
Rebirth and Nuisances

{A/N: Wow! Who would've thought a book I created on a whim would receive such good reviews? As a reward for your support and for getting over 300 collections in two days. And thank you for the power stones as well. Here are another two chaps. Have a blessed day. Also, he doesn't have a system(:}


(Narrator POV)

Few know the whole story. From what I recall, it begins something like this:

Before history began, Egypt was the cradle of life. A paradise of gods whom it created.

Soon, the gods grew to be more beautiful and strong. Righteous and just were they born out of Egypt.

Eons later, Egypt had given birth to a group of new beings. Though weak, they greatly multiply.

So, the gods decided to live there... with these lower creations, Man.

It was impossible to confuse gods with mortals whom the mortals worshipped. The gods were taller with gold instead of blood running through their veins.

Ichor is what the mortals named it. The blood of the gods. And they could transform at will into all sorts of terrifying beasts.

Egypt was divided between two powerful brothers.

Osiris, the god of life, was the beloved king... of all the fertile lands that had run along the coasts of the Nile.

His brother, Seth, ruled the far arid desert... finding strength and bitterness in isolation. Protecting the borders of Egypt from the gods in other lands beyond our own.

But, then came the day when Osiris crowned a new king; Horus, his only son, who had been born not long ago.

It was a decision that would test the bond between brothers... and the fate of all of Egypt.

But the gods are just half of our story.

It was obvious that they alone could not change the course destination by themselves.

It would take a man of exceptional judgment... wisdom and strength. Unfortunately, I was not that man. Before underestimating my younger self and reckless behavior... Remember this, never doubt a man struggling for one thing powerful as any god…


This began my journey to godhood. Read along as I tell the tale of myself, the Immaculate Horus, the Ever-Changing.


-Heliopolis, Dimension of the Ennead-

In a dimension inaccessible to others besides the beings residing there, inside a building with columns decorated with gold and red blue, and green colors, a woman is yelling loudly while huffing and puffing.

Though sweaty, one could easily tell she is the most beautiful woman in the land of the Ennead. But, be not be mistaken by her beauty, as she is of great stature and has an aura of superiority around her like a goddess.

In front of this woman, is a bit smaller woman who is encouraging the woman to keep pushing.

As you would know by now, the woman is giving birth and has been in labor for 2 days now.

One cannot even begin to comprehend the pain she is going through.

"Keeping pushing, Isis. The baby is almost out. Muster all of the strength you can and at the count three, I want you to give the biggest push. Ready? 1… 2… AND THREE!!! PUSH!! PUSH!! PUSH!!!"

At this time, the woman is sweating profusely after following the directions of giving three big pushes and the baby has finally been delivered.

Upon the child's birth, the midwife cleans the baby and hands it to Isis while congratulating her.

"Thank you, Lady Nephthys. I cannot begin to express my gratitude to you. I am in your debt."

Smiling, the lady acting as the midwife known now as Nephthys hands the sleeping baby in her arms to Isis.

"By raising a great and mighty ruler of Heliopolis is how you can repay me. You are the Queen, after all, you can't—"

Not being able to finish her sentence, a man of a dark skin complexion suddenly appears. A pressure suddenly bores down on all those present in the room except the Nephthys, Isis, and the baby.

"Has my son been born? Let me hold him." The man says while rushing towards Isis.

"Are you an idiot? I haven't even held him for a minute and you want to take him away? Get lost!" Isis is completely engaged. Her maternal instincts kick in as she releases a pressure that alleviates the servants' pain, she pressures the man and makes him kneel as he did the servants.

One must know, you can never ask a mother who just birthed a child to hand it over so quickly. Her anger is multiplied 3 fold due to the other hormones in her body. Thus, making her more powerful than usual and also stunning the man being pressured.

No male of any kind can mess with a mother even if they're the father. Why are the dad dogs made to wait after weeks from when the babies are born?

Because he's a man. This is blatant misandry!!

Isis is mad, glaring at the man as her eyes are glowing a bluish-white. She forms an orb of white energy in her hand, ready to strike.

Feeling as though he is in grave danger, the man quickly tries to calm the woman down.

"My love, calm down. I was just excited that's all. How could our child grow up without a father? You can hold him for a while longer."

The woman, appearing to like what she has heard, returns her attention to the baby in her arms.

Smiling and petting his face.

'I didn't marry a psycho did I?' the man thinks. Strange is how fast this woman changed.

He says nothing while watching the woman and baby with love and then leaves thereafter.

However, as soon as the man's presence isn't felt anymore, the baby's eyes shoot wide open. Staring confusingly at a bare tit hovering over his mouth, the baby squeaks, "What?"

{A/N: Minions voice.}


(Horus POV)

After fading away on some Nilsey Niles-type sh*t, I found myself traveling through different worlds? Universes? Dimensions? I don't even know. It was similar to how the Ancient blasted Strange's soul through dimensions, I also experienced this. Though I could not see all of the dimensions, I did catch a glimpse of one that I had a connection with. I'll just have to figure out what it is.

After what felt like a lifetime, I ended up going to a place completely dark and void of light except for a speck in the distance.

Not seeing any harm in inspecting this light, I March forward for what seemed like days until I reach what appeared to be a portal.

Stepping through, I am met with the feeling of my body being covered in warm liquid. I could not open my eyes but I can feel my body slowly forming.

I can only conclude I am in my new mother's womb. That damned guy Mike should've time skipped. I don't want to start all the from the start. Hopefully, gods are born fairly quickly and not 9 months.

Seeing the speed at which my body grew, I know I'll form a body within the next week.


A week passed and I couldn't do anything except focus on my soul. I figured out my soul is golden in color and there's some type of red light in the middle of my brain. I've been trying to poke and see if it would react but, sadly, it did not react.

The red light is semi-sentient but I can't sense anything else from it.

During this weeklong wait, I felt when the EVO virus entered my body through some super small portal that even my mother did not notice.

This is what rapidly sped up my birth. Otherwise, I'd have to wait three months for myself to be born.

Shortly after my body fully formed, the red light started glowing brighter. Then, little tendrils of light similar to roots started sprouting out all over my body. Overlaying my soul to my physical body—

'Son of a b*tch!' I say to myself.

I realize that the red light is seeping into my veins… well not my physical veins. The red light is more spiritual so I guess it's called spirit veins?

Who would've thought those damned wuxia protags would be correct. I have spiritual veins.

As soon as the red light finished connecting itself to my spiritual nervous system, a voice speaks in my mind.

I don't react immediately due to my 13th-level intellect brain working overtime.

<System Protocol: RE-Marvel 616 initialized. Congratulations on successfully reincarnating. I will be your help system. I am only a help system and cannot converse with the host. Please say "Status" and your evolution status will be displayed. Goodbye for now, Horus Prime.>

'What the actual hell. Who asked for a damn system? Ugh, this mother—, no, that little boy gave me a system. Let me just check and see if this is an actual system or just an attribute system. Status.'


<Evolution System>

Name: Horus Prime

Race: Heliopolitan Falcon (EVO Progenitor)

Age: 0

Strength: 50kg

Speed: 3mph

Divinities: Sky, Light/Sun, War, Evolution

Weapons: Blades of Ma'at (0% Mastery)

>>Evolutionary Stage: Human (0%)


Divine Sense- Through the intervention of ????, your soul has been upgraded to match that of a god in the universe you reincarnated into. Through steady use of manipulating your soul, you have acquired the ability to see through the physical body and into metaphysical plane.

Falcon Form: The host will be able to transform himself into a falcon. Able to fly at great speeds due to your godly essence. (Ability Locked until maturing)


'Alright, I see what that guy Mike did. He gave me a system that will help me keep track of my current strength and mastery over my divinities and weapons.'

Not knowing what else to do, I focus my mind on the words "Evolutionary Stage" and am met with a list of stages of power I will acquire when I fulfill the 100% requirement in each stage for further evolution.

The list of current evolutionary stages available from weakest to strongest are:




Beta Level (State Destroyer)

Alpha Level (Country Destroyer)

Omega Level/Demigod (Continent Destroyer)

Lesser God (Multi-Continent Destroyer)

Mid God (Tectonic Plate Shifter)

True God/Allfather (Planet Mover)

From what I had read from the system explanation, these evolutionary stages are specifically designed for me to help regulate my power. I don't even know why Mike even bothered trying to add this system when I have a level 13 intellect. I could easily make my system.

However, there are still benefits to having this system such as being able to know how far along I am on my evolutionary path.

After a couple of hours of thinking and planning, my mother's water had broken and I was elated to finally be free and start my journey in the universe.

There was one problem. My head was too big.

Two days. Two days was how long I was still in the womb. Saying f*ck it, I decided on the next "push" that I was going to push myself out.

Thirty minutes later, the goddess acting as midwife finally tells my mother to push, and that's when I made my move. Using my mother's ribcage as a foothold, I push my baby legs as hard as I could. My efforts paid off because now my head is out in the open air. The midwife grabs my head, pulls my body out, and cleans me off fairly quickly.

Exhausted from my workout of birth, I decided to nap.

For what felt like hours later, I had awoken due to some unknown, yet familiar, presence entering the room.

Hearing the conversation, I conclude this man is my father. He f*cked up when he decided now was the time to take me.

I lay in my mother's arms with my eyes closed and waiting for my father to leave so that I can start my investigation.

Like clockwork, Daddy-O leaves, and I open my eyes so fast I temporarily blind myself. It only took a couple of nanoseconds for the virus to react and repair the minor damage caused to my retina.

Upon opening my eyes again, I am met with a nipple the size of those old-school big pink erasers. Let's not even talk about the size of her bust

The only thing I can think of to say was…



(2 hours later)

"Come on, baby. You have to drink your mommy's milk. Otherwise, you'll grow up weak and bony like your Uncle Anubis."

My mother says as she tries for the umpteenth time to suckle from her teat.

How could I, Niscom's 2065' Call of Duty League world champion, drink from a woman's tit?

Why would I drink that delicious, succulent, most sweet nectar of the god's milk?

I can't. I won't. Not in a million years will you catch—


"You see? You're hungry. Stop being stubborn and drink or else!" she says softly in a motherly tone.

"Nuh-uh," I say turning my head away.

Seeing the defiance in my eyes, my mother Isis smiles and sighs sympathetically, and then WHAM.

My world goes black.

I wake up an unknown amount of time later still in my mother's arms but something is wrong.

Why am I grabbing her breast? And why is my mouth so full?

F*ck!! I'm drinking it!! The oh-so-sweet nectar of the gods.

For me to have a 13th-level intellect I sure am slow.

This woman knocked her newborn god baby unconscious to forcefully feed him.

Damn this woman. This is child abuse at its finest.

If she doesn't deserve to be canceled then I don't know who does.

Taking my loss, I just decide to continue to drink. My body is continuously absorbing her godly nutrients and my belly soon becomes full. That's when the burping starts and I also get tired of being treated like a baby.

I manage to escape her clutches and fly away toward the other side of the room.

Surprised, my mother chases after me, trying to catch me in her hands.

At this point, if a person outside came into the room, they'd see what looks like a Tom and Jerry episode.

"Little one, get down before you fall. Do you want to hurt yourself?"

This goes on for twenty minutes until my father shows up and uses some type of telekinesis on me; effectively trapping me and letting my mother grab me again.

"Thank you, Osiris my love. I don't know what has gotten into this boy but he has been at this for the past day now."


My father laughs loudly as he looks at me with joy and love.

"He's just like me. I was quite a rebellious spirit at his age. That was when father took me and threw me off the sun boat. It was then that I felt the resting divinities inside myself that I was able to teleport back onto the sun boat. My father was in great shock but trained me from that day onwards. So, my son Horus, would you like to take a trip off the sun boat?"

In response, my eyes glow golden as I start accessing the solar radiation that's abundant in this dimension.

Gathering all of the radiation into the tip of my finger, I started laughing as I flick the "small" but dense ball of solar radiation at my father who had to acknowledge its power by creating a spherical orb of green energy that engulfed the first attack I'd created called Sunrise.

{A/N: The little energy ball Frieza made before he destroyed planet Vegeta.}

Smiling madly, my father quickly snatches me from my mother and teleports, not giving her a chance to react.


My father saw the potential in me and deemed me worthy of being the new ruler of Egypt and the Ennead.

He had teleported me onto Atum-Ra's sun boat. It was hot as hell on this thing. How can someone even be here 24/7? I guess I haven't awakened my light/sun divinity yet. Otherwise, this heat wouldn't do sh*t to me.

Shielding myself as best he could, my father greeted Atum-Ra. Doing various tasks at super speed, he finally stopped when I let him feel my presence.

Curious, he floats towards us with himself still powered up from battling Apophis minutes earlier.

"So, the boy has been born. Quite intriguing that I could not sense his presence. And his eyes. They hold intelligence that will surpass even Thoth, the God of knowledge. Tell me, boy, what do you want?"

Knowing that he can't give me anything because I have everything that I need. The only thing that he has of use is the Waters of Creation.

Not hesitating, I point towards the stars under the sun boat. "Water. Star."

At hearing me speak, Osiris is shocked. 'My son could talk this whole time? What an unbelievably smart child he has sired' is what Horus got from reading Osiris's facial expression.

"You want the Waters of Creation? And a star? Haha. Are you sure you don't want a constellation?" Ra laughs as he sees this smart little grandchild of his.

Making a flask of pure flames, Ra puts it in the Waters of Creation and lets it take shape to hold the waters and stars inside. Capping it tight, Ra then hands it to me.

I gladly take the flask and tried to will it into my soul dimension where my blades are located.

'It worked!!' Now, I can store my really important items there.

"Thank you, father. With your blessing, I would like to crown Horus here as the new King of Egypt. Though it will take some time and I will appoint Thoth as his teacher" my father says while looking at my grandfather with expectation in his eyes.

Ra sighs.

"Son, you are tired of ruling. Though your brother Set would love the throne, he is too ambitious. His thirst for power would ruin all of Egypt. Other pantheons would not sit by and watch him grow in power. Perhaps, my grandson will take after you.

I tire of my days here on the sun boat. Never being able to kill that damned snake. You have my blessing. Now, go!"

Somehow, we made it quicker going down to the Earth than we did going up.

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