
Medium Form

[ Master, that is not her evolution form ].

'it isn't'.

Orun felt.....relieved by what Oracle had just said. But then, his relieve turned into a question on how she came about her current form if it isn't the one she got after her evolution.

'could it be?'.

Orun remembered something he heard while he was still in the dungeon, what miss dragon told him about a medium form.

He had asked her then why her appearance was not similar to that of a dragon as she claimed herself to be, miss dragon then answered him by telling him about her being in her medium form, a form that dipicted her as an ordinary entity comfortable for conversing with those outside her race, without being portrayed as an entity to fear.

Her form was even more ordinary than Wildria who has three horns on her forehead.

"i realized I could change into this form after my evolution, so I did, to surprise you".

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