
Stage Three

The reward chest spawned in the middle of the room, glowing, as always. This time, I'die was closest, so he opened it.

The chest's content took him aback. Dungeons were well known to drop good equipment, and the occasional rare skillbook.

But inside this chest before him was no equipment. In its place, four skillbooks were neatly stacked.

He opened up the description tab, reading the names of each skill.

Skillbook: Create Marshland (Active); Skillbook: Natural Camouflage (Passive); Skillbook: Hypnosis (Active); Skillbook: Poison Skin (Passive).

Everyone got near the chest while he was reading the descriptions, and they all saw the books. Jaws dropped at the wealth of skills they had gotten.

It wasn't that often that skill books dropped in dungeons, let alone four in one chest. From the descriptions in the books, if a single person got all those skills, that person would become a dangerous foe.

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