
comics by the bucketload.

Billy was genuinely nervous about missing the big comic book meeting and could only convey his good intentions in a quick apology, calling all the major leaders and expressing his sincere regret.

-The first three volumes of Phantom Report were sent, the original drafts, along with some special sketches about the fate and story changes. Although these three books are precious, Billy sent three of Slam Dunk and a final one from a series that, from the call I had, is going to be one of the great series in the next twenty years. - Joe Kubert said.

-Ohhhhh, a bold statement for this industry, although all the series he creates are already saved for the next twenty years. - Frank Miller said, perusing the drafts sent by Billy with white gloves. The care in reading the draft was excessive, and over the years, he has learned a lot watching Billy.

-It's a pity he couldn't come. - Joe Kubert said, who has a close relationship with Billy. The series of Dark Bikers has united them in talent and strength.

-Well, he's a busy man, and apparently, he's now focused on acting, which surprises me. With his talent in comics, I wouldn't change the profession for anything in the world. - Jerry Sigel said, with an oxygen machine over his nose. At eighty years old, he was known as the father of Superman.

-Times change, and now these kids have so much talent in one little finger that I can only sigh. I wish he would do a Spider-Man series. With his ability, he'll surely revitalize the franchise or even the X-Men. - Stan Lee said.

-We're old. - Joe Kubert said.

All those who represented something in the world of comics began to arrive, almost 120 people this time. Some new faces have joined who have started their comic production, which has grown by 5% in 1991, 13% in 1992, and 32% in 1993. The year 1994 is still up in the air.

-What do you have to say, Todd? You're the one doing business with Billy now. I heard he hired you to help with a new Spider-Man series. - John Romita asked.

-Oh, yes, great series have been made. Billy is betting on a great creation. He has paid good money to everyone, from script creation to animation and media. Saban Entertainment paid for him to make the best animation in history for X-Men and Spider-Man. They went all out, and with some innovative techniques, I'm sure it will be a great series. - Todd said.

This caused wear and tear on people's minds since Marvel's economic situation was not very good. Even if they set up an independent company, the quality of drawing done by Billy was above all rules. Image Comics has suffered and won; some series have been great, but others have been weak and haven't developed as expected.

-The comic business has been tough. - Jin Valentino said.

-Of course, it has. We have a lot of good competition. - Todd McFarlane said.

-Please, we just need time. - Jim Lee sighed. Having known the wealth that came with having a Comics company, old representations like DC Comics and Marvel seemed distant and unattainable. But with the face of Lux Comics, a new hope arose for all these new creators.


-Good morning, young Bill. - Gillian Armstrong greeted.

-Good day. - Billy said, shaking Gillian's slender hands in surprise. In the background were Denise Di Novi, Robin Swicord, and Winona Ryder. Although there were no rumors after their separation, there have been notable changes in Winona's personality, not bad, just in a withdrawn and distant state, unlike her usual self.

-You have one last test. - Gillian said, indicating that he should take a seat. There, alongside the three women, female power was never so clear. Each one with ample budget, the unexpected call that Billy received last minute, without giving him time to dress appropriately. He only had a gray suit, a blue shirt, no tie, and matching moccasins. His blonde hair was tousled, without the usual comb that arranged it to fall in layers over his forehead.

Causing some confusion in Billy. Isn't this another round of auditions? - Then...

-Well, to start, we have some questions that would help us determine if you are the right fit for the role. We have a clear idea of the character we want to portray, but we haven't decided if you could tackle the character design. We are amazed at your acting abilities, and now we want to decide from another playing field. - Gillian said.

Robin Swicord adjusted her posture and handed the answer sheet to Billy, ten questions, all of which were contrary to what he expected. The first question is, What's your favorite color? Your cherished dream? Painting or music? Favorite song or favorite music genre?

-I guess I have to answer this from the perspective of the role I'm going to play. - Billy said, from his seat.

-Of course. - Robin said.

-My favorite color is yellow. Sunsets by the window give me inexplicable sensations of endless life, but I also like the white of snow and brown. - Billy said, giving Winona a brief look. - My dream, I don't have one in particular, nothing beyond that, but I like the life I live and the tranquility with which I live it.

Blonde hair hit his brow, falling the length of his hair. Although it interrupted his view, he didn't mind. Billy put on a thoughtful face, one of those breathtaking expressions.

-Both, I like both. It's something that can be appreciated and not rejected. Music makes me happy, nostalgic, and even angry, but that's what notes are for, while painting inspires differently, like music. Admiring beautiful paintings is interesting, maybe it also helps us remember. - Billy said.

The conversation continued for the next twenty minutes, in an attempt by Billy to sound desperately similar to young Theodore Laurence. A difficult thing due to the main aspects. He adjusted his posture in details, those he knew from the one he was portraying, with basic details in his posture and gestures. Although he didn't take an etiquette course, he could follow a standard presented by gentlemen of the time and studied different exercises when he took part in his theater and acting classes.

-It was a good performance. - Winona said as they left, with her pale cheeks puffed up, the sweetness of the actress still evident.

-Thank you very much, miss. It was unexpected for me to have such a quick and early meeting. - Billy said, flashing a short smile.

-It is, that's why we're leaving for Massachusetts tomorrow. We have many things to do. The set has been ready since last week, and I think the surprise is just an affirmation. I chose you, but I had to be sure. You're very talented. - Winona said. Her charisma was unique, followed by her freshness. No wonder she was one of the great actresses of the decade, and her charm, combined with her sweet smile, made her look like a sweet elf.

-You are very flattering. I hope to shine brightly when our two performances come together. Although I don't think it will be very difficult. - Billy said.

Winona raised her eyebrows. -What do you mean?

-You know, I'll play young Theodore, who is madly in love with Jo. I think it's easy with such a lovely co-worker. - Billy said.

Winona's soft voice sounded in laughter that filled the air. That's the charisma that people idolize so much. - Billy thought.

-Ohhhhh, you're still imitating Laurie, Mr. Darwin. We're leaving tomorrow in first class. I asked them to put us together. I want to introduce you to the whole team. I'm friends with Claire Danes and Trini. They might fall for your charm. - Winona said, still smiling.

-I hope we get along. - Billy said, walking towards the exit with Winona while the next three producers were fine-tuning some details.

-Come, it's this way. - Winona said, leading to a room that seemed to be an office.

-James, nice to see you. Here I bring you this young man who just got the lead role for the Little Women movie we'll be shooting tomorrow. - Winona said.

James was an old man who happily stood up despite his limp, warmly welcoming Winona, who just smiled at the old man and gave him a long and broad greeting.

-Well, I see I'm a third wheel now. - James said.

Briefly greeting Billy.

-Not at all, this young man should give you the details for tomorrow's flight. He'll be traveling with the whole team as I asked. - Winona said. Billy couldn't help but notice Winona's black thong, low-cut pants, and the white shirt clinging to her body. The beginning of the beautiful hips left a vivid image in Billy's mind.


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