
Welcome....to my life-

All this….It's just déja vu to me…

"Hey..look over there-" The kids from my preschool all point and whisper about me.

"He's so quiet..weird-"


I was by myself for a while now.

I did attempt to make friends but… they were short lived because of rumors or me not being interested in what they're into..

They just drift away.

And I stopped trying….

"Haru! Haru!"

My mom often picks me up from classes until I graduated…

I'd always dread going in that car…she always had high expectations that I often never meet and when I don't…

"Aren't you ashamed?"

She asked me in the car as we were driving home after my final graduation

I placed 2nd in my entire class. I lost 1st by two points.. I expected her to be happy but-

"Huh?" i was confused to what she was implying-

"Your scores..you passed your tests but you're not the top in your class,you made a promise to me…Did you forget that?"



"No mom…"

I was held down while the guy searched through my bag.

He came out empty handed and just threw my bag to the floor in frustration.

"Check his pockets-" He told his friends and they did just that, patting me down and checking to see if I had anything close to his phone but they came up short handed.

Eventually they left me alone but left my bag on the floor along with all of my stuff outside it.

I sighed as I picked them up.

"Haru..it's time for your next class."

Right I forgot to mention ..the teachers were tasked to keep a close eye on me and make sure I didn't cause any trouble.

I got up from the ground and threw my bag on my back and followed the teacher.

"So Gabriel, how long is this house arrest thing for?" one of his friends asked him in class.

"Well until they find whoever actually did it I guess.." He said with an awkward smile.

"Otherwise it's life in prison."

"I still can't believe you did that haha."

Gabriel sighed.

"For the last time I didn't do it, it was a misunderstanding."

"Yeah sure you crazy bitch haha."

It was clear to Gabriel that he wasn't getting through to them and just stayed quiet for a while.

"Oh right you're doing this thing with that guy…uhh what was his name?"

"I think it was Haru Taida?"

"Yeah him!"

"How did you end up with someone like him anyway…"

Gabriel said nothing and just left the conversation and the classroom entirely.

"What's his deal?"


Now with me and Gabriel gone to classes Miya and Eli were chilling by themselves.

"Don't you have school too-" she said out of nowhere while texting.

"I don't have school on Mondays or Tuesdays-" He responded doing the same thing.

Miya looked up from her phone in disbelief.

"What kind of school do you go to??"

"It's called having a good and functioning schedule. You should know-"

Miya stared daggers at Eli.

"What does that supposed to mean?" her voice was slightly irritated.

"I mean since your sooo busy with gaming stuff before you should be able to make a decent schedule, am i wrong?" A hint of sarcasm could be found in his voice.

"Oh right you're probably one of those celebrities who sits on their asses and lets everything be done for them."

This struck a nerve.


The two of them glared at each other with the intent to murder in their eyes.

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