
Let's go!

"Get up," I heard a voice behind me with the hand of someone familiar touching my shoulder,

"This is no time to sulk,"

I turned to see who it was and it was Yu, it's been a while since we met in the real world.

"What do you want," I said wiping the tears from my eyes,

"You know for someone who died at 17 you sure do have the mind of a ten-year-old,"

He stretched out his hand to help me up from the ground,

Accepting his offer I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up, I don't know how that worked but it happened,

Zoura looked at Yu confused, seeing a man right next to me she recognize but still don't know who it was,

She barked and growled at him,

"You need to head back to team rocket," Yu said to me when he helped me up from the ground,

"Are you crazy??" I asked him,

"If I go back empty-handed then... Chloe will,"

"I know," Yu interrupted,

"But you won't go back empty-handed,"

I looked at Yu with a confused look,

"What do you mean, I know nothing, what can I possibly give to Giovanni that will possibly be worth him sparing Chloe,"

"Tell him, that Zekrom, the Pokemon he's looking for,"

"is at the top of twist mountain."

"Twist mountain?"

"How do you know that?" I asked him.

"It doesn't matter, now go! before your time is up!"

I nodded, and went on ahead, not realizing that Zorua wasn't following me but instead growling at Yu,

Yu looked at Zorua and smiled,

"Hey there old friend,"

He said, kneeling to pat her head,

"Long time no see,"

Zorua stopped being hostile and felt a moment of peace and warmth before Yu disappeared,

"Come on Zorua hurry!" I shouted for my friend when I realized where she was,

Zorua without hesitation followed me and we were off to the team rocket hideout,


"We have them detained," One of the team plasma grunts said.

they were still in the cave and trying to get Kyurem (who was asleep thanks to a move sleep powder), out of the cave.

"Understood," The Team plasma admin nodded and turned N,

"Where's Zekrom now,"

N looked down to his feet and held his shirt with both hands, he couldn't stop the flow of tears, not after betraying his friend like that just to save himself,

"It's sad," He muttered to himself,

"What are you on about prince?" The team plasm admin asked,

"Zekrom is confused and sad," N said a bit louder,

The team plasma grunts looked at each other in confusion.

"It can no longer feel Kyurem's presence, it's worried,"

N started to cry even more,


"Why must we do this??" N cried and cried,


"So, based on what we heard," Brugh stated,

"The team rocket and plasma leaders are heading for the legendary dragons,"

"With team plasma obtaining both Kyurem and Reshiram," Blue added,

The group was in a room with all of the Gym leaders from Unova including the champion,

"I must say these kids are doing better than I expected," Drayden (the man from Castelia) praised,

"Indeed, "Grimsley ( A man with a yellow scarf, fancy-looking clothes, and a weird-looking hairstyle) also pitched in.

"So what is the real issue here?" Clay (A huge man with clothing resembling a sheriff ) asked the room,

"If Alder is here then it has to be important," He said pointing to the champion, a man with fiery red hair and a huge smile, he carried Pokeballs around his neck, no one knows if those are his Pokemon or just decoration,

"Indeed it is," Alder said chuckling, getting up from his seat,

"With the course on how things are going, we need to prepare, this war could happen anywhere, and with Plasma holding two legendary dragons in their possession this won't be good, for team rocket or us,"

"So what do you suppose we do?" Clay said with his arms crossed,

"Only what we can do," Alder answered,

"We need to wait and see what Ayuna's intercom picks up,"

"Well," Blue said again,

"He was talking something about Twist Mountain,"

Alder took a moment and thought about it,

"Ok, we'll head there now, however, the gym leaders and the elite four members will stay behind to guard their cities in case anything happens,"

"Yes sir!"

Alder sighs then smiles,

"Meeting dismissed."

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