
Knowing your Place

Although he was being fired upon, Seth was unbothered, from his point of view, the leader of the squad had been quite slow when he gave out the order for them to fire, and then could see the men slowly pull in the trigger, though he had to applaud the speed of the bullets which whizzed out.

The bullets moved at a speed that would have definitely penetrated his skin before his breakthrough, but now with just some effort he knew he could dodge them, but he had no plans of doing such.

His plan was to casually walk through the storm of bullets and then kill off the idiots attacking him, but just as was about to act on this incredible decision, a thought popped up in his head.

After his revival, Seth had pondered a lot on the reason for his death, obviously, he blamed his arrogance, his untrained fighting skills, his addictive love for a thrilling battle, and unfortunately a bunch of many other things, which he realized to his horror he could not change.

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