
Unease in the Air

As the sun prepares to set for the day and the blue sky turns to a darker shade of pink and purple, a lady in ethereal fabrics, dark colors, and intricate details steps out into her home garden with a watering can in her hand.

She took a deep breath, feeling the cool air on her face. Looking at her garden, the mix of strange but beautiful flowers, herbs of every kind, and fresh vegetables that were ready to be plucked out any time soon, she took slow steps ahead.

She walked among the rows of plants, admiring their beauty and checking on their health, and ran her fingers over the petals and leaves. As she did so, she gazed around her and the neighbors carefully before she knelt down and placed the small pouch she took out from the little pocket of her burgundy flowing skirt on the small hole, which wasn't much visible to one's naked eye.

As the lady continued watering her plants in her home garden, she noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye. She gazed around her neighborhood before she slowly and deliberately stood up, dusting off her skirt as she did so.

Straightening up, she turned her head slightly to catch a glimpse of what had caught her attention. She saw a shadowy figure shrouded in darkness, moving behind the trees at the edge of her garden.

The lady took a deep breath and took all the tools that she had brought into her hands.

"Wait for me in the house," she said to the figure not-so-loudly, and soon after that, the figure disappeared.

The lady took hold of the water can, almost drenching her bell sleeves, and entered her house, acting normal. As she entered her home, she shut the door tight, made sure it was locked, and walked toward the closed curtains. She peeked out of the window, making sure no one was nearby, and when she was sure, she moved through the house.

The interior of her house was just as enchanting and mystical as her garden, with dark colors and intricate details that gave it away just like any other house. She took off her watering can and hung her tools on a hook that was hammered into the wall. She made her way to a locked, small room under her staircase and twirled the key, inserting it. The door to the room opened on its own accord, giving a glimpse of a room filled with herbs, crystals, and other strange objects.

As she stepped into the room, the candles that were placed in various places lit on their own. She walked over to a large wooden table in the center of the room, covered in various objects and strange drawings. There were beautiful carvings on the wooden table that would make a person consider it a type of design. But soon, the lady picked up a small pouch of black crystals and began to sprinkle them all over the carving.

Dark smoke surrounded the room, covering the lady's sight, but it disappeared in seconds, and the carvings lit up green. She closed her eyes and focused on the energy as she chanted some spells under her breath.

A few minutes later, she opened her eyes and saw the dark, shadowy figure standing right across her, bowing its head with respect.

"What brings you here?"

The shadowy figure lifted its head, revealing a pair of hollowed black eyes, one similar to a rogue vampire. "I come to inform you about the attack, my lady," it said in a low, gravelly voice.

The lady nodded and gestured for the figure to continue. "Speak," she said in a calm voice.

The figure hesitated for a moment before finally speaking. "The girl's still alive. We could not take her down, for she wasn't at the cafe."

A large glass vile of purplish-pink liquid clashed and came flying in its direction, colliding with its body. The black, ragged dress on its body burned, bruising its dirty, pale skin. But the figure stood like a statue, bowing its head apologetically.

"Forgive me, my lady. Offending you wasn't our intention," begged the figure, falling onto the floor.

An ugly scowl formed on the lady's face as she gazed at the figure. She started to laugh hysterically as her body contorted and twisted, with bones snapping and muscles stretching. Her skin turned a sickly shade of brown, and her once beautiful hair fell out in clumps, replaced by long and stringy, gray and lifeless, falling in a tangled mess around her hunched shoulders.

As the transformation was completed, the beautiful middle-aged lady was no longer recognizable. Her face twisted into a grotesque mask of wrinkles and warts. Her nose was hooked and pointed, resembling a large, gnarled root. In her place stood a hideous witch, cackling loudly, revealing her crooked yellow teeth that seemed to be almost rotting in her mouth.

She cackled again, her voice like the nails on a chalkboard, scaring the figure on the floor, begging for her mercy. The witch's eyes glowed a menacing red as she raised her hand, muttering incantations.

The figure trembled, fear and horror etched on its face. Suddenly, it was lifted from the ground, suspended in mid-air, as if an invisible force were holding it captive.

"You dare to bring me such news, and then you expect my mercy? You know the consequences of failure," growled the witch, her voice harsh and cold.

The figure stuttered, trying to explain, but the witch wasn't listening. With a wave of her hand, the figure was thrown across the room, crashing into a wall with a thud. The witch approached, her gnarled fingers extended, ready to strike, and the figure begged, but the witch seemed to have no mercy.

With a swift motion, the witch grabbed the figure by the neck, lifting it up to eye level. The figure's eyes bulged as it struggled to breathe.

"Please, my lady, have mercy!" The figure pleaded, but the witch merely laughed, the sound echoing through the room.

"Mercy is not for the weak, my dear. Only the strong survive," the witch sneered, her grip tightening.

The figure's struggles grew weaker until it finally went limp in the witch's grasp. With a flick of her wrist, the witch tossed the lifeless body aside, her eyes scanning the room and she walked toward the crystal ball angrily.

Chanting some spells she saw the magical ball show her the incidents that took place at the café and how it was at the moment.

As she watched, her anger simmered and turned into a cold fury. The girl had evaded her grasp, but the witch was not one to give up so easily. She closed her eyes and focused, her mind racing with possibilities.

Finally, she opened her eyes, and a cruel smile twisted her face. "I will not be defeated by that mere thing," she muttered to herself. "I have powers beyond their understanding."

She cackled once again but stopped as soon as she heard the voice outside her house. She stepped out of the room, ran fastly toward the window, and slid the curtain enough only for her eyes to get a view.

"Mom, I'm home!"

She heard the girl in her neighbor's house call out standing in front the girl's porch. The witch's eyes narrowed as she watched the girl enter her house. "So close yet so far," she muttered under her breath, quickly pulling back the curtain she walked in.

Alicia had forgotten to take the spare key along with her, so she had to call out for her to answer the door. But as if sensing a gaze on her she turned to her right and looked at her neighboring house with a frown.

Alicia shrugged and turned back to the door, calling out again and soon her mother opened the door with a smile. She hugged her mother and entered the house.

"Good evening, Alicia!" greeted her mother, returning her hug, "Your home early today. How was your day?"

"It was alright," Alicia said, taking off her shoes and setting her bag down. Her mind kept nagging her to confess what happened earlier in the morning, but she refused to worry her mother.

As she stood she saw her mother expectantly waiting for something, but she didn't seem to know what it was. "Is there anything you want to tell me, Mother?"

Her mother shook her head, "Uh... dinner will be ready in a little while, so you can go relax for a bit if you'd like."

Alicia nodded and made her way to her room, feeling a sense of unease but not quite sure why. She shook it off and settled onto her bed, taking out her phone to scroll through social media.

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