
The guy in the white robe

"Zorua you ok?" I looked at my buddy who can barely stand but fighting through it he stood tall and gave me a bark of confidence.

So far she got three pokemon. Four if she has the caterpie on her but I'm not too sure "Zorua use honeclaws!" If I can't beat it with technique I might as well hit harder!

Zorua started to sharpen its claws waiting for an attack.

"Geodude return! Go raticate!" Raticate took to the field.

At least she respects the basic rules of a pokemon battle "Zorua use honeclaws again!" It kept sharpening its claws waiting for the next command.

"Raticate uses revenge!"

The Raticate launched itself to Zorua trying

to attack it.

"Dodge it Zorua!" At this point I was clenching my fists hoping that we would win this.

Zorua dodged the attack "now use copycat!"

Zorua launched itself at the Raticate, hitting it with revenge; the blow sent Raticate back a significant distance before fainting.

"Go Blastoise!" Out came a huge turtle with water cannons on its shell. If this isn't a warfare pokemon I don't know what the hell is!

The Blastoise turned its attention to me, shivers went down my spine as the pokemon reloaded its cannons ready to fire.

"ready to give up yet?" The team grunt asked in a smug tone.

I hope Jeffery and the kid are better off than I am.


Jeffery and the kid were waiting in the same spot for Ayuna to return.

'Is Ayuna ok?' Jeffery thought to himself, beginning to doubt If I'll even make it back.

He looked at the kid he was sleeping in the grass. He was exhausted from what happened.

"oh he's asleep." a voice from afar could've been heard.

Jeffery jumped up and got his pokeball preparing to fight if it was absolutely necessary.

"Calm down, I'm not here to fight." a tall man in a white robe came out of the grass. He had a white mask and white hair. Nothing else could be seen.

"Then what do you want?" Jeffery didn't let his guard down for a second standing in front of the kid in case he tried something.

"I'm just here to have a chat, that's all." The figure is reassuring.

"go on..."

"Well firstly..." He gave Jeffery a cold and deadly stare "Let's make a deal."

"what?" Jeffery was confused: what did he have to offer that it would be necessary to make a deal with him?


"Hydro pump!!" Blastoise sets its cannons and sends a huge gush of highly pressurized water my way.

"COPY CAT!" I screamed my life is on the line again! But I'm gonna get that caterpie back no matter what!

Zorua used hydropump and stopped Blastoise's

but it was a battle in itself with the two hydropumps pushing against each other and for a small pokemon like Zorua this is most likely going to struggle against a heavy weight like blastoise.

The hydropump from blastoise started to overtake Zorua's and soon enough it was at such an alarming rate I had to return Zorua and get out of the way as soon as possible.

When running I tripped over one of the loose rocks but I turned my body in such a way that my back hit a tree.

When I tried to get up I saw Blastoise looming over me "now look who's a hostage." The team grunt looked down on me in a condescending way.

"Blastoise ..use-" The sound of ringing stopped her in the middle of her sentence.

"pullback we got other things to do." a voice from her earpiece could've been heard.

"can't it wait?" she asked kind of irritated.

"It's from the boss!"


She returned blastoise and gave me one final stare before leaving.

"what a relief.." I sighed heavily glad we made it out alive though I didn't get caterpie...


(a few minutes ago)

"so you'll let my friend go if I do this?" Jeffery asked just to make sure he didn't hear wrong.

The figure nodded.

"And you'll give us caterpie back."

The figure nodded

"I trust we can count on you when we need you?" The figure questioned.

Jeffery nodded and they both shook hands and the figure left.

"Hey you two!" I came back tired to see Jeffery sitting on the ground and the kid just sleeping there.

"I couldn't get caterpie... sorry." I looked down to the ground expecting disappointment but all I got in return were praises.

"Don't worry you did your best Ayuna." Jeffery pats me on the back "in fact we found the little guy not too long ago."

"Really where??" I did all that for nothing then?!

"It's not important, let's focus on getting us and this kid out of here."

Hey! Author for pokemon rise here! If you enjoy the story check out my other book on my sister account "My runic system" A high fantasy novel i've released for a while now! I’ve been trying to get into the professional writing system for a while now and ive been mostly focusing on that and other stuff, so sorry for the delays in chapters on POKEMON RISE, my release schedule on “My runic system” will be everyday until 100 chapters just like POKEMON RISE, and as for pokemon rise I'll be doing the once a week schedule as usual! Thank you for reading this far

Theothegiantcreators' thoughts
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