
Chapter 161 Final Boss

Covering my body in The Particles I pounced towards Sef, Leaving caution to the wind.

I couldn't escape so I had to fight and it would be better if I beat on Set a bit so taht when the transformers take there shots.

Set will have a lower defence.

My feet hit the ground as I felt the air rushing past my body.

My fist were primed ready for a battle of wits and Set who saw me coming did not have any reaction on its face, Rather it didnt even move a muscle.

"You know" Set said prolonging what it was saying by adding a pause as it eyes locked into mine "I'm not really a physical Confrontational Type of being" it said before swiping its hands towards.

I looked around with complete alertness but I didnt know what Set had done.

Should a Beam come out of its Hands? I questioned.

Suddenly the ground began shaking I looked down confused but I didnt stop running at Set when suddenly a deep rumbling resounded from my side and i felt like i was hit by a moving truck.

My body tumbled on to the ground as i tried breaking the momentum my body was moving at using the thrusters soon coming to a stop.

I looked over at where I had been standing and I noticed a huge part of the ground had been uprooted and stood straight up in the air for a few seconds before crashing back down to earth with loud thud breaking apart on its impact as dust rose and the pieces of rocks scattered.

Wide eyed I looked at set and realized that it had just gotten a Powerup like some end game boss type thing.

The saliva in my mouth moved as I audibly gulped.

I looked towards Optimus and the other autobots who were ready to attack Set with there ranged weapons and a new plan began forming inside my head.

"Maybe let them distract Set" I thought right before I screamed to open fire.

The Autoboys upon hearing my words instantly began shooting multiple full powered blast from there blasters.

All of them having a slight hue of black.

Set seeing the blasts heading towards it knew it could just stand there and take it like last time so its body posture shifted as it moved at high speeds towards Optimus.

Seeing that I activated my thrusters as well but Set reached behind Optimus before I could intercept it.

Optimus quickly turned around and saw Set looking at him curious "You dont have a shred of Evil Chaos within you, An intresting being for sure" it said right before a black hue appeared on its arms.

Its fist clenched tightly as set got ready to deliver a punch that would surely be devastating to optimus when James got close enough to hit Set.

Set seemingly becoming aware of James position quickly turned around and threw the punch it had built up.

James with his heightened awareness of his surrounding already noticed that however and moved his body to dodge the attack being delivered by Set.

James suddenly felt everything around him move in slow motion, he was however familiar with being in such a situation when travelling at high speeds so it didnt catch him of guard.

What he found weird was that he felt everything around him, Every particle of dust that floated around every slow breeze of wind, The very slightest gear within optimus that moved James felt.

An overwhelming sensation overtook his mind as flurry of information attacked him making his mind go blank for just a second before he regained control.

But that second had given Set enough timed to adjust its attack to the place James had moved and hit his stomach as fine cracks appeared on the armour that was coated by the particles showing just how much power was in that attacks.

If optimus were to be hit by that it would be hard to say if he would even survive.

When James came to, a sense of breathlessness overtook his body as he crunched up with pain from the blow.

The power of the blow sent James flying up into the air.

Set who saw this as an opportunity quickly smashed the ground with its foot sending it flying towards James to deliver more blows to him before he could recover leaving Optims to be Safe from set.

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