
Hey Brandon!

New morning! New possibilities!

well it's afternoon at this point since everyone slept in cause we were up till 5 in the morning but it doesn't matter because from the moment I opened my eyes it started out like a normal morning.

Well as normal as an extended family like this goes-


Huh?? Did I wake up later than everyone else or something??

I looked at the time on my phone,....it was 3:30 pm.

"Yup they were definitely awake for longer." I said to myself.

"Afternoon Gabe." I said as I stepped over him to go outside.

"Afternoon ." he responded before I left

Going through the door I saw Miya, some guy and Eli standing by the bathroom door.

The guy Eli was with was completely soaked and as Eli was yelling at Miya she just had the "Do i know that guy" look.

"What's going on?" I asked hoping to calm down the situation but I might be digging myself into a hole even god can't take me out of.

"Miku threw a bucket of ice water on Brandon!" This is strange …normally they dont answer me and go straight to dog fighting and I have to risk my arms and legs to stop them..

I turned to the kid who was soaked he was trying to calm Eli down-

Wait a minute …Brandon…Braaandon…Brandon-

OH! This is Eli's crush.

I had to stop a smile from appearing on my face when I found out.

That must be the only reason why Miya isn't dead yet.

"Oh! You're Brandon right?" My heart sank when Miya said those words. If she says what I think she's saying there won't be any hope for her.

"I'm going to grab a towel-" I said hastily leaving the situation. I'm sorry Miya but you're on your own.

"Yeah?" Brandon responded but confused.

"Have- have we met before?"

"So your the guy that Eli lov-"


By the time i got back everyone was gone-

I looked around and saw Eli come out from the bathroom.

"Where's Brandon?"

"He left." Eli said nothing more and just walked by.

"Oh…k." That's weird i thought this place was about to explode-

I looked at the bathroom that Eli came out from…well…i do have to pee-

I entered the bathroom, locking the door behind me but when I turned around I saw Miya tied up and put under a shower of Ice cold water.

I couldn't hold in my laughter. I fell to the floor laughing for a solid two minutes as Miya just stared at me slightly pissed off.

Results for today's battle ….Miya loses

serves her right.

Theothegiantcreators' thoughts
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