
Why does it hurt?

Rosalind had expected to feel some sort of happiness once she cut off the thing that tied her with Jeames. She was wrong. When she walked out of the dungeon, she felt... nothing.

To be honest, her emotions surprised her. She was certain she did not feel any sadness or happiness. Right now, she could only feel numb. Did that make any sense? She shook her head as she inhaled a long breath.

Then she closed her eyes and welcomed the sun rays against her face. A smile appeared on her face.

"Did you do it?" Belisarius's voice entered her ears.

She immediately looked to her left where the man was. He was standing there, his back against the walls, his arms crossed across his chest.

"How was the aftermath?" she ignored his question. "Were you able to find out what relic the other Kingdoms used to close the other portals?"

"You did not answer my question," Belisarius seemed relentless as he stared at her face, observing her reaction.

"Did what?"

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