
Vision Of Death

Following the wind, a giant ball of light flew out, transforming into a feathered figure that flew right at the dragonkin's chest, pushing it back almost to the wall before the dragonkin knocked it away.

The feathered figure flew back to Alex's side, and its head turned to look at the zombified corpse that used to host it.

"That is unsettling…" Phaelia, the harpy queen, commented, turning away from the sight of her dead body moving without her soul inside.

A massive ice spike suddenly pierced the ground in front of Alexander, sending the enemy's guisarme upward before it skewered them both, and Violette's voice reached their ears.

"You two! Focus!" she shouted, already conjuring another attack spell.

"So bossy," Alex joked, winking at her.

Phaelia, on the other hand, looked at everything around her from a different perspective. This was her first appearance as a spectral body, and something was different from when she lived.

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