
Buying Time

Chapter 095 Buying Time


The hearts of the savages thumped in unison. Their fur stood on end at once.

In a matter of seconds, Wolverine was the quickest to react and immediately took up a position following Halvir and Hans, who immediately gave instructions for the women and children to be gathered in the middle, followed by the Lions.

The Tamandua, Pangolin, and Porcupine were on standby to form a circle to protect the women and children.

Unlike the other children, the Wolverine children were in combat positions with the adult men in the inner defense.

Anindira was inside, with the women and children. They were guarded and protected in the deepest part, by a group of men from the Tamandua and Pangolin Clans who were on guard surrounding them. The next layer was occupied by men from the Porcupine Clan. All those there were very young men and even children. Only Hans was the only adult man there. He was on guard on the inside on Halvir's orders to protect Anindira.

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