

Snapping out of his thoughts, Tyr looked at the glass walls containing him again.

"He's gotten more vicious and craftier over the years, after that. I told Psyche she should be wary of him, but she still kept allowing him into her domain. Haaa... We should have acted the moment he sealed her up…"

But reminiscing and thinking of what-ifs was a waste of time, and he knew it. As he rose to his feet, walking up to the edge of the glass, a shimmer caught his attention.

'Is a star being born?' he wondered, turning his head to look.

A few hundred meters from where his prison floated around, a light began accumulating, forming a ball of glowing white Aether, as it changed shape. Tyr frowned, as this wasn't the formation of a star.

Then his mind snapped to an old memory, something he had done long ago, not too long after Gaius locked Psyche away. A countermeasure he had put in place.

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