
Ch 117 Outreach Day

Soon I had made it to Jericho towns entrance and I entered the town, I saw students walking around some crossing the crossing the streets while others entering the shops.

I had to drive slow in the area, pr else I would attract the attention of the sheriff so all I could really do to ease my boredom was to observe the town and it's people.

Some residents of Jericho town were hanging up posters of Pilgrim World with Joseph Crackstone in the front picture.

All of the students on the Side Walks were really excited as they explored the city along with there friends, however I noticed that some of the towns people didnt have the most pleasant expressions seeing all of the Nevermore students happily walking around there town.

I drove past a familiar shop called Uriah's Heap where is saw Enid and The Boy whose name I could not remember talking to an old lady and there expression showed nothing but disgust and grossnes which caused me have a good laugh as I continued driving.

Eventually driving by The Statue of Joseph Crackstone and the Mayor in his grey Trench coat staring at the statue, with the chief no where to be seen.

I slowed the car down as I noticed one of the people who were putting up the Pilgrim World Posters on the walls of the buildings climb down the ladder and start walking towards another location with a bag of posters on his back.

"Sir!" I shouted to attract his attention and him reacting to my shout he turned around and saw me, He had a confused expression as he looked at me and my uniform before looking at the car and he just stood there observing me for a good second before he walked closer to the Car.

"How can I help you" he said with a smile to show his friendliness.

"How do I get to Pilgrim Town?" I asked him, he seemed to have gotten excited when I mentioned pilgrim town and he started pointing out the directions I had to go to get to Pilgrim Town.

I thanked him and was about to drive off before he spoke again causing me to stop.

"Are'nt ya to young to drive son?" He said as he stared at me and my car again.

I simply smiled at him and told him that I had the permissions neccesary and took of, leaving him in the dust as I made my way to a little bit of an outskirt part of the Town before I reached what seemed to have been walls or fences made out of wood.

I drove ahead a bit more and after a turn I looked at the wooden fence with the sign saying Pilgrim World and I knew I was in the right place.

I parked my car in line with the other cars and even a Bus parked infront of Pilgrim Town and exited the car.

I started walking towards the entrance of the town when all of a sudden The principal was appeared standing infront the Pilgrim Town Gate with a smile as she held a small Bag with both her arms.

"So good to see you finally attend, Mr. James" I was caught a slight bit of off gaurd but quickly recovered with a chuckle.

"Yes, It s been a while as I have had to do many things and still have things I need to do, Its just that today is such a special event that i knew i had to attend it" I said with a smile

The Principal was quiet for a while before pointed behind me and spoke.

"Quiet A Flashy vehical for someone who still cant drive" she said causing me to look back and see my Black Audi standing out like a sore thumb besides all of the basic old looking Cars.

I clenched my teeth in awkwardness as I looked towards her in silence.

"Unfortunetly you missed the announcement, No matter please participate in the events of the Pilgrim Town and have a lovely time here" she said as she walked away.

I felt relief wash over me as I really didnt want to bother with explaining it to her I thought as I walked in.

I observed the old looking houses all around me and as I was walking I saw this crazy to Old Man shouting "Welcome, To Pilgrim World!"

"Withch Trails Everyday!" The Old man shouted as a few tourist couples who were walking by him flinched away causing a laugh out of me seeing that happen as I continued walking deeper into the old town.

I saw students Taking pictures with a cutout of Joseph Crackstone with funny faces and giggling at the pictures of themselves with there friends, walking a bit deeper I saw a group of students gathered around a ginger haired women in an old dress talking to the student.

From the sounds of it she was an introduction guide and she was talking about Fudge and how it is the Lifeblood of there humble community whilst holding a tray of similar old looking clothes, Looking closer at the group I saw familiar students such as Bianca and her friends and Wednesday standing beside Eugene as they were listening to the Lady talk about Fudge in old English Language.

She told everybody to grab a pair of Uniform and to make there forefathers proud, by selling Fudge which I didnt quiet understand but went with the flow and watched from afar.

I hung around for a few minutes looking at the other buildings and the House where items that really belonged to Joseph Crackstone were kept.

In the end I ended up back to the Old Fugery shop with students out in the front holding trays of Fudge, I walked inside where I saw Wednesday Holding a tray of Fudge with a bunch of tourists infront of her speaking fluent Russian.

I knew Russian so I understood clearly what she was saying while none of the tourists understood it, she was completely roasting this place and did not forget to add that Fudge was not invented for another 256 years and then extended the tray forward ending it with "Any Takers" in Russian.

The Tourists confused just said No and started walking away leaving Wednesday as the crowd started walking away I raised my hands from behind them and spoke in Russian.

"I would Like to try some of This Fudge that will go to fund this pathetic Whitewashing of American History" I said copying her words with a smile as I walked towards her and picked up a Sample Of Fudge taking a bite into it with a smile.

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