
Chapter 656 Schrödinger's Cat


Yang Yi was a spy.

A spy's bravery should be implicit, restrained; no need to charge forward shouting slogans. Even if a sacrifice was to be made, it should happen quietly, discreetly behind the scenes, unknown and unremarked upon.

When a spy drew his gun, it often meant utter failure, yet the Black Devil was a spy's action team; thus, they frequently faced real and fierce combat, appearing at the forefront as the purest form of force with the most direct and violent means.

Nevertheless, the Black Devil was not an army, so in Yang Yi's view, it was best if they behaved like spies.

Be graceful—that was just a suggestion, but Yang Yi's suggestion made Grewatov ponder for a long time, and finally, Grewatov decided to accept Yang Yi's proposal.

Simply because the Black Devil's only leader was a graceful man, as he had always been.

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