
Chapter 69 The Devil!

I felt anger surge and I clenched my hands to crush the phone However it seemed that I lacked the strength to do it, Which was a surprise considering how thin this phone is.

I noticed the many other pictures of myself and only a very tiny amount of my pictures were just Normal pictures he had taken but the vast majority of them were just pure embarrassing.

I started selecting all of the images and deleating them however once I deleted them I had a sneaking suspicion that James could do some kind of sorcery and bring back these images that are clearly meant to be Deleted.

I call it sorcery mainly due to these images being deleted, no rather a better explanation would be, that it's like a human dieing however James could very well have the probability to bring back these images which I dont want anyone to find or. , So it's kind of like sorcery, Just like bringing that dead person back to life.

I dont want to take any chances of these images ever being recovered so I looked down at the Phone in my hands wondering what to do with it, w

I stared back and forth between the phone and the toilet for a few seconds before the phone "Accidently" Slipped from my hands and conveniently fell in to the Toilet, Landing in the water followed by with a plop sound

My hands "Accidently" pushed the Flush Button causing the the phone to get sucked into the water current and flowed into the toilet disappearing from my sight.

A small smile grew on my face feeling satisfied at destroying any chance of him ever getting those photos again.

I quickly exited the washroom and briskly walked quickly passing through the Living room, Where Hysterical laughter was coming out of.

I got curious so I decided to go have a peek and there I saw James Tickling His sister without mercy.

(Manny Pov)

I find it odd... Back in Colombia we also had alot of relatives but the people here in America are just to weird.

James seems nice the first time we met them, He was being a good host and he was kind to mom, I do not trust any of these people as I dont want mom to be hurt by these people.

However, I find that James Has shown his true intentions, when ever he has spoken to us so I feel a slight bit of trust in only him, I do not Trust Jay or any else as a matter of fact.

He brought his girlfriend over for today's Barbecue and I found her to be weird, However these people here have not seemed to have noticed it, But I had, Something was very wrong with his girlfriend.

Ì continued to secretly observe her from a distance being as discreet as possible only taking a few glances every few seconds doing exactly what Dad had thought me to do, As I observed her more keenly one thing became obvious.

...She Doesnt blink!

I mean just how is that possible!?

No, It can only be explained as a devil in her body.

I decided to put her to a test to kind iut whether a devil was possessing her, She had just Luke for directions and I noticed how rude Luke was being and found that to be the perfect opportunity to do the test.

I decided to use my charm just like Dad had taught me, I knew that it always worked on females from Colombia as they all wanted to take me home with them as they found me so adorable, However Mom I guess couldnt see her little son growing up so fast so I guess I'm fine with her stopping me from dating all thoses women

She had always stopped me from going to thoses womens houses, Which I guess she felt jealous about.

I first Berrated Luke about how he was being disrespectful and tried to use Luke as a stepping stone to make my image more enhanced in front of James's Girlfiends mind just like Dad had said to do.

Once I was done with it I extended my hands forwards feeling confident that I was through to the beggining stages and finnaly I'll be able to complete my test.

All females have been attracted to my charm so if she is not attracted... Then that can only means that she is clearly Yhe Devil!

"Hello, My name is Manny, We havent formally met yet" I introduced myself feeling confident in my two options, I am sure that if this was just another women she would shake my hands and then I can start the test.

However unlike my expectations she just stared at my hands without blinking which brought chills to me when she stared at me eyes with no emotions visible.

Making a option of who she really was pretty clear in my mind however I didnt want to jump to conclusions just yet.

"The way to washroom... Manny?"

What?! Thats impossible, This has never failed at the very begging stages, Never... wait Does that mean... She is... not Human? She doesnt care for my charms which is just impossible to avoid, so that means...

The Devil?!

I instinctively brought my hands back with fear of her growing in my heart.

I controlled my hand from shaking and quickly told her the directions to the washroom as I wanted this Devil to get far away from me.

She stood up and left hurriedly heading to where James and Hayley went, I felt like something bad was gonna happen to James so I looked at Mom who was staring at me and i knew I had to tell mom about this Devil in James's Girlfriend, I know mom can ward of Devils, I've seen her do it before.

I'm sure she wouldnt mind saving James and his Girlfriend.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)


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