
So it was possible-

So far no good they refuse to co-operate and dnd is no fun with only three players..

I get up from my bed…or that's what i would say if i still had one… I GET UP FROM THE FLOOR.

"My back hurts…"

I picked up my phone and started to watch videos until I was hungry enough to get up a few DnD campaigns here and there, truly fueling my need to play without a way to use the inspiration.

I sighed heavily.

"Fun fact the state you're in right now is called denial." I heard Gabriel said next to me with a smirk and I returned that comment with a pillow to the face.

"This isn't JUST about the game anymore it's about getting my room back and my bed! And don't get it twisted I am gonna play that game with you guys! I don't care if i have to hold them at gunpoint!"


"You just created an entirely new stage of grief….Desperation-" Gabe commented again-

But I decided to ignore him this time .. I need to make a plan.

Though convincing Miya is gonna be difficult….

"Why don't you just move on?" Gabriel continued i swear he's trying to get under my skin.

"If you guys want, there's pancakes on the...stove." Miya looked at us confused when she opened the door and we looked back at her surprised hoping she didn't hear anything i said.

"You guys ok?"

"Yup!" We both said in unison.

"Ook…." She slowly left the room and we both sighed a sigh of relief.


I burst Eli's door down-

"What the hell man-"

"What will it take!" I cut him off in the middle of his sentence..He stared at me blankly for a while before realising what I meant.

"This is just sad…" He said looking at me with a face of pity.

"Just answer the question-"

"You do dishes for a month." Eli compromised

That was a compromise?? That's basically highway robbery!

"Uhhh…well." I was hesitant.

Eli scoffed and went back to reading his book.

"Ok Ok …fine." I finally agreed.

"Oh and she'll have to apologise to me."

"Hey! You can't just add conditions after i already agreed that's not fair at all-"

"Well you Gabriel and Miya would have to play-" He goes back to reading and I just left.

"How the hell am i gonna get Miya to apologise??" I asked myself pacing up and down the hallway.

I guess I'll just ask her?


I peeked into my room to see her on my bed playing games on her phone.

"Heeey." I waved at her from the door.

"What do you want Haru.." She said not breaking eye contact with her phone.

"Well you know.. I was talking with Eli and he said that he was sorry about what happened. He was wrong to overreact like that.."

"Right??" She puts her phone down..

Well that got her attention.

"It wasn't even on purpose! He hates me for absolutely no reason. What's his deal??"

'Well I wouldn't say it's for no reason.' I thought to myself before continuing.

"Yeah, I spoke to him about it. He realised he was wrong and he wanted to say sorry."

"Tell him I forgive him." Her god complex is kicking in…

"So.. now that you two made up and all.. Can I have my room back and you go back with him?"

I was hopeful.

"Na.. I like it here. Your bed is strangely soft."

"Trust me..i know…" i was crying on the inside i don't want to sleep on the floor again!

"I'll do anything-"

Gabriel looked at me with this look. I can only think he was saying " he's reached stage three bargaining."

"If you want your bed so badly you could just come on with me-" She gestured to a spot next to her.

"Anything but that-"

"Suit yourself i guess-"

Im desperate but not that desperate im gonna sleep on the floor i'm fine thanks.

Results for today's battle….Haru loses..


Or did I?? I think not!

I woke up the next day with a plan.

"Eli, please do it for me, your favourite cousin!" I begged Eli in the living room as he watched tv.

"My favourite is Gabe." Those words struck out my heart and threw it at the floor.

"He's not even your cousin!" I replied hurt inside.

"Then I have no favourite cousin." He continued to watch tv.

"I'll do the dishes for three months!"

He raised one eyebrow at me.

"Three months?"

"I'll do all your chores for two!"

"Ok deal." Eli shook my hand and now it's time to convince Miya.

That's going to be a pain because she got too comfortable.. How am i gonna make her leave…

I got ready to knock on the door and I saw Miya burst through with all her stuff ready to go to her room.


I looked into the room.

"Don't look at me, I was just playing FnF music.." He said shrugging his shoulders.

results for today's mission...Haru wins

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