
The sooner the better

Mina re-entered the room after a while holding Nemesis' hand and brought him back inside the room, searching for Luciana.

She found them both fast asleep on the bed, with Luciana still wrapped in his embrace. Their figures softly illuminated by the orange glow of the fire.

Relieved to see them intimate, she settled by the fireplace holding Nemesis, she began to recount her memories of childhood to him.

It was well past lunchtime when supper was served. Mina ate her portion with him and bathed him before drifting off into the light nap, with the boy on her lap.

Erebus awoken by a soft groan found Luciana, still lost in deep sleep, exhausted by their first day of journey.

He rose and found Mina dozing off on the chair, her head bobbing as she slept.

Carefully taking Nemesis from her arms he dismissed the maid back to her quarters. After laying down the child beside Luciana, he dressed up himself for his dinner appointment.

The servant escorted him to the dining hall.

"You're here. Come join me for some dinner." Lucifer greeted him at the table coldly.

"Where is your lady wife? Is she unwell? Should I arrange a physician for her?"

Erebus sensing a change in his behavior, in no mood of idle talk, cut him off.

"What was the purpose of this invitation?"

Lucifer chuckled and signaled the servants to serve dinner.

"No need for subtlety, I see. Shall we begin slowly?" He sliced into partially cooked meat, with blood seeping out on white surface of the plate.

Erebus, wary of his company mirrored his actions, having already taken the antidote against possible threat of poison–a precaution he never neglected, having trained himself over the years by ingesting small doses of various poisons.

As they ate, Lucifer spoke again.

"The Tzar has assigned me to deliver your reward."

Erebus paused, his hand halted mid-cut.

"You?" He asked with suspicion.

"Indeed, his Majesty has granted you authority over this domain." Lucifer said, his tone sly.

He motioned for a servant who returned with a scroll bearing the imperial seal.

Erebus set down his fork and knife, taking the document. Breaking the seal he read its contents in silence before placing it in his inner pocket.

He had confirmed that the seal was not a fake.

"Does this satisfy your doubts Lord Stygian?" Lucifer asked with a smug face.

Erebus met his gaze, his distrust unwavering. "I'll determine what's in it for me when I reach the capital."

Lucifer leaned in slightly, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

" And what of your wife?"

Erebus winced.

"She's quite.... intriguing I must say. She possesses a certain aura–like she comes from a family of vampires, yet different from them. Vampires are proud creatures, yet you managed to marry one of them. They belong to a high class society. Was it due to the imperial pressure or something else? Oh perhaps she's an illegitimate—"

Before he finished, something sharp flashed past Lucifer's face. A moment later blood trickled down his cheek.

"Are you finished?" Erebus asked in a low menacing voice. He was now standing over Lucifer, his murderous intent palpable.

Grabbing him by the collar with one hand and brandishing the knife with the other, Erebus's voice dropped to a low and dangerous whisper.

"Which would you prefer to keep— your tongue or eyes that ogled at my wife?"

"W-what?" Lucifer stammered, his face draining of color.

"You heard me. Choose."

Lucifer began to protest, but Erebus moved swiftly, forcing the blade into his mouth.

A second later, he screamed as Erebus pulled out the knife from his mouth and a chunk of muscular organ dropped on the ground- his severed tongue.

Lucifer collapsed on the floor, blood pouring out of his mouth, staining his shirt.

Unmoved Erebus crouched beside him holding a bloodied knife to his face.

"You still have eyes to lose. Which one should I take?"

Lucifer, writhing in pain, gestured for mercy, but he remained unmoved. He swiftly drove the knife into his right eye, eliciting another agonizing scream.

The servants stood frozen, too terrified to intervene.

"Dismiss your servants. They shouldn't witness your shame."

Lucifer struggling through the pain, waved his hand frantically, signalling them to leave.

Erebus released him, watching as he collapsed on the ground, sobbing in agony.

"This will serve as a reminder that I am an executioner by name and nature."

He summoned the butler and instructed him to call the physician.

"Be grateful." He said turning away coldly.

"I've left you something to remember me by."

With that he left the dining hall.

Outside his subordinates approached with their daily report.

"My Lord, all is well in the city. We're ready to depart."

Erebus nodded, issuing orders of their departure at daybreak.

As they left, he retired to the guest room where he found Luciana finishing her supper.

Her every move was graceful, befitting of a person who should stand above everyone else.

He quietly approached her from behind while she dabbed the napkin lightly over her lips, and pressed a kiss on her nape, catching her off guard.

"Oh, you're back?" She realized that dinner appointment took longer than expected.

" Do you want to go out for a walk?" He surprised her with his invitation. He took off his overcoat and loosened his tie.

She got up and picked her shawl as he escorted her out into the gardens.

The air was not so fresh as it was up in Stygian.

It was a little warmer. She inhaled and then slowly exhaled out. The garden was well lit. She looked around and found servants still at work inside and out.

"People here are still awake?" She pondered looking at the figures hurrying up and down.

He glanced at the windows that emitted orange lights.

-"He's woken the entire place." He looked away. He felt pathetic for abusing his position when he never used to care about it before.

"We're leaving at daybreak." He informed her, in his firm tone.

"Isn't it a little too soon?" She insisted while sensing urgency in his words, knowing it felt premature to depart early.

It was clear that something was pushing him to hurry.

The sooner, the better," he said, pausing to glance at her. Concern etched her face, deepening her worried expression.

"Don't look at me like that," he said softly, gently running his fingers through her hair.

Her eyes and hair, now different in color, reminded him of what had changed. How he longed to see her as she was.

"I gave you my word that I would protect you while you're under my care," he continued. "So don't concern yourself with matters that aren't worth your worry."

Luciana met his gaze, finding reassurance in the steadfast resolve that glimmered in his eyes. His determination to uphold his vow gave her a sense of safety.

After a quiet walk, they retreated to the room, where Nemesis greeted them with an unexpected hug.

He could see the tears in Nemesis's eyes, though he held them back.

"Come now, it's time to sleep. Children shouldn't stay awake this late."

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