I had already asked Twilight to be my date to the Gala and she said yes." Pinkie let out a loud snort from her nose and glared.

"Um, excuse me, Twilight, Mario," Fluttershy said gently as she came into view between Pinkie and Rarity, "I would just like to ask, I mean, if it would be alright, if you haven't given it to someone else-"

"You?" Rarity exclaimed, figuring out what the yellow Pegasus was asking, "You want to go to the gala?"

"Oh, no," Fluttershy replied and got a jab from Angel, "I mean, yes, or, actually kind of. You see, it's not so much the Grand Galloping Gala as it is the wonderous private gated garden that surrounds the dance. The flowers are said to be the most beautiful and fragrant in all of Equestria. For the night of the gala, and that night alone, would they all be in bloom...and that's just the flora. Don't get me started on the fauna. There's loon and toucans and bitterns, oh my! Hummingbirds that can really hum and buzzards that can really buzz. White-blue jays, and red jays, and green jays, pink jays and pink flamingos!" Fluttershy just hovered happily before Mario and Twilight as she cuddled Angel in her arms.

"Gee, Fluttershy, it's sounds...beautiful," Twilight said, unsure of it herself.

"The gardens actually are that beautiful," said Mario, "I've been there a few times myself when I needed a study break."

"Do you know if everything I said is there?" Fluttershy asked excitedly.

"The flora yes, but not all the fauna..."

"Wait just a minute," said a familiar voice. Twilight and Mario looked up to see Rainbow Dash staring down at them from the roof top of a nearby house.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight retorted angrily as the blue Pegasus flew back down to them.

"We're you following us?" Mario added in the same tone.

"No. I mean, yes. I mean maybe," Rainbow stumbled, "Look, it doesn't matter. I could risk a goody-four shoes like you two..."

"Excuse me?" Mario retorted, very offended.

"...giving that ticket away to just anybody," Rainbow finished, ignoring Mario's angry glare.

"Wait just another minute." Now Applejack appeared next to Twilight.

"Applejack," Twilight replied sternly, "were you following us too?" Mario's glare said the same question.

"No," she replied quickly, "I was followin' this one to make sure she didn't try anything funny business. Still trying to take mah ticket?"

"Your ticket?" Rainbow retorted.

"But Twilight and Mario are taking me," Pinkie shot back, "and Mario is gonna be my date!"

"Wuh?" Mario exclaimed stunned. Before he or Twilight could protest. The other ponies started to argue over each other. Their voices continued to get louder and louder, nearly smothering the two unicorns before Twilight and Mario finally had enough.

"QUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!" They both screamed as they stood on their hind legs.

"And then I said "Oatmeal, are you craz-" Pinkie then suddenly stopped once she realized that the arguing had stopped, "Oh..."

"Girl's there's no use in arguing," Twilight pointed out.

"But Twilight..." Rarity tried to protest.

"Eh!" Twilight replied as Mario raised a hoof towards her to shush, "This is our decision, and we're gonna make it on our own."

"And we're certainly can't think straight with all this noise," Mario added than both his and Twilight's stomachs grumbled loudly, "not to mention hunger."

"Now go, shoo!" Twilight finished.

"And no more fighting with each other," Mario added as the five mares all walked or flew away, grumbling to themselves.

"And don't worry, We'll figure this out..." Twilight added as they disappeared and they were just alone with Spike somewhere to the side and not in their sight.

"...somehow..." Mario added quietly. Twilight just looked rather upset as Mario gave her a side hug.

"Come on," said Mario, "Let's get some lunch. My treat." Twilight just gave a small smile and he guided her...and Spike, who had caught up and was about to climb up into Twilight.

"Take my back for a change, Spike," Mario offered, "give Twi a rest." Spike just shrugged his shoulders before doing so and they headed towards that cafe Mario had recommended.

Once they had arrived, neither Twilight or Mario could relax with such an important decision on their minds. Twilight was slouching on her seat while Mario sat next to her with his front legs bent as if he had elbows on the table.

"Oh spike, what are we gonna do?" Twilight asked worried, "All five of our best friends have really good reasons for going to the gala."

"Best friends?" Mario asked sitting up, "we've really gotten that close that quickly? Or...maybe it's just you girls..."

"Of course we've all that close with each other!" Twilight answered, "and don't say that. That includes you too. Why wouldn't you be included?" Mario felt a little bashful.

"Um...I'm a boy?" he replied like it was a good reason.

"Being a boy doesn't matter, you're part of our group and our best friend," said Twilight and got back to her train of thought by using her magic to pull petals off one of the table flowers, "But who do we choose? Applejack or Rainbow Dash? Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy, Rarity? Oh who should go with us?" Her stomach grumbled again as she used her tongue to eat up the pedals. Mario just watched her lick them up as their waiter, Savior Fare, appeared at their table.

"Have you made your decision?" he asked in a professional tone and French accent.

"I CAN'T DECIDE!" she bellowed, sitting up and raising her hoofs into the air. Everyone started to stare at her and Mario face-hoofed himself from the embarrassment.

"Twilight, he just wants to take your order," said Spike as he pointed at the menu he was holding. Twilight blinked before she recomposed herself.

"Oh," she replied and calmed down, "I would love a daffodil and daisy sandwich."

"I'll take the same," said Mario.

"Must you get what I get?" Twilight asked annoyed.

"It was between that and the toasted hayburger on sourdough, but you said I needed to watch my figure," Mario replied looking at his stomach, which wasn't too big or too small. Twilight just rolled her eyes.

"Do you have any rubies?" Spike asked and only got an indignant glare, "No? Okay..." Spike tossed the menu behind him, "...I'll have the hay fries, extra crispy." Savior Fare was already walking away before Spike had finished placing his order.

"What do you think, Spike?" Twilight asked as Savior Fare went back inside.

"I think we have to try another restaurant," Spike answered, "I mean, I like grass just fine, but would it hurt anybody to offer some gemstones?"

"Spike, only you can eat gemstones," Mario answered, "Ponies can't eat them. It would break their teeth. They prefer them for currency...and in Rarity case...fine couture."

"I mean about the Gala and the ticket and who we should take!" Twilight snapped.

"Oh," said Mario and Spike just pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You're still on that?" Spike asked annoyed.

"Spike listen," Twilight replied as she leaned towards him on the table with her front hooves and knocked the flower vase off the table, "How do we choose? And what we do choose, will the other four be mad at us? I mean, I could give up my ticket and give away two, but that would still leave three disappointed ponies."

"Even if I give up mine as well, we would still have to deal with two disappointed ponies," put in Mario, "There's no good solution with this!"

"What if we..." Twilight was then cut off when Savior Fare reappeared.

"Ah, your food, " he replied as he set their food on the table. Spike had already started munching away. Twilight and Mario smiled.

"Merci," said Mario.

"Oh thank you," said Twilight, "this looks so good. I'm sure everything will be much clearer once I eat." Mario nodded in agreement. They both used their magic to lift the sandwiches to their mouths when the other ponies galloped pass them and into the indoor part of the cafe. Making them drop their sandwiches back on their plates.

"Em, madam, monsieur," Savior Fare replied with concern, "Are you going to eat your food in ze rain?"

"It's not raining," Twilight replied, "what's going on?" They then looked around them and noticed that everywhere minus their table was getting a large downpour.

"Okay, which weather pony goofed and brought this over here?" Mario demanded. It was then in a small hole in the clouds a very familiar blue Pegasus appeared.

"Hi there, best friends forever I've ever had," said Rainbow in a sweet tone, "Enjoying the sunny weather?"

"Rainbow Dash. what are you doing?" Twilight asked in a suspicious tone and Mario gave the blue Pegasus a glare.

"Whaddya mean?" Rainbow replied innocently, "I just saw the smartest, most generous ponies about to get rained on, so I thought I'd kick a hole in the clouds to keep them dry so they could dine in peace, that's all." Mario and Twilight shifted looks from Rainbow, the surrounding rain, to their food, to each other, and at Rainbow once more.

"Rainbow, you're not trying to get extra consideration for the extra ticket by doing extra special favors, are you?" Twilight asked and Mario stared at the blue Pegasus intensely.

"You're not the type to swallow your pride like that," Mario added slowly.

"Me?" Rainbow replied with a chuckle, "No-no-no, of course not."

"Uh-huh," said Twilight.

"Sure," Mario added. Neither pony believed her.

"Seriously, I'd do it for anypony," Rainbow added just when other ponies were running to find cover and failing to do so, clearly exposing Rainbow's bluff. She just gulped, "Heh, heh, eh..."

"Rainbow, we're not comfortable accepting unwanted favors," Mario told her.

"So I'd appreciate if you closed up that rain cloud right now," Twilight added.

"Uhh, Twilight..." Mario warned, but she wasn't listening.

"Ugh, fine," said Rainbow and zipped up the hole. Mario just groaned and looked at Twilight indignantly.

"That's better," said Twilight, feeling very pleased with herself. Until two seconds later Mario, Twilight, and their sandwiches were soaked.

"Nice to see you thought this through," Mario replied sarcastically. Twilight gave a loud groan. Spike covered his mouth to avoid laughing. He had already finished his food. Just then Rarity arrived carrying a large purple umbrella.

"Twilight, Mario, it's raining," she said plainly.

"No, really?" Twilight retorted sarcastically.

"And we thought someone was dumping the world's largest bucket of water all over us," Mario added in the same tone.

"Come with me before you catch a cold," said Rarity and pulled Twilight away. Mario just watched the two girls disappear.

"I guess I'll catch a co...WHOA!" Then Rarity grabbed him too and they both found themselves in the Carousel Boutique. As soon as they were inside, both Twilight and Mario shook the water out of their coats and mane. Once dry, they looked as sharp as ever. Except for Rarity, who had gotten soaked from them shaking about. She glared at the two.

"Heh heh, oops, sorry," said Twilight apologetically.

"Yeah, maybe we should have just asked for a towel," said Mario and chuckled timid.

"Oh no, it's quite all right," Rarity replied, "after all, we are..." Suddenly she was completely dry and nuzzling the side of Twilight, "...the best of friends, are we not? And you know what best friends do?"

"Uh..." Both Twilight and Mario were afraid to find out.

"Makeovers!" Rarity exclaimed as she shoved a dressing screen in front of her and Twilight, knocking Mario and Spike away from them as Rarity began to roughly dress up Twilight.

"Ugh Rarity, ow," Twilight groaned, "this really isn't fixing it. I mean, thank you, but, ooh, that's too tight!" Soon the screen was removed and Twilight was fitted in glittery little dress.

"There," said Rarity, "oh, you're simply darling." Twilight looked at the dress and smiled.

"Uh, yeah, it is kinda pretty, isn't it?" she replied.

"You look very pretty in it," Mario added with a shy smile. Twilight just smiled back. Spike made a face, sticking his finger in his mouth. Rarity rushed into him, causing him to stick his entire claw inside of his mouth.

"And you." Rarity exclaimed, "Oh Spike, I have a dandy little outfit for the dashing gent." Mario snickered, wondering what Rarity had in mind.

"I didn't forget you, handsome." Mario stopped laughing then before he and Spike were shoved behind a screen.

"D-ah, ow, oh, hey, wow, watch it, whoa!" Spike yelped.

"Oh, hey, ouch, oomph, too tight, ye-ow! Use a shoe horn next time!" Mario said at the same time of Spike's yelps.

Once the screen had been moved, Spike was dressed in a very traditional renaissance style blue suit with a blonde wig. Mario was in a similar suit in dark purple with a white upper class wig and some boots that were way too tight for his hooves. They both looked indignant and embarassed.

"Oh Spike, Mario," Twilight giggled.

"Now you just need a hat," said Rarity as she plopped it on Spike's head.

"Ugh, I told you, I don't want any part of this girly gala gunk. See you back at the library!" said Spike and dashed right out of the clothes and out of the boutique.

"Oh, who needs him anyway," said Rarity with a laugh as she brought a mirror. Twilight just looked at herself contently in the mirror. Mario was just looking rather miserable since Rarity had added a matching hat to his attire, "This is all about you, and how fabulous you two will look at the Grand Galloping Gala." Mario and Twilight both blinked.

"Wait, the Grand-" They said together.

"And oh, my goodness, what a coincidence," Rarity exclaimed in a fashion that Mario and Twilight knew what she was trying to do, "I happen to have an ensemble of my own that matches Twilight's to a T..." Rarity soon held her close as they gazed into the mirror, and soon Rarity took full dominance of the reflection, "...We would be the belles of the ball, you and I. Everyone would be clamoring for our attention. All eyes would be on us, and then everyone would finally know who, the most beautiful, the most talented, the most sophisticated in all of Equestria is Rarity the unicorn." Rarity has stars in her eyes. Until she then turned to see Twilight and Mario both giving her death glares.

"Ah," Rarity laughed nervously, "and Twilight Sparkle and Mario Star, of course."

"I see what's going on," Twilight said angrily.

"You're just buttering us up so we gave you this extra ticket," Mario added.

"Well, it's not going to work," said Twilight as she and Mario tossed the offered clothes back at Rarity, "You're going to have to wait for our decision just like everyone else."

"And no offense," put in Mario, "but I would have preferred a nice tux. Something modern chic rather than old traditional."

"Now if you'll excuse me, We've been trying all day just to get some lunch," said Twilight firmly as they saw Spike had left the door open.

"Did somepony say lunch?" said a voice and grabbed Twilight outside. Mario just looked indignant.

"Three...two...WHOA!" He was a little off, but the voice grabbed him too. He and Twilight both landed in front of a wooden wagon loaded with apple treats.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Twilight exclaimed.

"It's day one of Ponyville all over again!" Mario added. That was then their culprit appeared before them: Applejack.

"I got apple pie, apple fritters, apple tarts, apple dumplings, apple crisps, and apple Brown Betty," she told them, showing the last mentioned dessert before them, "Uh, the dessert, not my auntie. What do you say there, best friends?" Mario and Twilight stomachs grumbled before they felt their tempers slip.

"No, No," Twilight snapped, making Applejack drop the last dash, "We don't know who we're giving the ticket to."

"And all these favors aren't making it any easier to decide!" Mario yelled, "in fact..."

"We're less sure now that we were this morning! UGH!" they shouted together and ran off. Applejack just looked stunned as they took off.

"So, that's a maybe?" was all Applejack could say.

It was a little while later that they had calmed down enough to arrive back at the Grand Oak library. Both ponies were clearly frustrated and stressed out.

"Ugh, I never thought being showered with favors could be so aggravating!" she retorted angrily. Mario suddenly felt a little insecure.

"Umm...I don't...make you feel that way...do I?" Twilight was taken aback by the question but just gave him a assured sigh.

"No...just...stick to making us some lunch and nothing else for today, okay," said Twilight. Mario nodded and she opened the door. There before her were various animals dusting and cleaning the inside of the library. Then they heard a familiar yellow Pegasus humming a sweet tune (apparently the first few notes to the show's theme song) as she continued to dust the book shelves.

"Seriously?" Mario said aloud.

"Fluttershy," Twilight gasped, "Not you too?"

"Oh, well, hello Twilight," said Fluttershy, "I hope you don't mind, but we're all doing a little spring cleaning for you."

"It's summer," said Mario and Twilight as a matter of fact.

"Oh, well, better late than never, right?" said Fluttershy as she flew next to them, "It was Angel's idea." The little bunny smiled and continued to toss a salad nearby.

"You're not doing this for the ticket, are you?" Twilight asked, getting right to the point.

"Oh no, I'm doing this because you two are my very best friends, Right Angel?" said Fluttershy and the bunny just gave her a glare, "Oh yes, we are just doing this for the ticket." Mario's jaw just dropped.

"Unbelievable," he remarked as Angle offered them the salad.

"No, no, no!" said Twilight firmly, "Well, this was all very nice of you and Angel, but we're not accepting any extra favors until we've made our final decision, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Twilight opened the door, but then a huge burst of confetti blasted into the door.

"SURPRISE!" some ponies shouted outside and trumpets blow. Mario knew what would happen next.

"Hold it!" said Mario before he walked over to Twilight and wrapped a fore-leg around her. Twilight looked puzzled.

"Go," he said plainly and they were both whisked away and were being tossed up and down by a bunch of ponies when Pinkie began to sing:

Twilight and Mario, are my bestest friends

Whoopie, whoopie!

"Pinkie..." Mario and Twilight said together.

They're the cutest, smartest, all around best ponies, ponies!

"Pinkie" they repeated.

I bet if I throw a super-duper fun party, party!

"Pinkie!" they said louder.

They'll give their extra ticket to the Gala to me!

"PIIIIIIIIIIIIIINKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!" They shouted loudly, causing the ponies to break away and send them landing hard to the ground. Well...Mario landed on the ground on his stomach. Twilight landed on his back.

"I'm always the fall guy," Mario groaned painfully. Twilight wasn't heavy, but she still landed hard onto his back.

"Yes Twilight? Mario?" Pinkie asked innocently, batting her eyes at the both of them.

"At least the other ponies tried to be subtle about the ticket," said Twilight as she sat up and off of Mario's back.

"Wait, what ticket?" A pony named Drizzle asked, "What Gala?"

"Oh didn't you know?" Pinkie replied.

"Pinkie, shush, shush, shush! ZIP IT!" Mario pleaded under his breath, crossing a hoof across his throat.

"Twilight and Mario have an extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala!" Pinkie finished, clueless to Mario's pleas.

"The Grand Galloping Gala!?" The nearby ponies exclaimed. Mario just groaned and Twilight suddenly looked very uneasy as they were soon swamped by dozens of ponies. Ironically, they were all mares.

"Have I ever told you how much I love your mane?!

"I'll wash your dishes!"

They all began suggesting favors outright, but Spike managed to swoop in and help Mario and Twilight slip out of the crowd, but they were stopped by a pony named Daisy.

"Would you like help with your gardening?"

"We don't have one!" Mario answered quickly. They tried to get away again before they were stopped again.

"I have a cartload of extra carrots," A pony named Shoeshine proposed. Soon the crowd had swamped them once again, shouting favor after favor.

"What are we gonna do?" Spike asked as their personal space began to dwindle rapidly. Mario and Twilight felt themselves ready to go into a panic.



"RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNN!" Mario and Twilight shouted as they jumped high into the air and dashed away at top speed. As if on cue, some Benny-Hill style music as Twilight and Mario ran for dear to try and escape the crowd. Mario was panicking so badly he was actually running on just his hind legs. They tried everything, hiding behind carts, disguises (spike was a baby), hiding under a bridge, and even trying manniquin poses in a store, but nothing worked. Soon they were backed into a corner with all the ponies shouting favor after favor at them. The only favor Mario heard clearly was:

"I'll do your taxes!"

Mario tried to get in front of Twilight to defend her, but the approaching crowd made him too nervous to stand strong. The pressure was becoming unbearable for Mario and Twilight when their horns began to glow brightly and they along with Spike disappeared.

"Where is she?" Where did she go? She's disappeared." The other ponies exclaimed. Fortunately, Mario and Twilight had triggered a teleportation spell and landed right back at the grand oaks library. Both were quite frazzled from the trip. Poor Spike was slightly fried.

"Ugh...warn me next time you two are gonna do that," he groaned in a dizzy tone.

"I didn't even know it was gonna happen," Twilight protested.

"That's the trouble with magical surges," said Mario, "you never know when they happen or what they will do. They just trigger under moments of great stress."

"Would have been safer if Mario had just picked us up and sped us both here," Spike pointed out. Mario blinked and face-hoofed himself for not thinking of that.

"Never mind," Twilight snapped as she stood upright with her arms spread out, "Now quick! Lock the doors!" Now Mario put his speed to good use as the three quickly closed all the doors and shut off all the lights. They breathed a sigh of relief and slumped to the floor once they had finished.

Suddenly a light came back on...

"GASP!" Mario squeaked loudly and pointed a fore-hoof upward. Twilight looked up. Despite locking everything, their five best friends were staring down at them with smiles on their faces near a high window.

Mario and Twilight couldn't take it anymore.

"YAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Mario and Twilight screamed.

"We can't decide!" Twilight retorted frantically, "We just can't decide."

"It's important to all of you and we just can't stand to disappoint any of you," Mario added sadly, "and giving us gifts and doing us favors won't make any difference."

"Because you're all our friends and we wanna make you all happy and we just can't! We just CAN'T!" they said together before crunching into the floor with their front hooves covering their heads. The five mares didn't need long to realize just how upset Mario and Twilight were feeling. In fact, a pair of tears had left Mario's eyes just as Applejack walked up to the both of them.

"Twilight, Mario, sugars," Applejack said gently as she patted a fore-hoof on Twilight's back but still spoke to the both of them, "I didn't mean to put so much pressure on the two of you, and if it helps. I don't want the ticket anymore. You can give it to somepony else. I won't feel bad, I promise."

"Me too," Fluttershy added, "I just feel awful that I made you feel so awful."

"And me too," Pinkie pie put in, "It's no fun upsetting your friends."

"Twilight, Mario," Rarity joined in, "it was unfair of me to try and force you as I did."

"Yes! That means the ticket is mine. Ha,ha," said Rainbow before singing and dancing in the air, "I got the ticket. I got the ticket-" Rainbow soon stopped her victory dance when Applejack, Fluttershy, and Mario (despite having two un-wiped tears on his cheeks) shot her a dirty look. Twilight only looked up. Yet both unicorns still were crouched and their fore-hooves still over their heads.

"You know," said Rainbow sheepishly, "I haven't perfected my signature moves for the Wonderbolts anyway. I don't need that ticket either."

"We all got so gun-ho about going to the gala that we couldn't see how un-gun-ho we were making you," Applejack pointed out.

"We're sorry Mario and Twilight," the five mares said together. Mario and Twilight felt better and exchanging smiles and a single nod.

"Spike, take a note," Twilight instructed as Spike grabbed a sheet of paper and a quill.

"Dear Princess Celestia," Twilight said aloud as she picked up the three tickets with her magic, "We've learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings, but when there's not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful. So, though we appreciate the invitation, we will be returning all three tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala."

"What?!" The other five mares exclaimed in shock.

"If our friends can't all go," Mario concluded for Twilight, "We don't wanna go either." The other ponies were still in shock and the decision made them all fell worse about everything.

"Mario, Twilight, you don't have to do that," Applejack protested.

"Nope, we've made up our mind," said Twilight as Mario gave a firm nod in agreement, "Spike, you can send the letter now." Spike let out a green flame that ate up the letter and sent it on its way.

"Now you won't get to go to the gala either," said Fluttershy sadly.

"It's okay girls," said Twilight, "We couldn't possibly enjoy ourselves without our best friends there with us."

"So we would rather not go at all," said Mario with a assuring smile. The other mares shared a group hug together and chuckled. Then Applejack gave Mario a one-on-one hug.

"I know yer just thinking about us, sugarcube," she said to him, "but I know you're still disappointed that you won't get to take Twilight to the Gala as your date."

"Mario had asked Twilight to be his date for the Gala?" Rainbow exclaimed as she, Fluttershy, and Rarity cooed. Mario just blushed shyly as they all giggled, even Twilight.

"Hhg...hgh...urk...urk..." Spike began to make faces like he was grossed out. At least that was how Applejack interpreted his grunts.

"Well wallop my withers, Spike," said Applejack as she pulled away from the group hug and approached the dragon, "Isn't that just like a boy? Can't handle the least bit of sentiment."

"Hey leave me out of this, Applejack," Mario retorted indignantly, "I like hugs, expressing my feelings, and I'm not afraid to cry...Applejack DUCK!"


"Whoa Nelly!" Applejack exclaimed as she barely missed getting hit by the green flame Spike has spat out between her golden mane and stenson hat. The flame turned into another letter.

"A letter from the princess?" said Twilight surprised, "that was fast."

"Mom must have had time to sort her mail today," Mario replied as Spike opened the letter.

"My faithful students, Twilight and Mario," Spike read aloud, "Why didn't you just say so in the first place? Seven tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala." The ponies all gasped.

"Now we can all go," said Twilight happily. The ponies cheered. Then Twilight noticed Pinkie smiling and batting her eyelashes at Mario, making him rather nervous.

"And Mario can be my date," Twilight added.

"Uh-huh," Mario with a definitive nod. Pinkie blinked before smiling again.

"That's okay," she replied and leaned into his face with a smile, "Someday Mario, you'll be mine." She then bounced away. Mario was left with a long face that had clearly learned a new definition of fear. Then his and Twilight's stomachs growled. Twilight laughed nervously and Mario snapped out of his state of shock.

"Allow us to treat you both to dinner," Rarity offered them.

"What a great way to apologize," said Rainbow as each pony collected their ticket. Each hovered above their heads as they left the house, even if they weren't a unicorn.

"And to celebrate," Pinkie Pie added as she exited, "Come on everyone, the cupcakes are on me!" Spike held on to one extra ticket excitedly, until Applejack left and the ticket left Spike's head and floated above her head.

"How come I don't get a ticket to the gala?" He asked sadly and then, "Hurk! BURP!" Applejack stopped moving when she heard the belch, a green glow appeared behind her, and she looked back. Spike had gotten another letter.

"And one for you Spike" he read and giggled happily as he held his ticket happily and left the library. Then he saw Applejack, just standing casually with a sly smirk on her face. Spike froze for a second before making a face.

"I mean, gross, I have to go too?" he remarked before he dashed away giggling again. Applejack just chuckled and went to catch up with the rest of their friends. Who knows what made Spike change his mind?

But in the end...it was something they could all look forward to.

So...Mario has already made his first move and Twilight said yes.

And I've hinted at a possible love triangle.

In future, Twilight will still be reciting the letters on her own for the most part of season 1. Even though the lesson she learns will be shared with Mario (and he will be credited in the letters at the end of each episode with her too). She was the main focus of the first few seasons and I'd rather keep it that way.

Until next time...Peace Pony Fans.

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