
Close to the Hotel

Brick found the chance to get back seated in the front seat and began discussing the current plan, they soon reached closer to the hotel which was still within the city and no major exits or entrances in and out of the city had to be travelled down.

The drive was not that long to take to reach there but there were some obstructions that had to be avoided or squeezed through along the way.

One final back street was leading towards the place where they had to enter first but they found themselves being blocked.

Brick grit his teeth and said. "We can either back up and take this chance to find another place or we can take the risk to move the obstruction."

There was a single car that had been parked awkwardly as if someone had abandoned it there after encountering an obstruction and swerving to the side a little but had stopped themselves from crashing.

The door was wide open like they had exited to check what was happening outside the car or they wished to see if they harmed anything but had not returned to the safety of the car once they stepped out.

There was no signs of them being wounded around the car but it can be imagined that they may have not gotten far on foot before they were cornered by some zombies.

Homer thought to himself. 'It is open so it is possible to check for a key. If it is able to start then it can be moved right away.'

He then turned towards Brick and said. "Go ahead and try then."

Brick stepped out of the car and pushed the door closed. 'Yes.. of course sir.. make me do everything.'

He was a little annoyed that Homer seemed to only be focussed on his task of driving there and was not really willing to put in efforts to ensure the success of the task.

It was more like he was relying on Brick being there to succeed but if things went badly then he would abandon Brick.

He was a higher rank to Brick and had more direct contact with Shane Reed so Brick could not complain too much about it.

If they argued then it would only cause more sound and would draw in zombies so he silently grit his teeth and swung the axe towards the head of the zombie that followed the car into that narrower street.

Brick turned around and covered most of the ground quickly to reach near the car and looked inside.

He saw the keys hanging near the steering wheel so sighed in relief. 'Phew.'

He jumped in and started the car which had drawn more zombies towards both of the cars then he turned it into reverse and quickly adjusted the car to move out of the way.

He then passed the entrance and switched gears to go forward, turning the steering wheel allowed him to turn into the entrance of the parking lot on a lower floor and he was followed by Homer.

It was a parking lot that allowed entry but those that entered would be given a ticket by someone upon entry marking the time and they would have to go to pay off the time used at the payment area before having it marked so they could be confirmed to be allowed to leave.

There was no obstruction on the entrance but there was a barrier blocking the exit where there would be someone to check the ticket and trigger the barrier to rise up.

They had been able to enter the entrance while there would be many cars that may have been blocked at the exit part of the parking lot.

Zombies followed the two cars from behind and some others had jumped out from where parked cars were so Brick and Homer had to drive through or around them as they made their way through and rose up the ramps to a higher floor.

Upon reaching the third floor, the zombies had grown in numbers even more and Brick signalled for Homer to keep going up.

Once they reached the roof, he stepped out of the car and ran towards Homer's car before opening the back. "Alright, drive to get parked to the side where they will notice you less and keep quiet. I do not have much time so I gotta run."

He ran over towards the edge of the roof that was in front of the ramp then dropped some things along the outer ledge and some noises followed.

It was a similar tactic but was far more useful in terms of effectiveness in killing zombies.

Before the zombies had reached the top of the ramp, he ducked behind a car and started silently moving between some other cars until he was out of their range and path. 'Please work.. come on..'

A serious look was on his face and it soon became joyful as he watched the zombies appearing at the top of the ramp and walking on the roof level towards the source of the noises.

They were obstructed by the railings and walls in their way to get to where the noises came from but that did not stop them and they soon fell over the end once other zombies had pushed from behind.

The excited zombies continued to move forward as they tried to reach their prey and were not fully aware that they were advancing to their deaths.

Zombie after zombie fell down to the hard ground below and did not have any hope of surviving as their heads or other body parts landed first before the rest of their bodies followed them with a great force that caused their heads and other parts to explode and break apart.

The crushing noises of the bones snapping and cracking below could be heard if there were people close enough to it but Brick was much too high up in the parking lot so he only watched as they all stumbled off the edge of the parking lot roof. 'Best zombie kills so far? I think so!'

The noises played on a loop and attracted those that could hear them until they were blown away by a stronger gust of wind and let them fall below.

They broke apart upon coming into contact with the ground and the sounds above had become less until they died down and no zombies remained on the roof or were on the lower floors.

Seeing that there was not that large of a threat around, Brick walked over towards the parked car of Homer and started to prepare what was needed for the trip down the car park and to the hotel. "Put this on first and follow as I do. If you want this to be a success then keep quiet and do as I do without complaining. Do not bring too much that can slow us down or that may create noise. Put your phone on silent and turn off vibrate if it is not already turned off. For the next part… I hope you are not too easily scared and have a strong stomach."

Homer looked confused towards the overalls that had been thrown towards him. "What do you mean?"

Soon he would come to regret asking as he watched Brick kill a zombie on a lower floor and started cutting into its body before wiping the zombie blood on himself then walked towards Homer to do the same to him.

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