
Chapter:4 The Abandoned Warehouse

| on an Beautiful evening with Rainbows and cool air two people fell through an hole in an warehouse through the air and it was none other than pichu and the dead Hawk. As soon as they fell pichu moved upwards keeping the hawks body under his to shield his fall and somehow landed it. As pichu was checking his surroundings he saw an eerie silence and an saw some type of machine experiment which was left here cause there was dust everywhere and cobwebs in the corners and it had become somewhat muddy due to rainy water and there was electric short-circuit happening here and there sending flares in air. this place felt like an home for pichu as he was energising itself through small sparks every where and which held him together as his adrenaline rush came to an end as he quietly sat there for a lot of time. as time passed and the night came Pichu kept his mind together and looked around again as he walked through the warehouse he found machines In the centre of it and an control center type room in corner.

As he entered the Control room he found a lot of wires and cables and connectors and an old pc which was somehow on and light was flickering through it. as pichu neared it he saw the language was English much to his relief and found only single file except programme files on the dekstop when he looked at it. as he went near the pc some electric sparks came near him but it got absorbed by him which to him felt like drinking an energy drink . and he somehow with his body climbed on table and used the faulty mouse to open the file to check what is in it out of curiosity. he checked the files and read through it

[ To However is reading this. I just want to say is you aren't going to find how the machine works cause we took the main files home so don't waste your time but just for your hardwork to find this hidden warehouse in no where in Florida I am giving you some basic information which is of no use . we were researching a method to store electric energy in an machine for later use via lightings and that's it cause we found a better method and this was just our beginner days well thanks for reading it bye - H.A.W.Stark ]

As he somehow read the whole of it he found it something quite interesting and as he read the name the whole computer just sparked crazy and went off . Pichu wanted to look more but he couldn't so he became a bit sad as he was already sad of losing his friend he wanted something to distract himself so he walked back to the place where machine was cause he was interested in it and was also giddy cause he can speak English and people here seems to speak English too. so he went to machine which was more like big oval containers with a dusty covering and he went towards it and climbed to check it and maybe absorb some electricity as he just felt like it may be like food for his species.the machine was made such a way that electrical energy couldn't escape it . So as he went up the machine and as he was small he fell into the smaller opening on upside of machine as it beeped and he fell in the centre of the oval container which had like condensed electricity which stores itself for more than 30 years through the lightings. pichu was very afraid of what will happen to him but he couldn't control it so he closed his eyes and waited for what was to come.


'i was afraid and means very afraid and I was just crying and finally fell into the blue condensed energy which was spiralling in it in continuous manner in the oval cylindrical machine and the first time I touched it means my part of body touched it I felt bliss and for a lot of time it felt like that but as time passed I suddenly started feeling a lot of pain as I cried hard "picchuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" as I somehow endured it . and as pain started rising the only thought in my mind was to control it and I started controlling it and suddenly everything became white and I found myself in a plain white room which slowly got coloured and I could see three route's infront of me first one had an creature like Pikachu and Raichu up ahead the second one had an Pikachu only but it somehow felt appealing and different and last one with only pichu so I started to talk to them but they didn't gave a response which to me felt like they are living dolls so as the most appealing one looked like a Pikachu whom maybe I could finally talk I went forward on that root and as I touched that Pikachu everything went dark and I fell down.

#General POV#

In the early morning near the warehouse only crying wailing was heard and nearby animals ran from there . as the sun came out the wailing stopped and an huge blast sound came out with strong air and electric currents through the warehouse which from inside looked like mess with the machine in pieces every where every glass broken and in the centre of it was an small yellow mouse with yellow long ears which eneded with a bit black fur and with red cheeks and an tail which looked a little like electric rune and two red stripes on its back peacefully sleeping in the whole mess created by it.|

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