
First encounter

Alicia's pov


The bartender frowned but didn't speak a word. He quietly took the glass then placed the new order.

I gazed on a small glass filled with yellowish alcohol in front of me. It somewhat reflect images in my mind that I detest the most, taunting me to devour and put an end to it.

"I never thought I'd wish I was a cup."

A deep and mellow timbre flowed inside my right ear and playfully teased it's nerves. I rolled my eyes and tilted my head to the side to take a peek on where that voice came from.

A young man probably in his teens was smiling at me. His pale and honey like complexion highlights that dark, shoulder-length straight hair and brown eyes that seem to draw my inner being is well blended with that soft tall nose, curved dimples and inviting pink pair of lips.

"Hey, I think you're drooling."

Heat rose up from my back all the way to my ears for being caught red handed and worse, I can't believe I just checked out a guy younger than me by a few years.

I feel like I violated his innocence. I immediately took my sinful eyes off of him before it gets weirder.

"Not that I mind."

My left eyebrow raised. His playful voice reminded me of someone, good memories that are now long gone.

Recalling the past for a brief moment made me feel a bitter taste in my mouth and the need to rinse it off my system pushed me to order for another hard drink.

"That's on me." the long haired stranger said.

I glared daggers at the bartender, shaking my head in disapproval.

"Excuse me. I can pay for my own drink." I huffed.

"I know, but I want to buy you one."

"Well I don't."

I don't know why I'm getting worked up in something trivial as this. Perhaps because this good looking guy is too obvious that it hurts.

I took the farthest corner seat in this empty counter to elude unwanted attention and troublesome chats like this, yet I still got entangled with one.

Fuck. I mentally sighed. I just need to drown my misery and try to forget my problems even just for today.

I probably should leave this place now.

I thought people that go into disco clubs prefer dancing than chatting but I was so wrong.

As I swallowed the last shot of tequila I ordered like water, I placed a rounded up sum of money for my bill and tip above the black, marble counter and left in a hurry.

In a minute or two my four-inch nude stilettos found the exit. I sipped the fresh air outside the two story building and composed my half asleep half drunk self.

However, my past still haunted me just like before I entered the club in this small town.

My hometown.

It's different compared to the main city where we usually stay, except when my boyfriend has some business to attend to, in other parts of the country.

The pollution is non existent and the traffic is bearable even though it's Friday and ten in the evening.

A gentle breeze caught my above knee length textured fit and flare white dress causing it to sway a bit, but since I always wear a silk boy shorts underneath, I didn't even flinch.

Unfortunately, before I could even cross the stoplight I felt something prick the back of my upperarm, causing my knees to wobble and sight darkened.

And to make things harder, the man with a black mask forcefully slid some kind of liquid from a small test tube into my mouth before I lost the view.

"Hey! What going on over there?!"

The last thing I heard was a gunshot.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

First of all I want to thank you for reading this book. I hope you'll enjoy even though this is a bit mature plot. There will be age warnings on some chapters and you can just skip them if you feel uncomfortable on mature stuff.

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