

"Hey, can I get Escape Zero?"

Brandon asked the receptionist of a game store, the game in question just came out today,

"Someone seems excited," The receptionist teased as she got the game,

"It took 2 years to come out why wouldn't I be?" Brandon continued to rant on,

"A game from Hyper Hestia?? Now that's a game worth the wait!"

The store was full of games and other futuristic devices, along with those things it was also full of people,

everyone was busy either buying, selling, or just window shopping for future events like Christmas or birthdays.

"Here you go," The receptionist placed the game in Brandon's hands,

His face lit up when he saw it.

"I can't wait to play this," He said to himself as he walked away,

He was so excited about the game he didn't watch where he was going and ended up bumping into a strange man with long black hair and an unkept beard,

"Sorry," Brandon quickly apologized, the man nodded at his apology and kept walking.

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