

Arsh stood alone on a tall tree, juggling his daggers. Just above the three Millenniums. His eyes squinted with a frown on his face.

He knew, even someone like Alan can't take three Millenniums head-on alone. He needed to kill at least one of them, to have a real chance of survival. Which was obviously easier said than done.

Learning his lesson from the last encounter with the disaster. Arsh didn't jump directly in front of the ferocious monsters. Instead, he was waiting for them to move. 

So, he can catch them off guard from behind. The moment they step away from their spot.

|Shadow Envelope|

Arsh summoned his black armor. Moving into the shade of the forest was a sure way to hide his presence. It also decreased the chances of the monstrosities finding him. Due to its salient features.

He moved stealthily just above the towering Millennium's body. Looking at them, Arsh reconsidered his plan again.

The monsters were standing in the same spot, motionlessly, away from all of the other monsters. Even though it was the ideal time to strike them down. Arsh felt something was off about the situation.

'They are too calm, even after seeing Alan in action'

Arsh stopped in his tracks, backing away a little from the monsters. The monsters' eyes were plastered on the chaos in front of them, momentarily looking at each other. They surely were aware of the threat, Alan presented to them.

The Millenniums were supposedly intelligent monsters. Wasting their chance to attack was not the kind of mistake, they would ever commit. Not natural predators like them. There had to be a catch.

'....Something is very wrong with all this.'

Startled, Arsh looked over to the other side of the chaos. His eyes followed Leo and Ethan, who were struggling to keep the stronger monsters at bay. They seemed to be barely holding on to their life.

Joey killed the monsters from left and right, to stop the attacking formation from crumbling. While Adam blocked the rear part of the formation all alone, fighting a whole horde by himself.

'They are going to die fighting like that…..'

Jumping down from the tree, Arsh turned his head. This time to Alan's side, who was invisible due to his stealth spell. In between the largest army of the strongest monsters.

Every primate-level monster was only concentrated on Alan's side. Even though Alan was killing them left and right, in a blink of an eye. It was not enough to reduce their numbers.

The sheer number of monsters around him was too much to handle, even for him. The coyotes were one thing, but the primate-level ones were the ones who truly befit the term monsters.

Due to the primate monster's extraordinary resilience and attack power, Alan wasn't able to break through the waves of monsters easily. Struck between the strongest monsters of the whole army.

Looking at the situation unfolding in front of him. Arsh now understood what the Millenniums were trying to accomplish from a distance. 

'Shit! They are draining him out of essence'

Arsh moved away from the millenniums, running directly into the cluster of monsters surrounding Alan. Clenching his daggers he ran straight into the horde. Cutting the whole cluster down from behind. While the monsters were still focusing on the shadow of their deaths.

Arsh slaughtered the monsters down with unimaginable speed. Only targeting their throats and hearts from behind, not giving them even a second to defend themselves or comprehend the situation.

The monster dispersed away again, in other directions, terrified by the sudden massacre from both directions.

Arsh took the opportunity and ran forward to the center of the chaos. To find the cause of it.

"Alan! Listen to me quickly. Otherwise, we are all going to die. And dispel the Goddamn spell already"

Alan suddenly appeared in front of him, seemingly out of nowhere, cleaning his sword with a piece of red cloth. Or maybe it was red due to the blood it soaked away. 

"I was almost sure, you were going to target Millennium. Why are you here?"

Alan raised his brow, swinging his sword to clean the rest of the blood.

"Yeah, I was. But, I can't do much damage to them until they move away. Which they refused to do. And their plan to slow you down was also going well. I just had to intervene. To save your ass"

Arsh explained the situation to him, maybe with a bit of bullshit. But, they needed to do something quickly. Otherwise, the stage was already set for the Millenniums to sweep in and claim their price.

"They perceive you as the only real threat. They are trying to tire you out, S-"


The Millenniums were already moving toward them. The whole ground shook with every step they took.

Arsh didn't consider the possibility of the millenniums moving out if they saw hordes of monsters getting massacred around Alan. Which was a fatal mistake.




All three of the Millenniums roared in the sky, with all of the nine heads they had. And in the next second, Arsh became aware of why they were called living natural disasters. 

First, it was a gust of strong wind from every direction, slowly colliding in a circle, turning into a massive tornado in just a matter of seconds. 

Decimating everything in view.

Alan quickly grabbed Arsh by the shoulder, plunging him down to the ground. He stabbed his sword into the ground for extra support, waiting for the massive tornado to reign its terror over them. 

Arsh pierced past the massive tornado. Looking at the Millenniums making their way toward them. While the third one was running in the direction of Leo's group.

'.....They can't defend against the Millennium. Not without me, at least.'

Arsh was grabbing Alan's hand, forcing his feet onto the ground, trying his best not to be blown away by the tornado.

"Arsh! You have to save them. They can't win against a Millennium. I will take care of these two. Go! Kill the last one"

Hearing the thing, he really wanted to hear from Alan. Arsh smiled at his mentor. He took a deep breath, trying to find a way out of the tornado.

"And stop holding back, kid. You don't need to hide anything from them right now. Do whatever you have to do. Use every card you have in your arsenal…Just be fucking alive by the time I deal with these two"

Arsh smiled faintly, looking at his huffing mentor. Alan had already exhausted most of his essence fighting the army of primates.

Arsh looked at him, his eyes blinking. He needed to make the decision fast. Leaving Alan alone could also end in a disaster, so severe, that he might not be able to live on.

"I am not gonna leave you. There is no way to run through the tornad-"

Before Arsh could complete his sentence, he was in mid-air. Alan had thrown him in the air, yet again. His middle finger extended toward the flying Arsh.

"Dumbshit. Who do you think thought you everything?"

Dumbfounded, Arsh looked at his surroundings, flying in circles inside the massive tornado. He growled in annoyance looking at his mentor on the ground.

'Was I really worried about that fucker?'

Arsh grabbed a flying tree in the tornado, digging his daggers through it for better hold. He took a deep breath, before jumping at the next one.

Jumping through the trees, he finally reached the mouth of the tornado, high up in the sky. He smiled darkly to himself, before lunging himself out of the tornado, directly into the sky.

"I am going to die"

|Rock Slide|

Arsh chanted the second spell he learned from the ax wielder. He never had practiced the spell before, which made it extra dangerous. 

But, his draining essence told him. He had nailed the spell. 

The soil charged up from the ground, firing three stones in the air. The maximum number Arsh could imagine for now with precision.

"Maybe some other day. First comes the three-headed dog."

Arsh skipped on the stone quickly, landing on the ground, alive. 

"....Seriously though. How the hell he knew, I was going to pull it off"

Arsh ran in the direction of the adventurers, musing to himself about his fantastic mentor.

He was already coated in armor, increasing his agility. He moved through, leaping between the branches. He needed to hurry. For a Millennium, butchering of adventurers could be done within seconds.

"Just be fucking alive"

The monster turned all three of his heads, in the direction of incoming Arsh. Seemingly waiting for him eagerly.

Upon meeting Arsh's eyes, the monster snickered loudly. One of the monster's heads signals toward the injured adventures on the ground.

The monster's other head mocked him with a grin, one of its nails crossing over Elsa's neck.  The eyes of Millennium flaming with dark premonition.


The adventurers didn't look dead lying on the ground. Even though their wounds were visible, their bodies still had some movements in them. Indicating they were not dead, not yet at least. 

Leo was gasping for air, seeing the whole ordeal with horror in their eyes. Arsh's eyes next followed over to Amanda. She was the only person without deadly wounds.

She looked back, holding eye contact with Arsh, nodding to confirm their survival.

'This motherfucker knows how to take hostages'

Elsa was trembling fiercely on the ground, not moving away in fear. Her face was completely sullied by the tears, as she looked at Arsh with hope.

"....Don't worry, Elsa. I am going to save you. Just stay there and do as I told you for now."

Looking at it, the beast giggled again, gesturing for Arsh to stop. The monster's eyes followed the daggers in Arsh's hand.

Arsh understood what the monster was trying to say. He gritted his teeth, following it anyway. 

He threw his daggers to the trunks of trees surrounding him, letting them sink inside. Arsh took a deep breath, moving forward to the three-headed Millennium.

'...This guy is completely sure of his victory.'

Arsh stood just in front of the monster, his eyes betraying no emotions. 

The monster stopped giggling, peering directly into Arsh's eyes with annoyance. The Millennium removed his claw from Elsa's neck, swinging it toward Arsh.

"Gotcha! Bitch!"


A massive ball of fire, emitting bright light appeared in front of Arsh. Stunning the monster's eyes suddenly. The monster took a step back defensively, shaking its head vigorously.

Arsh grabbed Elsa from the ground, signaling her toward Leo and Nathan. They were the only ones with open eyes. Even though they had ghastly wounds they followed through.

Leo and Nathan picked the injured bodies of Adam and Joey from the ground, following Arsh. As they all ran in the direction of Amanda.

"Heal them quickly, as fast as possible. They are in a critical state"

Arsh huffed a few heavy, battered breaths. Using so many spells was taking a toll on his body. If he wanted to make this out alive. He had to end this sooner rather than later.

"What are you going to do?"

Leo asked, grabbing Arsh's hand from the ground. His eyes looked pleading. But, Arsh just smiled at him, jerking his hand out of his hold.

"What else?"

"I am going to kill a transcendent"

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