
Chapter 42 Discussion With Siegler

  Siegler wanted Hardy to see his casino, but right now it was just a big construction site, and nothing could be seen.

  "Haha, come take a look at my plans."

  With that, he pulled out a large plan from under the table, opening it up to about half a square meter, painted with colors, much like the effect diagrams of later years.

  There was a name on the blueprint.

  "Flamingo Casino."

  Hardy thought to himself, the name was exactly the same as in later years.

  Siegler pointed to the blueprint and enthusiastically introduced it to Hardy. Few people came here, and Siegler had many ideas during construction, so he treated Hardy as a confidant.

  "There will be a huge neon pillar built here, about 30 meters high. I want everyone coming to Las Vegas to see the Flamingo's sign and be attracted here."

  "The entrance will be a wide corridor, with palm trees planted on both sides. I want those tall palm trees. I've already reserved 300 of them at a high price from the plant company. When people come here in the future, they won't just feel the heat and dryness. I want tourists to feel the refreshing oasis here. Everyone who comes here should feel like they're entering a palace."

  "A small river will bring water here, supplying all the water needed for the casino."

  Parking lots, shops, tennis courts, sunbathing centers, cinemas, and other facilities.

  Almost everything one can think of is here.

  Even though Hardy came from a later era, he admired Siegler's ideas. If completed according to his vision, this place would truly become a leisure paradise combining gambling and entertainment.

  "Mr. Siegler, how much money do you estimate you'll need if everything is built according to your design?" Hardy asked.

  "I don't know. I've already raised 4 million, but I'm afraid it won't be enough."

  Then Siegler smiled lightly, unconcerned. "Don't worry, once the construction is underway and investors see the results, I believe they'll add more investment."

  He remembered in the movie how Siegler ultimately failed, He spent too much money, but couldn't attract enough customers, and the casino closed down and he was killed.

  Hardy knew for a fact that the partners Siegler found were all big gangsters.

  But Hardy was also puzzled. Even if Siegler's investment failed, the casino would still be here, so why kill Siegler? Siegler was a memeber of the mafia community.

  Maybe there are other unknown reasons.

  Hardy looked at the blueprint and wanted to advise Siegler to simplify things and open the casino as soon as possible to avoid trouble later.

  But the words stuck in his throat.

  Whether in the movie or now in contact with Siegler, he knew Siegler was a very arrogant person.

  Once he set his mind on something, it was extremely difficult to change, and he was also a perfectionist. Now he had great enthusiasm for the Flamingo Casino, and his own advice would be ineffective.

  Moreover, his current identity was just one of Siegler's henchmen, not enough to give suggestions to the boss.

  After talking about the casino construction, Siegler was in a very good mood, like a child showing off his beloved toy to others, feeling satisfied in his heart.

  "Hardy, what brings you here this time?" Siegler asked.

  Over the phone, Hardy didn't explain the purpose of his visit to Siegler, mainly to avoid leaking information, only saying that he had important matters to discuss.

  Hardy placed the briefcase on the table, gently unfastening the clasp, revealing the banknotes inside.

  "Mr. Siegler, this is $90,000. A few days ago, I completed a deal, and this is the portion to be turned over."

  Siegler calculated in his mind.

  They agreed on a 70/30 split, so turning in 90,000 meant Hardy made 300,000. This was definitely a big deal.

  "Oh, tell me about this deal?" Siegler became interested.

  Hardy had no reason to hide from Siegler and told him everything about the matter.

  His underlings got information that the Spanish gang was preparing to expand their drug trade, and they ambushed the Spanish gang's base, counter killing to obtain accurate information, meticulously planned ambushes for several nights, and seized this $300,000 in cash.

  Hardy did not mention the 500 kilograms of drugs.

  Siegler looked at Hardy with admiration, patting Hardy's shoulder heavily. "Well done, Hardy. What you did exceeded my expectations."

  Hardy was silent for a moment, as if gathering courage, he said to Siegler, "Mr. Siegler, I have an idea. Robbery is not a long term solution. To earn money properly, it's best to have a stable and profitable business."

  "What are you thinking?" Siegler asked.

  "I want to take over the Spanish gang's territory. With that territory, I estimate we can earn $1 million or even more annually."

  Siegler looked at Hardy seriously, then suddenly burst into laughter. "Hardy, I like young people with ideas and motivation.

  "Do you know why I chose you in the first place? Because I see in you the determination to take risks, something that Fred lacks."

  "Back then, I handed the territory to him. He managed it for seven or eight years, but the territory remained the same, with no development. The Irish and Spanish continued doing business as usual in their territories."

  "If we wipe out the Irish and Spanish completely, we'll completely unify the underground world of Los Angeles."

  "Hardy, I support you!"

  "If you can eliminate the Spanish gang, I agree to let you form your own gang. You can be the boss, equal to Fred."

  This was the main purpose of Hardy's visit to Las Vegas this time. Originally, he had prepared many arguments, but he didn't expect that he only mentioned it briefly and Siegler agreed, and even agreed to let him form a gang.

  This result far exceeded Hardy's expectations.

  Siegler leaned forward, lowering his voice:

  "After you form the gang, all income won't be recorded in the Austrian gang's accounts. I want 40% of the total income directly handed over to me."

  Although Siegler controlled the entire Austrian gang, his annual income from the gang was only about 10% of the total gang income.

  When building Las Vegas, Siegler could only come up with $1 million.

  If Hardy really controlled the Spanish gang's territory and earned more than a million dollars annually, Siegler's share would far exceed his income from the Austrian gang.

  "Okay, Mr. Siegler." Hardy responded decisively.


  Siegler stood up laughing.

  He was in a very good mood now. Raising a good subordinate today might yield rich results tomorrow.

  "This is your first time in Las Vegas, so enjoy yourself for a couple of days, experience the scenery and wonders of Las Vegas. I believe you'll fall in love with it here," Siegler said with a smile.

  In the evening, Siegler took Hardy to a restaurant and met the woman who captivated Siegler heart, Virginia Hill.

  This woman was beautiful and dazzling, dressed in a perfect evening gown that showed off her figure, her face always carrying a faint hint of pride.

  Perhaps it was this unique aura about her that attracted the mafia boss Siegler.

  After dinner, Siegler took Hardy to a casino.

  "What do you usually like to play?" Siegler asked.

  "I've never been to a casino, oh, except for the last time with the Spanish gang," Hardy replied.

  Siegler shook his head with a smile, "You should experience more things. You'll also be running a casino in the future, so how can you not know the rules of a casino?"

  "Have a good time tonight."

  After exchanging for five thousand chips, Siegler left with Virginia. As they walked out for a while, Virginia glanced back at Hardy and asked softly, "Who is this young man? It looks like you really like him?"

  "He's one of my underlings, but I value him. I think his future is limitless."

  Virginia glanced at Hardy again as he exchanged chips.

  She knew Siegler was a very proud person who rarely praised his subordinates.

  She wondered what extraordinary qualities this young man possessed that made Siegler value him so much.

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