
A Deal Made Long Ago

"But this is now why I brought you here. You are here so that I can tell you the mage's guild will no longer be causing trouble for you. The matter with Argos Thornwood is to be shelved, indefinitely. I previous accord stands and your barriers will stay under our purview," Aravelle declared, clearing his mind of the thoughts from the distant past.

Astaroth snapped out of his musings, nodding his head in satisfaction.

"And if we ever expand once more?"

Aravelle waved his hand dismissively.

"You could expand this city a hundred times. It wouldn't matter. Our help will be there as long as you don't act against us. I will ensure this personally."

This satisfied Astaroth very much.

There was no telling when the next update would come, and how long it would spell for inside New Eden. He needed to be sure that when they came back, the city still stood.

And with Aravelle's word, he had this certitude.

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